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Skeleton is a sample program for MS Windows which uses Graphic User Interface (GUI) and Windows resources (menu and icon).

It displays a white window with standard menu on the top and simple status bar on the bottom.

Program can be assembled in ANSI or WIDE (UNICODE) version, which is selected by EUROASM UNICODE= option in the Header . No other intervention in source text is required, because all strings are defined with unspecified character width, and all system calls are managed by macro WinABI, which automatically selects ANSI or WIDE version.

MS Windows 64bits.
Import-library build
If you don't have the import library ..\objlib\winapi.lib yet,
compile in prowin32 subdirectory with command euroasm dll2lib.htm.
Resource build
If you have changed resource script source , generate the script ..\objlib\skelet.rc with command euroasm skelet64.htm in directory ..\prowin64\,
then use 3rd party resource compiler and compile the script ..\objlib\skelet.rc
to the module ..\objlib\skelet.res with command rc.exe skelet.rc in directory ..\objlib\.
Assemble the project in ..\prowin64\ directory with command euroasm skelet64.htm.
             EUROASM UNICODE=Enabled     ; This option selects ANSI or WIDE version.
             EUROASM CPU=X64,SIMD=Yes,DumpWidth=32
             INCLUDE "winsgui.htm"       ; This file defines the constant WM_APP.
%IconResName %SET SkeletIcon
%MenuResName %SET SkeletMenu
%MenuIdExit  %SETA WM_APP + 1
%MenuIdHelp  %SETA WM_APP + 2
%MenuIdAbout %SETA WM_APP + 3
%StatusBarId %SETA WM_APP + 9
skelet64     PROGRAM Format=PE, Subsystem=GUI, Width=64, Entry=WinMain
               INCLUDE winabi.htm, wins.htm, winsgui.htm, fastcall.htm, \
                       cpuext.htm, cpuext64.htm
               LINK winapi.lib, skelet.res

Resources of this project are defined here in the form of text file skelet.rc created by an embedded program block named skelet.

The resource script skelet.rc will be created in subdirectory ..\objlib\ and it has to be compiled to ..\objlib\skelet.res by an external resource compiler (EuroAssembler cannot compile resources).

Resource script may be written in ANSI or UNICODE encoding (OEM or WIDE), because Microsoft Resource Compiler rc.exe available in [WindowsSDK]   treats both variants equally.

skelet PROGRAM Format=BIN, OutFile="..\objlib\skelet.rc"
D ' /* Resource definition for skeleton programs        ',13,10
D '     which are shipped with EuroAssembler. */        ',13,10
D '%IconResName ICON "..\objlib\skelet.ico"             ',13,10
D '%MenuResName MENU                                    ',13,10
D '              BEGIN                                  ',13,10
D '                POPUP "&File"                        ',13,10
D '                BEGIN                                ',13,10
D '                  MENUITEM "E&xit  [Esc]",%MenuIdExit',13,10
D '                END                                  ',13,10
D '                POPUP "&Help"                        ',13,10
D '                BEGIN                                ',13,10
D '                  MENUITEM "&Help  [F1]",%MenuIdHelp ',13,10
D '                  MENUITEM "&About [F2]",%MenuIdAbout',13,10
D '                END                                  ',13,10
D '               END                                   ',13,10
       ENDPROGRAM skelet

This is the main program entry procedure which represents the target executable skelet64.exe.

