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Projects & Objects

EuroAssembler is shipped with a few linkable resource and object files, source code samples and skeletons listed in the table below.

Sample linkable files and projects
objlibLibraries of objects linkable to €ASM sources.
objlib/easm.ico Icon#1 in resource script euroasm.rc
objlib/euroasm.ico Icon#2 in resource script euroasm.rc
objlib/euroasm.ini Factory-default configuration file, built-in to euroasm.exe
objlib/euroasm.rc Resource script which can be compiled to euroasm.res.
objlib/euroasm.res Compiled resource file used in €ASM tests.
objlib/euroconv.ico Icon of sample project EuroConv
objlib/skelet.ico Icon used in resource script skelet.rc
objlib/skelet.rc Resource script used in sample projects skelet32.htm and skelet64.htm.
objlib/skelet.res Compiled resources used in sample projects skelet32.htm and skelet64.htm.
objlib/vitsoft.ico Icon#3 in resource script euroasm.rc
objlib/wait.gif Animated hourglass .
objlib/winapi.lib MS Windows API import library generated by DLL2LIB.
probinSample projects in BINary format.
probin/binboot.htm Program format BIN arranged as boot sector
probin/bincom.htm Program format=BIN arranged as DOS executable COM
probin/boot16.htm Boot sector of floppy disk.
probin/boottest.htm Boot sector Hello world demo.
probin/kblock.htm DOS driver for locking keyboard during boot
prodos16Sample projects for DOS.
prodos16/com.htm Example of DOS executable COM format
prodos16/kbunlock.htm DOS program for unlocking keyboard locked by kblock.sys.
prodos16/tdosapi.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary dosapi.htm
prodos16/tmac16.htm Test of functions in macrolibraries cpuext16.htm, sort16.htm
prodos16/tsrclock.htm DOS TSR program which displays time in text mode.
prodos16/tsrup.htm DOS TSR program self-installable to upper memory.
prolin32Sample 32bit projects for Linux.
prolin32/lin32hw.htm Hello World program for 32bit Linux
prolin32/tlinapi.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary linapi.htm
prolin32/tlinf32.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary linf32.htm
prolin64Sample 64bit projects for Linux.
prolin64/lin64hw.htm Hello World program for 64bit Linux
prolin64/tlinabi.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary linabi.htm
prolin64/tlinf64.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary linf64.htm
prowin32Sample 32bit projects for MS Windows.
prowin32/boxdraw.htm Windows console application which converts OEM encoded BOX DRAWING characters 0xB0..0xDF to HTML entities.
prowin32/cpmix32.htm Demo mixing alphabets from many languages in GUI and CON Window.
prowin32/dll2ansi.htm Program which creates the list of exported function with ANSI and WIDE variant.
prowin32/dll2lib.htm Linker script which creates import libraries from MS Windows DLL.
prowin32/locktest.htm Dual DOS|Windows console application for testing keyboard Lock indicator status in batch files.
prowin32/lstview.htm Window 32bit GUI application for viewing €ASM listing.
prowin32/skelet32.htm Skeleton of a primitive Windows GUI program with standard menu and status bar.
prowin32/testman.htm Compiled test manager for €ASM tests.
prowin32/tmac32.htm Test of functions in macrolibraries cpuext32.htm, sort32.htm
prowin32/twinapi.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary winapi.htm
prowin32/twinf32.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary winf32.htm
prowin64Sample 64bit projects for MS Windows.
prowin64/cpmix64.htm Demo mixing alphabets from many languages in GUI and CON Window.
prowin64/lstview4.htm Window 64bit GUI application for viewing €ASM listing.
prowin64/skelet64.htm Skeleton of a primitive Windows GUI program with standard menu and status bar.
prowin64/tmac64.htm Test of functions in macrolibraries cpuext64.htm, sort64.htm
prowin64/twinabi.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary winabi.htm
prowin64/twinf64.htm Test of functions in macrolibrary winf64.htm
For the quick start with EuroAssembler
  1. choose the platform and format (I recommend 32bit PE Windows Console for beginners),
  2. change to the corresponding project directory (prowin32),
  3. select some skeleton sample program (for instance cpmix32.htm or twinapi.htm),
  4. copy it under a new name, e.g. copy twinapi.htm My1st.htm,
  5. assemble and link this program (euroasm My1st.htm),
  6. execute My1st.exe,
  7. if it works, don't hesitate to modify My1st.htm and repeat steps 5 and 6.

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