This file can be included to program for DOS written in EuroAssembler.
It defines structures and constant symbol names used with Disk Operating System (DOS).
doss HEAD ; Start of interface block includable to other programs.
; Boolean flags used in DRIVER_HEADER.Attribute. drvStdIn = 00000000_00000001b ; Driver is Standard Input device. drvStdOut = 00000000_00000010b ; Driver is Standard Output device. drvNul = 00000000_00000100b ; Driver is NUL device. drvClock = 00000000_00001000b ; Driver is Clock device. drvCon = 00000000_00010000b ; Driver is CON device. drvRemovable = 00001000_00000000b ; Driver supports removable media. drvBusy = 00100000_00000000b ; Driver supports output-until-busy. drvIoCtl = 01000000_00000000b ; Driver supports I/O control. drvCharDevice = 10000000_00000000b ; Driver is character-device. 0 for block-device. ; Constants used in DRIVER_REQUEST.Status. dstDone = 00000001_00000000b ; Command performed. dstBusy = 00000010_00000000b ; Device is busy. dstError = 10000000_00000000b ; Error code in LSB, see below. dstWriteProt = 0 ; Medium is write-protected. dstUnknownUnit = 1 ; Not that much units is supported by the driver. dstNotReady = 2 ; Drive is not ready. dstUnknownCmd = 3 ; Unsupported function was requested. dstDataError = 4 ; Bad data read (CRC check failed). dstBadRequest = 5 ; The driver request structure error. dstSeekError = 6 ; Seek error on disk. dstUnknownMedium = 7 ; Inserted medium of unknown type. dstBlockNotFound = 8 ; Requested block was not found. dstOutOfPaper = 9 ; Printer run out of paper. dstWriteError = 10 ; Error during disk write. dstReadError = 11 ; Error during disk read. dstGeneralFailure = 12 ; General error. dstMediaChanged = 15 ; Medium was changed unexpectedly. ; Constants for file access. fileRead = 0000_0000b ; Open access read only. fileWrite = 0000_0001b ; Open access write only. fileRW = 0000_0010 ; Open access read/write. fileDenyRW = 0001_0000b ; Deny others read/write access. fileDenyW = 0010_0000b ; Deny others write access. fileDenyR = 0011_0000b ; Deny others read access. filePermitAll = 0100_0000b ; Permit full access to all.
DRIVER_HEADER STRUC .NextHeader D D -1 ; Far pointer to the next driver, or -1 if this is the last one. .Attributes D W 0 ; Driver properties encoded in Constants. .Strategy D W ; Offset of strategy routine. .Interrupt D W ; Offset of interrupt routine. .Device D Q ; Zero-padded character device name, or number of block devices as 64bit integer. .Request D 0*D ; Far pointer to the request, saved in the strategy routine. .RequestOfs D W ; .Request can be aliased as .RequestSeg : .RequestOfs. .RequestSeg D W ; Paragraph address of the request. ENDSTRUC DRIVER_HEADER
|0000:17 |.Size D B ; Size of the request in bytes.
|0001:00 |.Unit D B ; Disk number if block-device is requested.
|0002:00 |.Command D B ; Ordinal of requested function.
|0003:0000 |.Status D W ; Returned driver status in DriverEncoding.
|0005:0000000000~|.Reserved05 D 8*B
|000D:00 |.Units D B ; Returned number of initialized units.
|000E:[0000] |.TermOfs D W ; Address of the end of driver resident.
|0010:{0000} |.TermSeg D W
|0012:[0000] |.ArgOfs D W ; Address of the device arguments,
|0014:{0000} |.ArgSeg D W ; as provided in CONFIG.SYS behind DEVICE=
|0016:00 |.FirstUnit D B ; Disk number of 1st unit if block-device (0=A:).
.Type D B ; 'M' for the first and middle block in chain, 'Z' for the last one.
.Owner D W ; Paragraph address of the block owner. 8=owned by DOS, 0=block is free.
.Size D W ; Number of allocated memory paragraphs which follow this MCB.
.Reserved D 3*B ; Not used.
.Name D 8*B ; Owner's name, visible with MEM /C
ENDSTRUC MCB ; SIZE# MCB = 0x10 = 16.
|[FCB] |FCB STRUC |0000:00 |.DriveNr D B 0 ; Disk drive number. 0=current, 1..26=A:..Z:. |0001:2020202020202020|.FileName D 8*B " " ; File name, space-padded. |0009:202020 |.FileExt D 3*B " " ; File extension, space-padded. |000C:0000 |.CurentBlock D W 0 ; Block number, set by OS. Starts at 0. |000E:0000 |.RecSize D W 0 ; Record size. 128 after Open. |0010:00000000 |.FileSize D D 0 ; File size in bytes. |0014:0000 |.FileDate D W 0 ; File last modification date. |0016:0000 |.FileTime D W 0 ; File last modification time. |0018:0000000000000000|.Reserved18 D 8*B 0 ; DOS reserved area. |0020:00 |.CurrentRec D B 0 ; Block-relative record number (0..7Fh). |0021:00000000 |.RandomRec D D 0 ; Block number. |0025: | ENDSTRUC FCB ; SIZE# FCB = 0x25 = 37.
|[PSP] |PSP STRUC |0000:CD20 |.ExitCode D I"INT 0x20" ; Instruction which terminates the program. |0002:FF9F |.MemTop D W 0x9FFF ; Top of allocated memory in paragraphs. |0004:00 |.Reserved04 D B 0 ; Reserved. |0005:9A[0000]{0000}|.DosApiCall D I"CALLF 0:0"; Call to DosAPI dispatcher (CP/M heritage). |000A:00000000 |.OldInt0x22 D D 0 ; Previous termination handler interrupt vector. |000E:00000000 |.OldInt0x23 D D 0 ; Previous Ctrl-Break handler interrupt vector. |0012:00000000 |.OldInt0x24 D D 0 ; Previous critical error handler interrupt vector. |0016:{0000} |.ParentPsp D W ; Parent PSP segment (usually COMMAND.COM) |0018:000000000000~~|.Jft D 10*W ; Job File Table. |002C:{0000} |.EnvSeg D W 0 ; Paragraph address of environment copy for this program. |002E:00000000 |.StackPtr D D ; SS:SP pointer on entry to the last INT 0x21. |0032:1400 |.JftSize D W ; SIZE# JFT. |0034:[0000]{0000} |.JftPtr D D ; Far pointer to JFT. |0038:[0000]{0000} |.PrevPsp D D ; Far pointer to previous PSP, used by SHARE. |003C:00000000 |.Reserved3C D 4*B ; Reserved. |0040:0500 |.DosVersion D W 5 ; MSDOS 5. |0042:000000000000~~|.Reserved42 D 14*B ; Reserved. |0050:CD21CB |.DosApiInt D I"INT 0x21",I"RETF" ; Instruction which calls DosAPI. |0053:0000 |.Reserved53 D 2*B ; Reserved. |0055:00000000000000|.Fcb1Ext D 7*B 0 ; FCB1 extension. |005C:000000000000~~|.Fcb1 D 16*B ; Part of unopened FCB of file %1. |006C:000000000000~~|.Fcb2 D 20*B ; Part of unopened FCB of file %2. |0080: |.DTA D 0*128*B ; Data Transfer Area is by default placed here. |0080:00 |.CmdArgSize D B 0 ; Number of bytes in command-line arguments (0..126). |0081:0D0000000000~~|.CmdArg D 127*B ; Command-line arguments, CR-terminated. |0100: | ENDSTRUC PSP ; SIZE# PSP = 256.
ENDHEAD doss ; End of interface block.