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This file can be included to program for Windows written in EuroAssembler.

It declares the most often used constant symbols and structures used for
Windows registry functions of MS Windows Application Programming Interface (WinAPI),
as they were derived from header files in [WindowsSDK].

winsreg HEAD
↑ Constants
Encoding of constant symbols used in WinAPI.
; Reserved Key Handles.
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT              = 80000000h
HKEY_CURRENT_USER              = 80000001h
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE             = 80000002h
HKEY_USERS                     = 80000003h
HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA          = 80000004h
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG            = 80000005h
HKEY_DYN_DATA                  = 80000006h

; Predefined Value Types.
REG_NONE                       = 0 ; No value type
REG_SZ                         = 1 ; Unicode nul terminated string
REG_EXPAND_SZ                  = 2 ; Unicode nul terminated string (with environment variable references)
REG_BINARY                     = 3 ; Free form binary
REG_DWORD                      = 4 ; 32-bit number
REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN        = 4 ; 32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)
REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN           = 5 ; 32-bit number
REG_LINK                       = 6 ; Symbolic Link (unicode)
REG_MULTI_SZ                   = 7 ; Multiple Unicode strings
REG_RESOURCE_LIST              = 8 ; Resource list in the resource map
REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR   = 9 ; Resource list in the hardware description

; Predefined standard access types
DELETE                         = 0x00010000
READ_CONTROL                   = 0x00020000
WRITE_DAC                      = 0x00040000
WRITE_OWNER                    = 0x00080000
SYNCHRONIZE                    = 0x00100000
STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL            = 0x001F0000
SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL            = 0x0000FFFF

; Registry Specific Access Rights.
KEY_QUERY_VALUE                = 0x00000001
KEY_SET_VALUE                  = 0x00000002
KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY             = 0x00000004
KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS         = 0x00000008
KEY_NOTIFY                     = 0x00000010
KEY_CREATE_LINK                = 0x00000020
KEY_READ                       = 0x00020019
KEY_EXECUTE                    = 0x00020019
KEY_WRITE                      = 0x00020006
KEY_ALL_ACCESS                 = 0x000F003F

; EditFlags value of a file association PROGID registry key.
FTA_None                       = 0x00000000
FTA_Exclude                    = 0x00000001
FTA_Show                       = 0x00000002
FTA_HasExtension               = 0x00000004
FTA_NoEdit                     = 0x00000008
FTA_NoRemove                   = 0x00000010
FTA_NoNewVerb                  = 0x00000020
FTA_NoEditVerb                 = 0x00000040
FTA_NoRemoveVerb               = 0x00000080
FTA_NoEditDesc                 = 0x00000100
FTA_NoEditIcon                 = 0x00000200
FTA_NoEditDflt                 = 0x00000400
FTA_NoEditVerbCmd              = 0x00000800
FTA_NoEditVerbExe              = 0x00001000
FTA_NoDDE                      = 0x00002000
FTA_NoEditMIME                 = 0x00008000
FTA_OpenIsSafe                 = 0x00010000
FTA_AlwaysUnsafe               = 0x00020000
FTA_NoRecentDocs               = 0x00100000
FTA_SafeForElevation           = 0x00200000
FTA_AlwaysUseDirectInvoke      = 0x00400000

; File System Notification flags

SHCNE_RENAMEITEM               = 0x00000001
SHCNE_CREATE                   = 0x00000002
SHCNE_DELETE                   = 0x00000004
SHCNE_MKDIR                    = 0x00000008
SHCNE_RMDIR                    = 0x00000010
SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED            = 0x00000020
SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED             = 0x00000040
SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED             = 0x00000080
SHCNE_DRIVEADD                 = 0x00000100
SHCNE_NETSHARE                 = 0x00000200
SHCNE_NETUNSHARE               = 0x00000400
SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES               = 0x00000800
SHCNE_UPDATEDIR                = 0x00001000
SHCNE_UPDATEITEM               = 0x00002000
SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT         = 0x00004000
SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE              = 0x00008000
SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI              = 0x00010000
SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER             = 0x00020000
SHCNE_FREESPACE                = 0x00040000
SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT           = 0x04000000
SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED             = 0x08000000
SHCNE_DISKEVENTS               = 0x0002381F
SHCNE_GLOBALEVENTS             = 0x0C0581E0
SHCNE_ALLEVENTS                = 0x7FFFFFFF
SHCNE_INTERRUPT                = 0x80000000
SHCNEE_ORDERCHANGED            = 2 ; pidl2 is the changed folder
SHCNEE_MSI_CHANGE              = 4 ; pidl2 is a SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList
SHCNEE_MSI_UNINSTALL           = 5 ; pidl2 is a SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList

;  uFlags & SHCNF_TYPE is an ID which indicates what dwItem1 and dwItem2 mean
SHCNF_IDLIST                   = 0x0000 ; LPITEMIDLIST
SHCNF_PATHA                    = 0x0001 ; path name
SHCNF_PRINTERA                 = 0x0002 ; printer friendly name
SHCNF_DWORD                    = 0x0003 ; DWORD
SHCNF_PATHW                    = 0x0005 ; path name
SHCNF_PRINTERW                 = 0x0006 ; printer friendly name
SHCNF_TYPE                     = 0x00FF
SHCNF_FLUSH                    = 0x1000
SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT              = 0x2000
 ENDHEAD winsreg

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