Invoked by
MS Windows loader.
InfoText   D "Skeleton of Windows program written in EuroAssembler."
           DU 0 ; This NUL character works both for ANSI and WIDE variants.
HelpText   D "Press [F1] to show this help.",13,10, \
             "Press [F2] to show information about this program.",13,10, \
             "Press [Esc] to quit the program.",0
  %Char %SET ANSI
AboutText  D "This %Char %^WIDTH[]bit program %^PROGRAM.exe was created",13,10, \
             "by EuroAssembler ver.%^VERSION %^EUROASMOS",13,10, \
             "on %^DATE[7..8].%^DATE[5..6].%^DATE[1..4] %^TIME[1..2]:%^TIME[3..4] UTC.",0
StatusInfo D "Status bar displays information about menu items.",0
Msg        D MSG                  ; Window message.
WinMain PROC                      ; Program entry point.
     Clear SEGMENT#[.bss],Size=SIZE#[.bss] ; Make sure to start with zeroed memory of uninitialized reserved data.
     CALL WndCreate               ; Initialize the program window.
     WinABI GetMessage, Msg,0,0,0
     JZ .MsgQuit:                 ; ZF signalizes message WM_QUIT - request for program termination.
     WinABI TranslateMessage, Msg ; Remap character keys from national keyboards.
     WinABI DispatchMessage,  Msg ; Let Windows call our WndProc.
     JMP .MsgLoop:                ; Wait for another message.
     TerminateProgram Errorlevel=[Msg.wParam]
WndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
This is a callback procedure which receives and handles messages for the program window. Message parameters are by FastCall convention provided in registers RCX, RDX, R8, R9, we'll save them to shadow space with macro SaveToShadow . Thanks to this their contents will be available by formal names ( [%hWnd], [%uMsg], [%wParam], [%lParam]), too, in the entire WndProc body.

Messages obtained from Windows are dispatched by WndProc to their handlers.
Unhandled messages are passed to DefWindowProc.

