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Directory tree of EuroAssembler site
EuroAssembler site map
/Home directory, e.g. or file:///C:/euroasm/.
/euroasm.cssCascading Style Sheet for all EuroAssembler HTML pages.
/euroasm.exeThe main executable file for MS Windows. It should be moved to %PATH% directory at installation time.
/favicon.icoEuroassembler site icon  
/generate.zipAuxilliary files useful in further €ASM developement. Not necessary for ordinary EuroAssembler users.
/\testman.phpTest manager for €ASM developers.
/ file for the text editor PSPad.
/ bulk update scripts for €ASM developers.
/ of external links to resources useful for €ASM developement.
/ of €ASM files and their properties, used to generate HTML.
/index.htmAlphabetical index of EuroAssembler language elements, instructions, macros, options.
/search.phpScript used to find a string in all text files on this site.
/sitemap.htmList of EuroAssembler directories, files and their description.
/download/Download directory of EuroAssembler. Not embedded in distribution.
/download/euroasm.????????.zipPrevious versions ???????? of EuroAssembler. Not embedded in
/download/euroasm.zipThe latest version of EuroAssembler. Not embedded in
/download/index.htmOverview of EuroAssembler versions and history. Not embedded in
/eadoc/EuroAssembler documentation directory.
/eadoc/euroasm.pngEuroAssembler reference card, ready to print on A4 paper.
/eadoc/index.htmDocumentation in the language mutation chosen at installation time.
/eadoc/links.htmExternal references, errata and links to authoritative resources used in €ASM developement.
/eadoc/man_???.htmDocumentation, translated. ??? is three-letter language code.
/eadoc/man_CZE.htmDocumentation, translated to the Czech language.
/easource/EuroAssembler source file directory.
/easource/*.htm€ASM source files.
/easource/chunk.htmChunk of source file .
/easource/coffstub.htm16bit DOS MZ program linked to Windows executables.
/easource/ctx.htmAssembly block context.
/easource/dict.htmLanguage dictionary.
/easource/ea.htmEuroAssembler main object.
/easource/eaopt.htmEUROASM options.
/easource/euroasm.htmThe main EuroAssembler source and linker script.
/easource/exp.htmExpression evaluator.
/easource/ii.htmIntel/AMD machine instructions.
/easource/iia.htmAMD-specific instructions.
/easource/iib.htmIntel FMA instructions.
/easource/iic.htmCyrix-specific instructions.
/easource/iid.htm3DNow! instructions.
/easource/iif.htmFPU instructions.
/easource/iig.htmGeneral-purpose instructions.
/easource/iik.htmAVX512 Kreg instructions.
/easource/iim.htmMMX instructions.
/easource/iip.htmPacked SSE instructions.
/easource/iis.htmSystem instructions.
/easource/iit.htmTSX/RTM instructions.
/easource/iiv.htmAVX instructions.
/easource/iix.htmXOP-encoded AMD instructions.
/easource/iiy.htmAVX-2 instructions.
/easource/iiz.htmAVX-512 instructions.
/easource/index.htmSource overview and signpost of €ASM source files.
/easource/lst.htmAssembly listing.
/easource/mac.htmMacroinstruction handler.
/easource/member.htmMember of structure or library.
/easource/msg.htmEuroAssembler message.
/easource/pass.htmAssembly pass through the source.
/easource/pf.htmOutput program procedures.
/easource/pfbin.htmProgram format BIN.
/easource/pfboot.htmProgram format BOOT.
/easource/pfcoff.htmProgram format COFF.
/easource/pfcom.htmProgram format COM.
/easource/pfdll.htmProgram format DLL.
/easource/pfelf.htmProgram format ELF.
/easource/pfelfso.htmProgram format ELFSO.
/easource/pfelfx.htmProgram format ELFX.
/easource/pflibcof.htmProgram format LIBCOF.
/easource/pflibomf.htmProgram format LIBOMF.
/easource/pfmz.htmProgram format MZ.
/easource/pfomf.htmProgram format OMF.
/easource/pfpe.htmProgram format PE.
