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MS Windows x64 Application Binary Interface macros.

This library contains macros for some basic OS interactions: retrieving of command-line arguments, standard I/O, program termination, invocation of 64bit MS Windows Application Binary Interface as specified in [WinABI64].

Programming interface macros represent elegant way of interaction with operating system using only one single statement. Otherwise we would have to push or load appropriate registers with argument values in the right order, store caller-save registers, manually arrange stack alignment, call the imported function and finally restore the stack.

Most macro names in this 64bit library winabi.htm are identical with macros from 32bit library winapi.htm and other API libraries. If you really need to include both libraries in one common source file, definitions of those macros should be forgotten before inclusion of the other library with %DROPMACRO GetArg,GetArgCount,StdInput,StdOutput,TerminateProgram or with %DROPMACRO * in order to prevent warning W2512 Overwriting macro "!1S" previously defined at !2@.

winabi HEAD
       INCLUDEHEAD1 winansi.htm  ; Make sure that %WinANSI is available before WinABI invocation.
↑ WinABI   Function, Argument1, Argument2,,,Lib=, Fastmode=No

Macroinstruction WinABI invokes Function exported from MS Windows 64bit by [WindowsAPI]   in the FastCall calling convention compatible with [WinABI64].

Ambiguous functions, which have both ANSI and WIDE variant, may be specified with or without explicit suffix A or W.
Function may also be provided as a GPR with address of the function (pointer to its thunk in [.idata]).

The macro is similar to FastCall's Invoke with two differences:

  1. If the Function name occurs on the %WinANSI list, it will be suffixed with A or W, depending on current %^UNICODE value.
  2. The Function name will be declared as imported from library Lib=.

WinABI functions require Direction Flag be zero on input and they do not change its value.
64bit Windows functions do not keep the original contents of flags, RCX, RDX, R8..R11,XMM0..XMM5, but when this macro WinABI is invoked with keyword Fastmode=No (default), it preserves all XMML and GP registers except for RAX and XMM0.

According to FastCall convention, arguments are pushed backwards on stack as QWORDs, starting from the last to the fifth. The first four parameters are loaded to RCX, RDX, R8, R9 and not pushed on stack. Nevertheless, room for the first four arguments is always reserved on stack (so called shadow space) even when the invoked function has less than four arguments.
When the Procedure expects argument in floating-point format instead of integer, pointer or immediate, the first four arguments are loaded to XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3 rather than to GPR.
Stack pointer will be OWORD aligned before the CALL instruction is performed.

Invoked procedure does not remove arguments from stack, it terminates with a simple near RET. Epilogue of macro WinABI restores RSP to its original value.