Handler input
RCX=[%hWnd] is the main window handle (the same as static [hWindow] obtained by WndCreate).
RDX=[%uMsg] is message identifier,
R8=[%wParam] is message w-parameter,
R9=[%lParam] is message l-parameter.
Handler output
RAX=0 if the message was completely processed by the handler. Otherwise the message is processed by WinAPI DefWindowProc and RAX outputs its return value.
Scratch registers RCX,RDX,R8..R11 may be destroyed in the handlers.
Callee-save registers RBX,RSI,RDI,R12..R15 must be restored, if used in the handlers. This provides macro Uses.
Invoked by
WinAPI DispatchMessage.
PaintStruct  DS PAINTSTRUCT ; Structured variable used in painting.
hDC          D QWORD        ; Handle of device context used in painting.
WndProc Procedure hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ; These parameters are provided in RCX,RDX,R8,R9.
    Uses RBX,RSI,RDI ; It's only necessary if some of callee-save registers was used in this fastcalled procedure.
    ; Fork message uMsg=RDX to its handler using macro Dispatch:
.Def:WinABI DefWindowProc,[%hWnd],[%uMsg],[%wParam],[%lParam]  ; Pass ignored event to DefWindowProc with unchanged arguments.
     JMP .Ret:  ; Go to EndProcedure with result value RAX as returned from DefWindowProc.
     ; All message handlers terminate with a jump to label .Def: or .Ret0:.
.WM_CREATE: ; The main window is being created.
     WinABI SendMessage,[hStatusBar],SB_SIMPLE,1,0  ; Tell the status bar to be simple.
     WinABI SendMessage,[hWindow],WM_MENUSELECT,0,0 ; Initialize status bar with StatusInfo.
     JMP .Ret0:
.WM_PAINT:  ; Window needs to repaint its contents.
     WinABI BeginPaint,[hWindow],PaintStruct
     MOV [hDC],RAX
     WinABI TextOut,RAX,30,30,InfoText,SIZE# (InfoText) << %^UNICODE ; TextOutW expects text size in characters.>>
                                    ; That's why the size in bytes is right-shifted by 1 when %^UNICODE is -1.
     WinABI EndPaint,[hWindow],PaintStruct
     JMP .Ret0:
.WM_COMMAND:   ; User selected menu item identified by R8=wParam.
     Dispatch R8, %MenuIdExit, %MenuIdHelp, %MenuIdAbout
     JMP .Def: ; Pass unhandled items to WinAPI DefWindowProc.
.WM_KEYDOWN:   ; Non-character hot key R8=wParam was pressed.
     Dispatch R8, VK_ESCAPE, VK_F1, VK_F2
     JMP .Def: ; Pass ignored keys to WinAPI DefWindowProc.
.%MenuIdExit:  ; Menu Exit selected.
.VK_ESCAPE:    ; Esc pressed.
     WinABI SendMessage,RCX,WM_DESTROY,0,0
     JMP .Ret0:
.%MenuIdHelp:  ; Menu Help selected.
.VK_F1:        ; F1 pressed.
     WinABI MessageBox,RCX,HelpText,WndClassName,MB_ICONINFORMATION
     JMP .Ret0:
.%MenuIdAbout: ; Menu About selected.
.VK_F2:        ; F2 pressed.
     WinABI MessageBox,RCX,AboutText,WndClassName,MB_ICONINFORMATION
     JMP .Ret0:
.WM_MENUSELECT: ; User unrolled a menu item. Show online help in status bar.
MenuStatus PROC ; Namespace MenuStatus is used to avoid collision in %MenuId* labels.
     AND R8,0x0000_FFFF  ; Menu identifier is in the low word of wParam.
     Dispatch R8,%MenuIdExit,%MenuIdHelp,%MenuIdAbout
     MOV R10,StatusInfo ; Use neutral StatusInfo help text for undispatched menu items.
 .ShowStatus:WinABI SendMessage,[hStatusBar],SB_SETTEXT,SB_SIMPLEID,R10
     JMP WndProc.Ret0:
 .%MenuIdExit: MOV R10,="Terminate program."
               JMP .ShowStatus:
 .%MenuIdHelp: MOV R10,="Show help information."
               JMP .ShowStatus:
 .%MenuIdAbout:MOV R10,="Show information about this program."
               JMP .ShowStatus:
 ENDP MenuStatus
.WM_DESTROY: ; Program terminates.
     WinABI PostQuitMessage,0     ; Tell Windows to quit this program with errorlevel 0.
    ; JMP .Ret0:
.Ret:EndProcedure WndProc
Program skelet64.exe uses one graphical window. Procedure WndCreate constructs the window class and window object.
Called by
WinMain (private calling convention).
WndClassName D "SKELET",0
WndClassEx   DS WNDCLASSEX ; Definition of the window class structure.
hWindow      D QWORD       ; Handle of the window object.
hStatusBar   D QWORD       ; Handle of the status bar.
WndCreate PROC
    ; Register class SKELET for the main window.
    MOV [WndClassEx.cbSize],SIZE# WNDCLASSEX
    MOV [WndClassEx.lpszClassName],WndClassName
    MOV [WndClassEx.lpfnWndProc],WndProc
    WinABI GetModuleHandle,0
    MOV [WndClassEx.hInstance],RAX
    MOV RDX,="%IconResName"           ; Icon name used in resources.
    WinABI LoadIcon,RAX,RDX           ; Load icon handle from resources.
    MOV [WndClassEx.hIcon],RAX
    WinABI LoadCursor,0,IDC_HAND      ; Load cursor handle from stock.
    MOV [WndClassEx.hCursor],RAX
    WinABI GetStockObject,WHITE_BRUSH ; Default window background colour.
    MOV [WndClassEx.hbrBackground],RAX
    MOV [WndClassEx.lpszMenuName], ="%MenuResName" ; Menu name used in resources.
    WinABI RegisterClassEx, WndClassEx
    ; Define the main window.
    WinABI CreateWindowEx, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,                        \
           WndClassName, WndClassName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,         \
           0, 0, [WndClassEx.hInstance], 0
    MOV [hWindow],RAX
    ; Define status bar as the child of the main window.
    WinABI CreateStatusWindow,WS_CHILD+WS_BORDER+WS_VISIBLE, \
           StatusInfo, [hWindow], %StatusBarId
    MOV [hStatusBar],RAX
    WinABI ShowWindow, [hWindow], SW_SHOWNORMAL
    WinABI UpdateWindow, [hWindow]
   ENDP WndCreate
   ENDPROGRAM skelet64

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