/easource/pfrsrc.htmProgram input format RSRC.
/easource/pgm.htmThe assembled module.
/easource/pgmopt.htmPROGRAM options.
/easource/pseudo.htmPseudoinstruction handlers.
/easource/src.htmInput source file.
/easource/syswin.htmOper.system MS Windows calls.
/easource/var.htmPreprocessing %variable.
/eatests/Directory with EuroAssembler test files.
/eatests/index.htmOverview and signpost of €ASM test files.
/eatests/manager.phpProxy script for access to eatests/testman.php on developement site.
/eatests/t????.htm€ASM test files. See TestList for their description.
/forum/Discussion board (phpBB). Not embedded in distribution.
/forum/index.phpBoard category overview. Not embedded in distribution.
/maclib/Libraries of macros, structures and constant symbols includable into €ASM sources.
/maclib/biosapi.htmBIOS API interface
/maclib/bioss.htmBIOS structures + symbols.
/maclib/cpuext.htmExtensions of CPU machine instructions
/maclib/cpuext16.htmExtensions of CPU machine instructions
/maclib/cpuext32.htmExtensions of CPU machine instructions
/maclib/cpuext64.htmExtensions of CPU machine instructions
/maclib/debug.htmNontinteractive debugging
/maclib/dosapi.htmDOS API interface
/maclib/doss.htmDOS structures and symbols.
/maclib/fastcall.htmFastCall Windows 64bit calling-convention macros.
/maclib/index.htmOverview of €ASM macro libraries.
/maclib/linabi.htmLinux 64bit SYSCALL ABI interface.
/maclib/linapi.htmLinux 32bit INT 0x80 API interface.
/maclib/linf32.htmWrappers of 32bit Linux file functions.
/maclib/linf64.htmWrappers of 64bit Linux file functions.
/maclib/lins.htmStruc+symbols for base functions in Linux.
/maclib/linsfile.htmStruc+symbols for file access in LinAPI.
/maclib/memory.htmMemory management macros.
/maclib/sort16.htmData sorting.
/maclib/sort32.htmData sorting.
/maclib/sort64.htmData sorting.
/maclib/status16.htmBoolean flag manipulation.
/maclib/status32.htmBoolean flag manipulation.
/maclib/stdcal16.htmStdCall 16bit calling-convention macros.
/maclib/stdcal32.htmStdCall 32bit calling-convention macros.
/maclib/stdcal64.htmStdCall 64bit calling-convention macros.
/maclib/string16.htmOperations with zero-terminated strings.
/maclib/string32.htmOperations with zero-terminated strings.
/maclib/string64.htmOperations with zero-terminated strings.
/maclib/sysvcall.htmSystem V 64bit calling-convention macros.
/maclib/winabi.htmMacros for core 64bit MS Windows functions.
/maclib/winansi.htmList of MS Windows API functions with ANSI+WIDE variants.
/maclib/winapi.htmMacros for core 32bit MS Windows functions.
/maclib/winf32.htmWrappers of 32bit MS Windows file functions.
/maclib/winf64.htmWrappers of 64bit MS Windows file functions.
/maclib/wins.htmStruc+symbols for base functions in WinAPI.
/maclib/winscon.htmStruc+symbols for console subsystem in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsdlg.htmStruc+symbols for common dialogs in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsfile.htmStruc+symbols for file access in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsgui.htmStruc+symbols for graphic subsystem in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsnet.htmStruc+symbols for networking in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsprn.htmStruc+symbols for printing in WinAPI.
/maclib/winsreg.htmStruc+symbols for registry access in WinAPI.
/maclib/winssec.htmStruc+symbols for security management in WinAPI.
/maclib/winstime.htmStruc+symbols for time functions in WinAPI.
/objlib/Libraries of objects linkable to €ASM sources.
/objlib/easm.icoIcon#1 in resource script euroasm.rc
/objlib/euroasm.icoIcon#2 in resource script euroasm.rc
/objlib/euroasm.iniFactory-default configuration file, built-in to euroasm.exe
/objlib/euroasm.rcResource script which can be compiled to euroasm.res.