Function is the name of invoked WinAPI procedure imported from system DLL
Function may also be provided in the form of GPR containing the entry address of the function (pointer to its thunk in [.data] section). Import from DLL by ordinal number is not supported.
Arg* can be a SIMD register or anything pushable:It is programmer's responsibility to provide exactly that many arguments as is specified in WinAPI documentation.
Any argument may be suffixed with type specificator #SS or #SD (case insensitive), which signalizes that it represents floating-point value in Scalar Single or Scalar Double precision format, and that it should be therefore passed to the Function in XMM register instead of GPR.
Suffix is not necessary with XMM register (argument passed in XMM is always assumed to contain floating-point number).
Suffix is not necessary when Fastmode=No, because the robust version transfers the first four arguments simultaneously in SIMD and GP registers anyway, no matter if they are float or integer.
Suffix is not necessary in 5th and higher arguments in both modes (they are passed via machine stack regardless of their type).
Lib= is the name of dynamic linked library (quoted or unquoted, always without path) which exports the invoked Function. This keyword may be empty or omitted Fastmode=No is an extended Boolean switch. When it's false or omitted (default), the WinABI macro preserves all registers except for RAX and XMM0 which return the result of Function, similary to other robust macros from EuroAssembler libraries.
Although Microsoft ABI specifies fastcall convention with floating-point parameters %1..%4 delivered in XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3, and with parameters %1..%4 of all other types delivered in RCX, RDX, R8, R9, arguments of WinABI in robust mode (Fastmode=No) may be supplied in those registers too in arbitrary order, for instance WinABI MessageBox,RDX,R8,R8,MB_OK.
Fastmode=Yes is the macro expansion mode where Invoke | WinABI does not preserve caller-save registers and it loads the first four arguments directly to XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3 when they are floating-point values, and to RCX, RDX, R8, R9 in all other cases, so the invokation is faster. Registers RCX, RDX, R8, R9, XMM0..XMM3 cannot be used as macro arguments, because they are being overwritten in prologue. Or they should be only used in the exact ABI-specified order, e.g. WinABI Function, RCX, XMM1, R8, XMM3. Similary, registers RCX, RDX, R8, R9 cannot be used instead of Function name in fast mode. Use other GPR, e.g.
IMPORT WriteConsole,Lib=kernel32.dll
LEA RDI, [WriteConsole]
WinABI Fastmode=Yes, RDI, RBX, Message, SIZE# Message, WrittenChars, 0
RAX, XMM0, RFlags are set as returned from the invoked Function.
RBX,RBP,RSP,RSI,RDI,R12..R15,XMM6..XMM15 are preserved (callee-save registers).
Other XMM and GPR are preserved only if Fastmode=No.
Depends on
Windows functions are documented in [WindowsSDK] and in [WindowsAPI].
Microsoft FastCall convention is described in [WinABI64] and [MSx64Conv].
Expansion of WinABI invokation of the function CreateFile with seven arguments in both modes: WinABI CreateFileA, FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 | | ; Fast Version. |00000000: | WinABI CreateFileA, FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, \ |00000000: | OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0, Fastmode=Yes |00000000:54 + PUSH RSP ; Store original stack pointer value (equilibrum). |00000001:40F6C408 + TEST SPL,1000b ; Test RSP OWORD alignment at run-time. |00000005:7506 + JNZ .WinABI1: |00000007:54 + PUSH RSP ; Store and update 2nd copy of original RSP (equilibrum). |00000008:4883042408 + ADDQ [RSP],8 ; Those two instructions aren't executed if RSP was properly aligned. |0000000D: + .WinABI1: |0000000D:6A00 + PUSHQ 0 ; Push 7th argument. |0000000F:6880000000 + PUSHQ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ; Push 6th argument. |00000014:6A03 + PUSHQ OPEN_EXISTING ; Push 5th argument. |00000016:41B900000000 + MOV R9,0 ; Load 4th argument. |0000001C:41B801000000 + MOV R8,FILE_SHARE_READ ; Load 3rd argument. |00000022:BA00000080 + MOV RDX,GENERIC_READ ; Load 2nd argument. |00000027:488D0D(00000000) + LEA RCX,[FileName] ; Load 1st argument. |0000002E:4883EC20 + SUB RSP,4*8 ; Make room for shadow space in fast mode. RSP is OWORD-aligned. |00000032:E8(00000000) + CALL CreateFileA ; Call the imported function. |00000037:488D642438 + LEA RSP,[RSP+7*8] ; Discard transferred arguments, keep RFlags. |0000003C:5C + POP RSP ; Restore RSP to equilibrum from 1st or 2nd copy. |0000003D: | ; WinABI in fast mode occupies 61 bytes of code. |00000000: | ; Robust version. |00000000: | WinABI CreateFileA, FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, \ |00000000: | OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0, Fastmode=No |00000000:6A00 + PUSHQ 0 ; Push 7th argument. |00000002:6880000000 + PUSHQ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ; Push 6th argument |00000007:6A03 + PUSHQ OPEN_EXISTING ; Push 5th argument |00000009:6A00 + PUSHQ 0 ; Push 4th argument |0000000B:6A01 + PUSHQ FILE_SHARE_READ ; Push 3rd argument |0000000D:6800000080 + PUSHQ GENERIC_READ ; Push 2nd argument |00000012:50 + PUSH RAX ; Alloc 1st argument on stack. |00000013:488D05(00000000) + LEA RAX,[FileName] ; Load 1st argument. |0000001A:48870424 + XCHG RAX,[RSP] ; Transfer the pointer without clobbering RAX. |0000001E:6A07 + PUSHQ 7 ; Push the number of arguments. |00000020:488D05(00000000) + LEA RAX,[CreateFileA] ; Load the function address (pointer to its thunk in [.idata]). |00000027:E805000000 + CALL WinABI@RT ; Call the runtime with function in RAX. |0000002C:488D642440 + LEA RSP,[RSP+8*8] ; Restore stack to equilibrum, preserving RFlags. |00000031: | ; WinABI in robust mode occupies 49 bytes of code (plus 190 bytes of runtime code, once per program).
Macro WinABI can be expanded in one of two modes:

Selection of the mode depends on optimisation criterion:

Examples of a few typical OS invocations and their emitted sizes in bytes:
Example of Windows function invocationNumber
of args
SetArcDirection, [hDC], AD_CLOCKWISE24336
MessageBox, NULL, Text, Caption, MB_OK45347
AngleArc, [hDC], 100, 120, R9, [StartAngle]#SS, XMM14#SS67465
CreateFile, FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, \

Robust variant of WinABI is often shorter, but it emits 190 additional bytes of runtime procedure (only once in a program), so it is profitable when we have more than cca twenty Windows invocations in the program. Robust variant may also spare some push/pops because it doesn't change any scratch registers.

