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Object PASS represents one pass through the assembled program. The PASS structure is allocated on Pgm.Pool in PgmCreateProgram. The object is initialized in PassCreate and destroyed in PassDestroy .

Pass has its own memory pool.

INCLUDEHEAD "euroasm.htm" ; Interface (structures, symbols and macros) of other modules.
INCLUDEHEAD  \  ; Include headers of another modules used in this module.
ea.htm,      \
eaopt.htm,   \
exp.htm,     \
mac.htm,     \
msg.htm,     \
pgm.htm,     \
pgmopt.htm,  \
sss.htm,     \
sym.htm,     \
syswin.htm,  \
var.htm,     \
pass HEAD ; Start of module interface.
Information concerning an assembler pass is kept in this structure.
.Pool        D D ; Memory pool for objects with pass-lifetime.
.VarList     D D ; Ptr to LIST structure which contains VAR objects with the name and value of %variables.
.MacList     D D ; Ptr to LIST structure which contains DICT objects with macro name and LinePtr.
.ExpansionNr D D ; Initialized to 0 in PassCreate, incremented by CtxExpansionNrUpdate.
  ENDHEAD pass ; End of module interface.                       7
↑ PassCreate PgmPtr
PassCreate initializes Pass object with empty VarList and MacList, resets ExpansionNr.
It also resets symDefInPass and sets symFixed for all symbols.
It also resets sssDefinedInPass and sssUsed for all sections, segments, structures (except for [PSP]).
It also resets the contents of SSS.EmitBuffer but leaves SSS.Top (virtual section size) unchanged.
PassCreate is invoked when pseudoinstruction PROGRAM is handled at the start of each pass.
PgmPtr pointer to Pgm object which must have allocated room for PASS object and stored its pointer to Pgm.PassPtr.
PgmPtr.PassPtr initialized.
Invoked by
PassCreate Procedure PgmPtr
     MOV ECX,[%PgmPtr]
     MOV EAX,'0310'                         ; I0310 Assembling source pass !1D. EAX=0x30313330
     JSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmEnvelope,.10:
     MOV EAX,'0510'                         ; I0510 Assembling program pass !1D. EAX=0x30313530
.10: JNSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmFixingPass,.20:
     ADD EAX,0x00010000                     ; Change MsgId to I0320 or I0520.
.20: JNSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmLastPass,.30:
     ADD EAX,0x00020000                     ; Change MsgId to I0330 or I0530.
.30: Msg EAX,[ECX+PGM.PassNr]               ; Report information about the start of pass..
     RstSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmPassInit
     MOV EBX,[ECX+PGM.PassPtr]
     LEA ESI,[ECX+PGM.Eaopt]
     MOV EAX,Ea.Eaopt::
     CopyTo EAX,ESI,Size=SIZE#EAOPT         ; Reinitialize EUROASM options from snapshot taken at the beginning of program.
     PoolCreate Size=%EaPoolSize, ErrorHandler=EaMallocError::
     MOV [EBX+PASS.Pool],EAX                ; Create the pass memory pool.
     MOV [EBX+PASS.ExpansionNr],EAX         ; Reset expansion number.
     ListCreate EDX, SIZE#VAR
     MOV [EBX+PASS.VarList],EAX
     ListCreate EDX, SIZE#MAC
     MOV [EBX+PASS.MacList],EAX
     MOV EAX,[ECX+PGM.SssList]              ; Enumerate SSS objects and reset sssDefinedInPass
     TEST EAX                               ;   and sssUsed in sections and segments.
     JZ .50:
     ListGetFirst EAX
     JZ .50:
.40: RstSt [EAX+SSS.Status],sssDefinedInPass
     JSt [EAX+SSS.Status],sssGroup|sssStructure|sssImagePrefix,.45:
     RstSt [EAX+SSS.Status],sssUsed
     BufferClear [EAX+SSS.EmitBuffer]
     JNSt [EAX+SSS.Purpose],sssPurposeCODE,.45:
     JSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmPassInit,.45:
     SetSt [ECX+PGM.Status],pgmPassInit
.45: ListGetNext EAX
     JNZ .40:                               ; The next segment or section.
.50: MOV EAX,[ECX+PGM.SymList]
     JZ .80:
     ListGetFirst EAX                       ; Reset Status:symDefInPass
     JZ .80:                                ;    and set symFixed for all symbols.
.60: RstSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symDefInPass
     SetSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symFixed
     ListGetNext EAX
     JNZ .60:                               ; The next symbol.
.80: MOVD [ECX+PGM.CurrentSect],0           ; Reset the current section at the start of each pass.
.90:EndProcedure PassCreate
↑ PassDestroy PgmPtr
PassDestroy ends the assembly of a program pass. Pass.Pool is destroyed but the Pass object itself is not freed and may be reused for the next pass.
PassDestroy removes unused implicit segments. Then it resolves scope of defined global symbols to public and undefined global to external. If the external symbol does not have an external pseudosegment attached, it will be created here.
PassDestroy is invoked from PseudoENDPROGRAM at the end of each pass (when ENDPROGRAM is encounterred).