/objlib/euroasm.resCompiled resource file used in €ASM tests.
/objlib/euroconv.icoIcon of sample project EuroConv
/objlib/index.htmOverview of linkable object libraries and sample projects.
/objlib/skelet.icoIcon used in resource script skelet.rc
/objlib/skelet.rcResource script used in sample projects skelet32.htm and skelet64.htm.
/objlib/skelet.resCompiled resources used in sample projects skelet32.htm and skelet64.htm.
/objlib/vitsoft.icoIcon#3 in resource script euroasm.rc
/objlib/wait.gifAnimated hourglass .
/objlib/winapi.libMS Windows API import library generated by DLL2LIB.
/probin/Sample projects in BINary format.
/probin/binboot.htmProgram format BIN arranged as boot sector
/probin/bincom.htmProgram format=BIN arranged as DOS executable COM
/probin/boot16.htmBoot sector of floppy disk.
/probin/boottest.htmBoot sector Hello world demo.
/probin/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/probin/kblock.htmDOS driver for locking keyboard during boot
/prodos16/Sample projects for DOS.
/prodos16/com.htmExample of DOS executable COM format
/prodos16/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/prodos16/kbunlock.htmDOS program for unlocking keyboard locked by kblock.sys.
/prodos16/tdosapi.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary dosapi.htm
/prodos16/tmac16.htmTest of functions in macrolibraries cpuext16.htm, sort16.htm
/prodos16/tsrclock.htmDOS TSR program which displays time in text mode.
/prodos16/tsrup.htmDOS TSR program self-installable to upper memory.
/prolin32/Sample 32bit projects for Linux.
/prolin32/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/prolin32/lin32hw.htmHello World program for 32bit Linux
/prolin32/tlinapi.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary linapi.htm
/prolin32/tlinf32.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary linf32.htm
/prolin64/Sample 64bit projects for Linux.
/prolin64/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/prolin64/lin64hw.htmHello World program for 64bit Linux
/prolin64/tlinabi.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary linabi.htm
/prolin64/tlinf64.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary linf64.htm
/prowin32/Sample 32bit projects for MS Windows.
/prowin32/boxdraw.htmWindows console application which converts OEM encoded BOX DRAWING characters 0xB0..0xDF to HTML entities.
/prowin32/cpmix32.htmDemo mixing alphabets from many languages in GUI and CON Window.
/prowin32/dll2ansi.htmProgram which creates the list of exported function with ANSI and WIDE variant.
/prowin32/dll2lib.htmLinker script which creates import libraries from MS Windows DLL.
/prowin32/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/prowin32/locktest.htmDual DOS|Windows console application for testing keyboard Lock indicator status in batch files.
/prowin32/lstview.htmWindow 32bit GUI application for viewing €ASM listing.
/prowin32/skelet32.htmSkeleton of a primitive Windows GUI program with standard menu and status bar.
/prowin32/testman.htmCompiled test manager for €ASM tests.
/prowin32/tmac32.htmTest of functions in macrolibraries cpuext32.htm, sort32.htm
/prowin32/twinapi.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary winapi.htm
/prowin32/twinf32.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary winf32.htm
/prowin64/Sample 64bit projects for MS Windows.
/prowin64/cpmix64.htmDemo mixing alphabets from many languages in GUI and CON Window.
/prowin64/index.htmRedirection to ../objlib/index.htm
/prowin64/lstview4.htmWindow 64bit GUI application for viewing €ASM listing.
/prowin64/skelet64.htmSkeleton of a primitive Windows GUI program with standard menu and status bar.
/prowin64/tmac64.htmTest of functions in macrolibraries cpuext64.htm, sort64.htm
/prowin64/twinabi.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary winabi.htm
/prowin64/twinf64.htmTest of functions in macrolibrary winf64.htm
/version/URL for automatized check of available EuroAssembler version. Not embedded in distribution.
/version/index.htmPlain text file with the current €ASM version. Not embedded in distribution.

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