When you want to switch on the Fastmode for all WinABI invokations, you don't have to append ,Fastmode=Yes to every invokation of WinABI or Invoke , if you set preprocessing variable %Fastmode in the beginning of your program: %Fastmode %SETB On.
Stack alignment
Fastcall convention requires that stack-pointer RSP should be OWORD (16 bytes) aligned before the function is called. In fast mode this is provided by pushing RSP once or twice in macro prologue.
Robust mode postpones the actual function call to its runtime procedure Invoke@RT, so the RSP alignment takes place there.
Stack layout of WinABI and Invoke when Fastmode=Yes
WinABI Function, Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4,Arg5,Arg6,Fastmode=Yes ┌────────┐ │OrigRSP │ <──Only present if RSP was OWORD unaligned. ├────────┤ │OrigRSP │ ╞════════╡ <══RSP is OWORD aligned here. │ Arg6 │ ├────────┤ │ Arg5 │ ╞════════╡ ┐ │ undef │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ undef │ ├─Shadow space. ╞════════╡ │ │ undef │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ undef │ │ ╞════════╡ ┘ │ return │ └────────┘
Stack layout of WinABI and Invoke when Fastmode=No
WinABI Function, Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4,Arg5,Arg6,Fastmode=No ┌────────┐ ┐ │ Arg6 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ Arg5 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ Arg4 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ Arg3 │ ├─Frame of Invoke@RT. ├────────┤ │ │ Arg2 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ Arg1 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │NrOfArg │ │ NrOfArg=6 in this example. ├────────┤ ┘ │RET(@RT)│ ├────────┤ ┐ │ RSI │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ RDI │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ R12 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ RCX │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ RDX │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ R8 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ R9 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ R10 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ R11 │ ├─Local stack ├────────┤ │ of Invoke@RT. │ XMM1L │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ XMM2L │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ XMM3L │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ XMM4L │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ XMM5L │ │ ├────────┤ │ ┐ │(align) │ │ ├──────Only present if RSP is OWORD-unaligned. ╞════════╡ ┘ ┘ ─┐ │ Arg6 │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ Arg5 │ │ ╞════════╡ ┐ │ │ Arg4 │ │ │ ├────────┤ │ ├─Frame of Function. │ Arg3 │ │ │ ╞════════╡ ├Shadow │ │ Arg2 │ │ space │ ├────────┤ │ │ │ Arg1 │ │ │ ╞════════╡ ┘ ─┘ <══ RSP is OWORD-aligned here. │RET(API)│ └────────┘
WinABI %MACRO Function, Arg1, Arg2,,, Fastmode=%Fastmode, Lib=
%Fast   %SETB %Fastmode
%Robust %SETB ! %Fast
Fa      %IF %Fast                       ; Align stack in fast mode only.
          PUSH RSP                      ; Store original stack pointer value (equilibrum).
          TEST SPL,1000b                ; Test stack OWORD alignment at run-time.
FaEv      %IF %# & 1b || %# <= 5        ;>If the number of Function arguments is 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,,(even),
            JZ .WinABI%.:               ;   store 2nd copy of equilibrum when RSP is OWORD-unaligned.
          %ELSE FaEv                    ; If the number of arguments is 5,7,9,11,,, (odd),
            JNZ .WinABI%.:              ;   store 2nd copy of equilibrum when RSP is OWORD-aligned.
          %ENDIF FaEv
          PUSH RSP                      ; Store and update 2nd copy of original RSP (equilibrum).
          ADDQ [RSP],8                  ; Those two instructions aren't executed if RSP was properly aligned.
        %ENDIF Fa
%GPR    %SET  RCX,RDX,R8,R9             ; Enumerate registers for transfer of integer|pointer values.
%SIMD   %SET  XMM0,XMM1,XMM2,XMM3       ; Enumerate registers for transfer of floating-point values.
%ArgNr  %SETA %#                        ; Number of macro ordinals, i.e. number of Function arguments + 1.
Arg     %WHILE %ArgNr > 1
%Arg     %SET %*{%ArgNr}                ; Transfer all Function arguments, start with the last one.
%ArgNr   %SETA %ArgNr-1                 ; %ArgNr is now the ordinal Nr of Function argument (,,3,2,1).