PgmPtr pointer to PGM structure of a program, whose Pass terminates.
Current pass of the program is destroyed.
Errors are reported with macro Msg.
SssCheckDirty SssCreateExtern
Invoked by
Tested by
PassDestroy Procedure PgmPtr
BaseSect LocalVar Size=SIZE#SSS
    MOV EBX,[%PgmPtr]
    StackPop [Src.EaoptStack::]                  ; Check if the [Src.EaoptStack] is balanced inside PROGRAM..ENDPROGRAM.
    Msg cc=NC,'3811'                             ; Unbalanced option stack. EUROASM POP missing.
    JNSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmLastPass,.25:       ; Remove unused implicit segments and their symSe in the final pass.
.10:ListGetFirst [EBX+PGM.SssList]
    JZ .40:
.15:MOV ECX,[EAX+SSS.Status]
    JNSt ECX,sssSegment|sssGroup,.20:
    JNSt ECX,sssImplicit,.20:
    Invoke SssCheckDirty::,EAX,EBX
    JC .20:                                      ; Skip when segment|group EAX is dirty (something was emitted to it)
    MOV EDX,[EAX+SSS.SymPtr]                     ;  or when its associated symbol was used.
    JSt [EDX+SYM.Status],symUsed,.20:
    ListRemove [EBX+PGM.SymList],[EAX+SSS.SymPtr]; Remove segment's associated symSe.
    ListRemove [EBX+PGM.SssList],EAX             ; Remove unused implicit segment.
    JMP .10:                                     ; Start from the 1st object again, because the list was modified.
.20:ListGetNext EAX                              ; The next segment.
    JNZ .15:
.25:XOR EDX,EDX                                  ; Reset origin of each section to the bottom, i. e. to the offset 0 at asm-time.
    ListGetFirst [EBX+PGM.SssList]
.30:JNSt [EAX+SSS.Status],sssSection,.35:
    MOV [EAX+SSS.OrgLow],EDX
    MOV [EAX+SSS.OrgHigh],EDX
.35:ListGetNext EAX
    JNZ .30:
.40:ListGetFirst [EBX+PGM.SymList]               ; Update scope of global symbols.
    JZ .60:
.45:JNSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symGlobal|symGlobalRef, .55:
    JSt  [EAX+SYM.Status],symDefInPass,.50:      ; If the symbol EAX was defined, its scope will be symPublic.
    SetSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symExtern             ; Global symbol was not defined in pass, it will be external or imported or forwarded.
    RstSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symEstimated
    MOV [EAX+SYM.OffsetLow],EDX
    Invoke SssCreateExtern::,EAX,EBX             ; Create external pseudosegment if it didn't exist yet.
    JMPS .55:
.50:SetSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symPublic             ; Global symbol was defined, it will be published.
.55:ListGetNext EAX                              ; The next symbol.
    JNZ .45:
.60:MOV ESI,[EBX+PGM.PassPtr]                    ; Clear the PASS object.
.70:PoolDestroy [ESI+PASS.Pool]                  ; The pass which ends right now. PASS.VarList and PASS.MacList are deallocated.
    Msg cc=C,'2575','Pass',EDX                   ; Deallocation of virtual memory !1C.Pool !2Hh failed.
.80:Clear ESI,Size=SIZE# PASS                    ; Erase object PASS including its lists.
.90:EndProcedure PassDestroy
↑ PassInspect PgmPtr
PassInspect decides if more passes are necessary. It will increment Pgm.PassNr and set flag Pgm.Status:pgmLastPass or :pgmFixingPass.
PgmPtr Pointer to the current program.
CF=0 if the last pass just ended.
CF=1 when the next pass is necessary (not all symbols are fixed).
Errors are reported with macro Msg.
Invoked by
Tested by
PassInspect Procedure PgmPtr
    MOV EBX,[%PgmPtr]
    JSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmLastPass, .90: ; If the final pass has just ended, return CF=0, no more passes needed.
    JNSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmFixingPass, .10:
    RstSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmFixingPass   ; Last but one pass has just ended. Prepare for the final pass.
    JMP .Final:
.10:MOV EAX,[EBX+PGM.PassNr]
    CMP EAX,[EBX+PGM.Pgmopt.MaxPasses]
    JNB .Fixing:                           ; MaxPasses approached, so this pass must be fixing
.20:; An ordinary pass is ending. If all symbols are fixed, goto .Final.
    ListGetFirst [EBX+PGM.SymList]
    JZ .Final:
.30:JNSt [EAX+SYM.Status],symFixed,.More:  ; If any symbol is unfixed, more passes are needed.
.40:ListGetNext EAX
    JZ .Final:
    JMP .30:                               ; All symbols are fixed. Prepare for the final pass.
.Fixing:                                   ; The fixing (last but one) pass is required.
    SetSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmFixingPass
    JMP .More:
.Final:                                    ; CF=1, the final pass is required.
    SetSt [EBX+PGM.Status],pgmLastPass
.More:INC [EBX+PGM.PassNr]                 ; CF=1, at least one more pass is necessary.
.90:EndProcedure PassInspect

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