%suffix  %SET Q                         ; %suffix of MOV will be Q, SS or SD (MOVQ, MOVSS or MOVSD).
         %IF '%Arg[%&-2..%&-1]'=='#S'   ; If suffix #SS or #SD is present in argument notation,
%suffix    %SET %Arg[%&-1..%&]          ;  let %suffix be SS or SD
%Arg       %SET %Arg[1..%&-3]           ;  and remove it from the argument.
         %ENDIF                         ; %Arg may be GPR,SIMD,imm@abs,ptr@rel,[mem@abs],[mem@rel].
Rb       %IF %ArgNr>4 || %Robust        ; Transfer %Arg via stack.
RbSc       %IF TYPE#(SEGMENT#(%Arg))='N'; %Arg is not relocatable (scalar).
RbScRg       %IF TYPE#(%Arg)='R'        ; It can be GPR,SIMD,imm@abs,[mem@abs].
RbScRgXm       %IF REGTYPE#(%Arg)='X'   ; %Arg is a GP or SIMD register.
                 SUB RSP,8
                 MOV%suffix [RSP],%Arg  ; %Arg is a SIMD register.
               %ELSE RbScRgXm
                 PUSHQ %Arg             ; %Arg is a GP register.
               %ENDIF RbScRgXm
             %ELSE RbScRg               ; %Arg it not a register.
               PUSHQ %Arg               ; %Arg is scalar immediate or [mem], e.g. 1 or [RBP+16].
             %ENDIF RbScRg
           %ELSE RbSc                   ; %Arg is relocatable (vector), e.g. Symbol or [Symbol+RSI].
RbVeM        %IF '%Arg[1]' === '['      ; Argument is passed by value, via a temporary GPR.
               PUSH RAX                 ; Original contents of the borrowed RAX must be kept.
               LEA RAX,%Arg             ; Use relative addressing frame for relocatable %Arg.
               MOV RAX,[RAX]            ; Dereference the argument value.
               XCHG RAX,[RSP]           ; Transfer the value.
             %ELSE RbVeM                ; Relocatable argument is passed by reference, e.g. Symbol.
               PUSH RAX                 ; Original contents of the borrowed RAX must be kept.
               LEA RAX,[%Arg]           ; Use relative addressing frame for relocatable %Arg.
               XCHG RAX,[RSP]           ; Transfer the pointer.
             %ENDIF RbVeM
           %ENDIF RbSc
         %ELSE Rb                       ; Fastmode=Yes and %ArgNr=4,3,2,1. Transfer via registers.
FaSc       %IF TYPE#(SEGMENT#(%Arg))='N'; %Arg is not relocatable (scalar).
FaScRg       %IF TYPE#(%Arg)='R'        ; It can be GPR,SIMD,imm@abs,[mem@abs].
FaScRgXm       %IF REGTYPE#(%Arg)='X'   ; %Arg is a GP or SIMD register.
                 %IF "%SIMD{%ArgNr}" !== "%Arg"  ; %Arg is XMM. Skip when it's already there.
                   MOV%suffix %SIMD{%ArgNr},%Arg ; Copy SIMD %Arg to other SIMD (XMM0..XMM3).
               %ELSE FaScRgXm           ; %Arg is GPR.
                 %IF "%GPR{%ArgNr}" !== "%Arg"   ; Skip when it's already there.
                    MOV %GPR{%ArgNr},%Arg        ; Copy GPR to other GPR (R9,R8,RDX,RCX).
               %ENDIF FaScRgXm
             %ELSE FaScRg               ; %Arg is scalar immediate or [mem], e.g. 1 or [RBP+16].
FaScIm         %IF '%suffix' === 'Q'
                 MOV %GPR{%ArgNr},%Arg  ; %Arg is integer value.
               %ELSE FaScIm
                 MOV%suffix %SIMD{%ArgNr},%Arg ; %Arg is FP value, e g. [RSI].
               %ENDIF FaScIm
             %ENDIF FaScRg
           %ELSE FaSc                   ; %Arg is relocatable (vector), e.g. Symbol or [Symbol+RSI].
FaVeM        %IF '%Arg[1]' === '['      ; Argument is passed by value, via this GPR.
               LEA %GPR{%ArgNr},%Arg
               MOV %GPR{%ArgNr},[%GPR{%ArgNr}] ; Dereference the argument value, transfer the value.
             %ELSE FaVeM                ; Argument is passed by reference, e.g. Symbol.
               LEA %GPR{%ArgNr},[%Arg]  ; Transfer the pointer.
             %ENDIF FaVeM
           %ENDIF FaSc
         %ENDIF Rb
        %ENDWHILE Arg                   ; All arguments are loaded|pushed.
%sfx    %SET                            ; A or W Function suffix. Empty by default.
reg     %IF REGTYPE# %Function = 'Q'    ; Function was specified as 64bit GPR.
          %IF "%Function"=="RCX"||"%Function"=="RDX"||"%Function"=="R8"||"%Function"=="R9"
            %ERROR ID=5956,'%0 function cannot be supplied in scratch register %Function when Fastmode=Yes.'
            %EXITMACRO Invoke
        %ELSE reg                       ; Function was specified by name.
fn        %FOR %WinANSI
found       %IF '%fn' === '%Function'
%sfx          %SETC ('W' & (%^UNICODE)) + ('A' & ~(%^UNICODE))
              %EXITFOR fn               ; No need for further examination of the list.
            %ENDIF found
          %ENDFOR fn                    ; %sfx is now A or W or empty.
          IMPORT %Function%sfx, Lib=%Lib
        %ENDIF reg
Fa      %IF %Fast
          SUB RSP,4*8                   ; Make room for shadow space in fast mode. RSP is OWORD-aligned.
          CALL %Function%sfx            ; Call the function in fast mode.
          %IF %# > 5
            LEA RSP,[RSP+8*(%#-1)]      ; Discard transferred arguments, keep RFlags.
            LEA RSP,[RSP+8*4]           ; Discard transferred arguments, keep RFlags.
          POP RSP                       ; Restore RSP to equilibrum from 1st or 2nd copy.
        %ELSE Fa                        ; Use helper runtime procedure in robust mode.
          PUSHQ %#-1                    ; Push the number of Function arguments.
RbRg      %IF REGTYPE# %Function = 'Q'  ; Function was specified as 64bit GPR.
            %IF '%Function' !== 'RAX'   ; Skip if it's already in RAX.
              MOV RAX,%Function
          %ELSE RbRg
            LEA RAX,[%Function%sfx]     ; RVA of the Function (pointer to its thunk in [.idata]).
          %ENDIF RbRg
          CALL WinABI@RT                ; Arguments+their number are on stack. Function is in RAX.
          LEA RSP,[RSP + 8 * %#]        ; Restore stack to equilibrum, preserving RFlags.
WinABI@RT::PROC1                        ; Macro emits the runtime subroutine, which is expanded only once in program.
            PUSH RSI,RDI,R12            ; Calee-save registers used by Invoke@RT procedure.
            PUSH RCX,RDX,R8,R9,R10,R11  ; Robust version preserves scratch GP registers.
            MOVQ RDX,XMM1
            MOVQ  R8,XMM2
            MOVQ  R9,XMM3
            MOVQ R10,XMM4
            MOVQ R11,XMM5
            PUSH RDX,R8,R9,R10,R11      ; Robust version preserves scratch SIMD registers.
            MOV ECX,[RSP+15*8]          ; Number of Function arguments.
            LEA RSI,[RSP+16*8]          ; Pointer to %Arg1 in Invoke@RT stack frame.
            CMP ECX,4                   ; Number of arguments is 0|1|2|3|4|5|6...
            JAE .AtLeast4:
            MOV CL,4                    ; Number is saturated to 4|4|4|4|4|5|6...
  .AtLeast4:MOV R12,RSP                 ; Save (perhaps unaligned) RSP to callee-preserved register.
            ; Align stack pointer as dictated by ABI specification.
            MOV EDX,ECX                 ; Saturated number of operands (4,5,6,,,).
            SHL EDX,3                   ; RDX bit 3 is set if saturated number of arguments is odd (5,7,9,,).
            XOR EDX,ESP                 ; RDX will be 8 when number of arguments is even and RSP is OWORD unaligned,
            AND EDX,0000_1000b          ;   or when it's odd and RSP is already OWORD aligned. Otherwise RDX=0.
            SUB RSP,RDX                 ; Align RSP to OWORD.
            ; Copy ECX arguments from RSI to the callee's shadow space.
            MOV EDX,ECX
            SHL EDX,3
            SUB RSP,RDX                 ; Alloc Function frame (shadow space + possible other arguments).
            MOV RDI,RSP                 ; RSP is OWORD aligned at this moment.
            REP MOVSQ                   ; Copy all pushed arguments.
            ; Load first four arguments to GP registers.
            MOVQ RCX,[RSP+00]
            MOVQ RDX,[RSP+08]
            MOVQ R8, [RSP+16]
            MOVQ R9, [RSP+24]
            ; Copy first four arguments to SIMD registers (for the case they were floating-point).
            MOVQ XMM0,RCX
            MOVQ XMM1,RDX
            MOVQ XMM2,R8
            MOVQ XMM3,R9
            CALL RAX                    ; Call the Function in robust mode.
            MOV RSP,R12                 ; Discard Function frame plus possible stack-alignment stuff.
            POP R11,R10,R9,R8,RDX
            MOVQ XMM5,R11
            MOVQ XMM4,R10
            MOVQ XMM3,R9
            MOVQ XMM2,R8
            MOVQ XMM1,RDX               ; Restore SIMD scratch registers.
            POP R11,R10,R9,R8,RDX,RCX   ; Restore GP scratch registers.
            POP R12,RDI,RSI             ; Restore used callee-save registers.
           ENDP1 WinABI@RT::
        %ENDIF  Fa
↑ GetArg   ArgNumber, Unicode=%^UNICODE

Macro GetArg retrieves ArgNumber-th parameter provided on command line.
Parameters on the command line may be separated with unquoted white spaces or commas. Single apostrophe cannot be used as quote.
Macro returnes the executable name itself when ArgNumber is 0. It is taken verbatim from the console window or, if launched from Explorer, it may be expanded to a full pathname.

The returned argument is not zero terminated and it is not writable. Make a copy in local memory if you need to modify it. Quotes surrounding the argument are returned, too.

Value of EUROASM UNICODE= option specifies whether the returned string will be ANSI or WIDE.

ArgNumber (64bit register or memory or immediate number) is ordinal number of the required parameter. The 0-th parameter is the executable file name itself.
Unicode=%^UNICODE is Boolean keyword specifying if the returned string should be ANSI or WIDE.
RSI is pointer to the first character of argument,
RCX is the size of argument in bytes.
CF=1 if odd number of quotes or if requested argument was not provided.
Depends on
GetArg 1 ; Assume that our program should specify a filename. JC .BadArgument: ; Report error if no file was provided. StripQuotes RSI,RCX ; Get rid of quotes if they were used. MOV RDI,InputFileName$ ; Room for the filename. REP MOVSB ; Copy the filename. SUB AL,AL STOSB ; Zero terminate the string.
GetArg %MACRO ArgNumber, Unicode=%^UNICODE
          PUSHQ %ArgNumber
AorW      %IF %Unicode
             CALL GetArgWin64W@RT   ; WIDE variant.
GetArgWin64W@RT:: PROC1
    WinABI GetCommandLineW, Fastmode=Yes
    MOV RSI,RAX      ; RSI = parser pointer.
    MOV RDI,RAX      ; RDI = end of current Arg.
    MOV R8,RAX       ; R8  = begin of current Arg.
    XOR ECX,ECX      ; RCX = current Arg ordinal.
    MOV R10,[RSP+72] ; R10 = requested Arg ordinal.
    MOV [RSP+40],RCX ; %ReturnRSI.
    CMP  R10,RCX     ; Requested ordinal is -1 when GetArg is invoked from GetArgCount.
    ADC  R10,0       ; Correction for the 0-th string on cmd-line.
    JZ .90:           ; If GetCommandLine returned FALSE.
    LEA RDX,[RDI-2]   ; RDX = end of command line.
    XOR ECX,ECX       ; RCX = current Arg ordinal.
.10:MOV RDI,RSI       ; RDI = brutto end of current argument.
    CMP RCX,R10
    JAE .50:          ; Jump if requested ordinal was just found.
    JNB .50:          ; If no more arguments available.
    CMP AX,' '
    JBE .20:
    SUB RSI,2
    MOV R8,RSI       ; R8 is brutto beginning of RCX-th argument.
    JNB .10:
    CMP AX,'"'
    JNE .40:
.35:CMP RSI,RDX      ; Inside quotes look for ending quote.
    JC .90:          ; Syntax error - unpaired quotes.
    CMP AX,'"'
    JNE .35:
    JMP .30:
.40:CMP AX,','
    JE .10:
    CMP AX,' '
    JA .30:
    JNB .10:
    CMP AX,' '
    JNA .45:
    CMP AX,','
    JE .10:
    SUB RSI,2
    JMP .10:
.50:CMP  R10,-1       ; Test if invoked from GetArgCount with ArgNr= -1.
    JNE .60:
    DEC RCX           ; Omit the 0-th argument (the executable itself).
    JMP .90:
.60:CMP RCX,R10
    MOV RCX,0
    JNE .90:          ; Return with CF and RCX=0 when the requested Arg is not provided.
    MOV RSI,R8        ; Brutto RCX-th argument found at RSI..RDI. Trim spaces and commas.
    JNB .75:
    CMP AX,' '
    JBE .65:
    CMP AX,','
    JE .65:
    SUB RSI,2
.70:SUB RDI,2
    MOV AX,[RDI]
    CMP AX,' '
    JBE .70:
    CMP AX,','
    JE .70:
    ADD RDI,2         ; Netto argument is now at RSI..RDI.
.75 MOV [RSP+40],RSI  ; %ReturnRSI.
    JC .80:
    RET 1*8
  ENDP1 GetArgWin64W@RT
     %ELSE AorW
       CALL GetArgWin64A@RT
GetArgWin64A@RT:: PROC1 ; Stdcalled with %Param1=ArgNumber.
    WinABI GetCommandLineA, Fastmode=Yes
    MOV RSI,RAX      ; RSI = parser pointer.
    MOV RDI,RAX      ; RDI = end of current Arg.
    MOV R8,RAX       ; R8  = begin of current Arg.
    XOR ECX,ECX      ; RCX = current Arg ordinal.
    MOV R10,[RSP+72] ; R10 = requested Arg ordinal.
    MOV [RSP+40],RCX ; %ReturnRSI.
    CMP R10,RCX      ; Requested ordinal is -1 when GetArg is invoked from GetArgCount.
    ADC R10,0        ; Correction for the 0-th string on cmd-line.
    JZ .90:           ; If GetCommandLine returned FALSE.
    LEA RDX,[RDI-1]   ; RDX = end of command line.
    XOR ECX,ECX       ; RCX = current Arg ordinal.
.10:MOV RDI,RSI       ; RDI = brutto end of current argument.
    CMP RCX,R10
    JAE .50:          ; Jump if requested ordinal was just found.
    JNB .50:          ; If no more arguments available.
    CMP AL,' '
    JBE .20:
    MOV R8,RSI        ; R8 is brutto beginning of RCX-th argument.
    JNB .10:
    CMP AL,'"'
    JNE .40:
.35:CMP RSI,RDX       ; Inside quotes look for ending quote.
    JC .90:           ; Syntax error - unpaired quotes.
    CMP AL,'"'
    JNE .35:
    JMP .30:
.40:CMP AL,','
    JE .10:
    CMP AL,' '
    JA .30:
    JNB .10:
    CMP AL,' '
    JNA .45:
    CMP AL,','
    JE .10:
    JMP .10:
.50:CMP R10,-1        ; Test if invoked from GetArgCount with ArgNr= -1.
    JNE .60:
    DEC RCX           ; Omit the 0-th argument (the executable itself).
    JMP .90:
.60:CMP RCX,R10
    MOV RCX,0
    JNE .90:          ; Return with CF and RCX=0 when the requested Arg is not provided.
    MOV RSI,R8        ; Brutto RCX-th argument found at RSI..RDI. Trim spaces and commas.
    JNB .75:
    CMP AL,' '
    JBE .65:
    CMP AL,','
    JE .65:
    MOV AL,[RDI]
    CMP AL,' '
    JBE .70:
    CMP AL,','
    JE .70:
    INC RDI           ; Netto argument is now at RSI..RDI.
.75 MOV [RSP+40],RSI  ; %ReturnRSI.
    JC .80:
    RET 8
  ENDP1 GetArgWin64A@RT
     %ENDIF AorW
↑ GetArgCount
counts arguments provided on the command line of the executed program. Arguments may be separated with unquoted spaces or commas. Multiple white spaces are treated like a single space. Comma-separated empty arguments are counted, too. Single apostrophe cannot be used as a quote.
is taken from the command line which launched the program.
RCX=number of arguments on the command line which launched the program.
CF=1 if odd number of quotes detected.
Depends on
All examples of the command lines below will return RCX=4.
Program.exe arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 Program.exe arg1,arg2, ,arg4 Program.exe , , , , , Program.exe arg1, "arg2,arg2" arg3 arg4
GetArgCount %MACRO
       GetArg -1, Unicode=%^UNICODE
     %ENDMACRO GetArgCount
↑ StdOutput String1, String2,,, Size=-1, Handle=-11, Eol=No, Console=No, Unicode=%^UNICODE

Macro StdOutput writes one or more concatenated strings to the standard output or to other equipment specified with the Handle identifier.

Strings are either zero-terminated, or the keyword Size= must specify its size in bytes. The terminating NUL character is never written.

If keyword Eol=Yes, macro writes CR+LF after all strings.

One of four possible runtime subprocedures is selected to emit, depending on the chosen ANSI/WIDE and File/Console options.
String* is pointer to ANSI or WIDE string.
Size=-1 is the maximal possible string size in bytes. If its left to -1 (default), the strings must be zero-terminated. This parameter applies to all ordinal operads.
Handle=-11 is the Windows standard handle identifier. Possible output values are defined in winscon.htm: Eol=No. If Yes, two additional characters CR and LF will be written on output after all strings have been written.
Console=No (or Yes) is boolean specification whether the macro should use WinABI function WriteFile or WriteConsole.

Output of WriteFile (default) is redirectable, but it writes WIDE string as is; in OEM console are the UTF-16 encoded characters displayed as interlaced.
Output produced by WriteConsole (when Console=Yes) cannot be redirected by command-line operator > but it accepts WIDE Unicode strings and displays the text in TrueType console properly, including non-English characters.

When you want to use the Console (nondefault) mode in all StdOutput and StdInput invokations, you don't have to append ,Console=Yes to every invokation of StdOutput and StdInput if you set preprocessing %variable in the beginning of your program: %StdConsole %SETB Yes.

Unicode= %^UNICODE is boolean specification whether the Strings are in WIDE (UTF-16) encoding. By default (if omitted) it copies the global option EUROASM Unicode=.
CF=1 if not all characters were written or if Handle was invalid.
Depends on
StdOutput Message, Eol=Yes StdOutput Eol=Yes ; Write new line (CR+LF) only. StdOutput ="Error writing to file ",FileName, Handle=STD_ERROR_HANDLE
StdOutput %MACRO  String1,String2,,,Size=-1, Handle=-11, Eol=No, Console=%StdConsole, Unicode=%^UNICODE
      IMPORT WriteFile,WriteConsoleA,WriteConsoleW
C     %IF %Console
U       %IF %Unicode
          %StdOutputFlags %SETA 2 + 1
        %ELSE U
          %StdOutputFlags %SETA 2 + 0
        %ENDIF U
      %ELSE C
W       %IF %Unicode
          %StdOutputFlags %SETA 0 + 1
        %ELSE W
          %StdOutputFlags %SETA 0 + 0
        %ENDIF W
      %ENDIF C
ArgNr %FOR 1..%#, STEP=1 ; Call the runtime for each String.
        PUSHQ %StdOutputFlags
S       %IF TYPE#(SEGMENT# %1) = 'N' ; String is specified as a scalar, e.g. RSI.
          PUSHQ %1
        %ELSE S          ; String is specified as a symbolic address, e.g. Msg or ="Msg".
          PUSH RAX
          LEA RAX,[%1]
          XCHG RAX,[RSP]
        %ENDIF S
        PUSHQ %Size, %Handle
        CALL StdOutputWin64@RT
        %SHIFT 1         ; The next string to output.
      %ENDFOR ArgNr
Eol   %IF %Eol
U       %IF %Unicode
          PUSHQ %StdOutputFlags + 4, 0, 4, %Handle
        %ELSE U
          PUSHQ %StdOutputFlags + 4, 0, 2, %Handle
        %ENDIF U
        CALL StdOutputWin64@RT
      %ENDIF Eol
StdOutputWin64@RT:: PROC1 ; Invoked in stdcall convention with parameters Handle,Size,Addr,Flags.
        PUSHQ RAX,RCX,RDX,RDI,R8,R9,R10,R11,0,0
         %StdOutputWritten %SET RSP+0   ; QWORD memory for characters-written number.
         %StdOutputEol$    %SET RSP+8   ; Local string CR+LF.
         %StdOutputHandle  %SET RSP+88
         %StdOutputSize    %SET RSP+96
         %StdOutputString  %SET RSP+104
         %StdOutputFlags   %SET RSP+112
         MOV RCX,[%StdOutputHandle]
         WinABI GetStdHandle,RCX,Fastmode=Yes
         CMP RAX,-1
         JZ .90:  ; Abort with CF when INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1).
         MOV R8,RAX        ; StdOutput handle.
         MOV RCX,[%StdOutputSize]
         MOV RDI,[%StdOutputString]
         MOV RDX,[%StdOutputFlags] ; Bits 0=Unicode, 1=Console, 2=Eol.
         MOV R11,WriteFile::
         TEST DL,2         ; Select File or Console mode.
         JZ .10:
         MOV R11,WriteConsoleA::
         TEST DL,1         ; Select ANSI or WIDE variant.
         JZ .10:
         MOV R11,WriteConsoleW::
     .10:TEST DL,4         ; Test if the string should be Eol.
         JZ .20:
         LEA RDI,[%StdOutputEol$] ; EOL is requested instead of string.
         MOVD [RDI],0x000A_000D ; WIDE EOL.
         TEST DL,1
         JNZ .20:
         MOVW [RDI],0x0A0D ; ANSI EOL.
     .20:XOR EAX,EAX       ; RDI,RCX is ASCIIZ string.
         MOV R10,RDI
         TEST DL,1         ; ASCII | WIDE.
         JZ .40:
         SHR ECX,1         ; Convert size to length in characters.
         REPNE SCASW       ; Find the WIDE zero terminator.
         JNE .50:
         SUB RDI,2         ; Omit the zero terminator.
         JMP .50:
     .40:REPNE SCASB       ; Find the ANSI zero terminator.
         JNE .50:
         DEC RDI
     .50:SUB RDI,R10       ; RDI is now the string size in bytes.
         AND DL,3
         XOR DL,3
         JNZ .60:
         SHR EDI,1         ; RDI is now string size in WIDE characters for Console.
         MOV RDX,RSP
     .60:MOV RCX,R8        ; File/Console handle.
         MOV R9,RSP        ; Characters-written variable.
         MOV R8,RDI        ; String length in characters.
         MOV RDX,R10       ; Pointer to string.
         WinABI R11,RCX,RDX,R8,R9,RAX,Fastmode=Yes
         CMP [%StdOutputWritten],RDI ; Set CF if not all characters were written.
        RET 4*8
      ENDP1 StdOutputWin64@RT::
 %ENDMACRO StdOutput
↑ StdInput Buffer, Size=, Handle=-10, Console=No, Unicode=%^UNICODE

Macro StdInput reads a line of text terminated with CR from standard input device (usually the keyboard) specified by the Handle identifier.

Buffer is offset of memory where the input string will be stored. It can be a GPR, too.
Size= is the Buffer size in bytes. If omitted (default), macro will use SIZE# attribute of the Buffer.
Handle=-10 is the Windows standard input handle identifier. Possible input values are defined in winscon.htm: Console=No (or Yes) is boolean specification whether the macro should use WinABI function ReadFile or ReadConsole.
Unicode=%^UNICODE is boolean specification whether the characters read from console should be in WIDE (UTF-16) encoding. It is ignored when Console=No.
Input of ReadFile (default) is redirectable, but it does not distinguish WIDE or ANSI characters. ReadConsole mode can only be used with a console input buffer handle (no redirection by command-line operators < or | is working) but it interprets WIDE characters properly.
CF=0, RCX=number of bytes read.
CF=1, RCX=0.
StdInput %MACRO Buffer, Size=, Handle=-10, Console=No, Unicode=%^UNICODE
    IMPORT ReadFile,ReadConsoleW,ReadConsoleA
C   %IF %Console
U     %IF %Unicode
        %StdInputFlags %SETA 2 + 1
      %ELSE U
        %StdInputFlags %SETA 2 + 0
    %ELSE C        ; ReadFile variant. Ignores Unicode.
W     %IF %Unicode
        %StdInputFlags %SETA 0 + 1
      %ELSE W
        %StdInputFlags %SETA 0 + 0
      %ENDIF W
    %ENDIF C
    PUSHQ %StdInputFlags
B   %IF TYPE#(SEGMENT# %Buffer) = 'N' ; Buffer is specified as a scalar, e.g. RSI.
       PUSHQ %Buffer
    %ELSE B          ; Buffer is specified as a symbolic address, e.g. Answer or [Answer+RDI].
M     %IF '%Buffer[1]' === '['
        PUSH RAX
        LEA RAX,%Buffer
        MOV RAX,[RAX]
        XCHG RAX,[RSP]
      %ELSE M
        PUSH RAX
        LEA RAX,[%Buffer]
        XCHG RAX,[RSP]
      %ENDIF M
    %ENDIF B
S   %IF '%Size' === ''
      PUSHQ SIZE# %Buffer
    %ELSE S
      PUSHQ %Size
    %ENDIF S
    PUSHQ %Handle
    CALL StdInputWin64@RT
StdInputWin64@RT:: PROC1
    PUSHQ RAX,RDX,R8,R9,R10,R11,0
     %ReturnedRCX    %SET RSP+0
     %StdInputHandle %SET RSP+64
     %StdInputSize   %SET RSP+72
     %StdInputBuffer %SET RSP+80
     %StdInputFlags  %SET RSP+88
     MOV RCX,[%StdInputHandle]
     WinABI GetStdHandle,RCX,Fastmode=Yes
     CMP RAX,-1
     JZ .90: ; Abort with CF when INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1).
     MOV RDX,[%StdInputFlags] ; Bits 0=Unicode, 1=Console.
     MOV R8,[%StdInputSize]
     MOV R11,ReadFile
     TEST DL,2
     JZ .20:
 .10:MOV R11,ReadConsoleA
     TEST DL,1
     JZ .20:
     MOV R11,ReadConsoleW
     SHR R8,1
 .20:CMP DL,3
     MOV RDX,[%StdInputBuffer]
     MOV R9,RSP    ; %ReturnedECX.
     PUSHFQ        ; Remember in ZF if Unicode&&Console.
      WinABI R11,RCX,RDX,R8,R9,0,Fastmode=Yes
     JNE .90:
     SALQ [RSP],1  ; Convert read character to bytes when Unicode&&Console.
.90:POPQ RCX,R11,R10,R9,R8,RDX,RAX
    RET 4*8
   ENDP1 StdInputWin64@RT::
↑ TerminateProgram Errorlevel=0
This macro provides exit from the running process and the return to the operating system.
It also specifies the Errorlevel (plain number) which can be used to inform the batch script which launched the program whether the program terminated normally or due to some error condition.
Errorlevel= is the return code of the terminating program.
Beside the keyword Errorlevel=, this value may also be specified as an ordinal operand.
When this argument is omitted, it defaults to 0.
is not applicable.
TerminateProgram Errorlevel=[WorstErrLevel] ; Keyword value (from memory). TerminateProgram 8 ; Ordinal value.
TerminateProgram %MACRO Errorlevel=0
     %IF %#=1 ; If ordinal provided.
       MOV RCX,%1
     %ELSE    ; If keyword provided.
       MOV RCX,%Errorlevel
     SUB RSP,4*8
     IMPORT ExitProcess, Lib="kernel32.dll"
     JMP ExitProcess
   %ENDMACRO TerminateProgram
   ENDHEAD winabi

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