Class EXP describes a parseable expression element, such as number,
string, operator, address, register, which can be used in expression.
The same class also represents evaluated expression.
Interpretation of structure members depends on its type
, which is kept in the least significant byte of EXP.Status
in the form of an uppercase mnemonic letter A,B,D,F,G,M,N,O,P,R,S,#
Element | Example | type | EXP.Seg | EXP.Low | EXP.High | EXP.Sym |
Number | 1234 | 'N' | 0 | number value 1234 | 0 | |
Numeric symbol | NumSym | 'N' | 0 | Value of NumSym | ^SYM2 of NumSym | |
Immediate segment:offset | 0040h:0062h | 'F' | 16bit Segm.value3 0040h |
Offset 0062h | 0 | |
Address | Label: | 'A' | ^SSS1(section) of Label: |
Offset of Label: | ^SYM2 of Label: | |
Current Address | $ | 'A' | ^SSS1(section) of $ |
Offset of $ | 0 | |
Extern symbol | ExtSym:: | 'A' | ^SSS1(ext.pseudosegment) of ExtSym |
0 | ^SYM2 of ExtSym:: | |
Paragraph address | PARA#Label: | 'P' | ^SSS1(group|segment) of Label: |
0 | ^SYM2 of Label: | |
Paragraph address of extern | PARA#ExtSym:: | 'P' | ^SSS1(ext.pseudosegment) of ExtSym |
0 | ^SYM2 of ExtSym:: | |
Untyped Memory | [4*EBX+1234] | 'M' | 0 | Displacement 1234 | 0 | |
Typed Memory | [4*EBX+Sym] | 'M' | ^SSS1(section) of Sym |
Displacement (offset of Sym ) | ^SYM2 of Sym | |
SSS object | [DATA] | 'S' | ^SSS1(group|segment) | 0 | 0 | |
Structure | STRU | 'S' | ^SSS1(structure) of STRU |
0 | 0 | |
String or char.constant | "abcd" | 'G' | 0 | Pointer to the left quote | Brutto4 size 6 | 0 |
Operator | & | 'O' | Handler of &
ExpEval.BitwiseAnd |
DictOperators.Data | Priority 7 | Oper.ordinal 26 |
Attribute operator | SIZE# | 'O' | Handler of SIZE# ExpEval.Size: |
DictOperators.Data | Priority 15 | Oper.ordinal 2 |
Register | EAX | 'R' | 0 | DictRegisters.Data | 0 | 0 |
Data | 2*DWORD STRU.Sym | 'D' | ^SSS1 of STRU or 0 |
Ptr to data value | Evaluated duplicator 2 | ^SYM2 of STRU.Sym |
Error | ESP*4 | '#' | MsgId | contents of !1S | !2O |
EXP.Status for type M (memory operand in [braces] ) |
aassGggg_iiiibbbb_SIBvvddd_Vttttttt ││││││││ ││││││││ ││││││││ │└┴┴┴┴┴┴─t:EXP type: uppercase letter 'M'. ││││││││ ││││││││ ││││││││ └────────V:expVbit4 of vector-index, it completes expIndex (*MM16..31). ││││││││ ││││││││ │││││└┴┴──────────d:expDwidth: disp.width: 0,3,4,5,6,7 = none,zero,8,16,32,64 bits ││││││││ ││││││││ │││└┴─────────────v:expVSIBfam vector-index: 0,1,2,3 = VSIB not used,XMM,YMM,ZMM. ││││││││ ││││││││ ││└───────────────B:expBasePres: base register is present in address expression. ││││││││ ││││││││ │└────────────────I:expIndexPres: index register is present in address expression. ││││││││ ││││││││ └─────────────────S:expScalePres: scale is present in address expression. ││││││││ ││││└┴┴┴───────────────────b:expBase: base register ordinal number, if present. ││││││││ └┴┴┴───────────────────────i:expIndex: index register ordinal number, if present. │││││└┴┴────────────────────────────g:expSegm: segment register ordinal number, if present. ││││└───────────────────────────────G:expSegmPres: segment register is present in address expression. ││└┴────────────────────────────────s:expScale: 0,1,2,3 = 1*,2*,4*,8* if present. └┴──────────────────────────────────a:expAwidth: address width: 0,1,2,3 = unspecified,16,32,64 bits. |
EXP.Status for types F, N, A, P (immediate operand) |
000000pf_0000eeee_$0000ddd_0ttttttt ││ ││││ │ │││ └┴┴┴┴┴┴─t:EXP type: uppercase letter 'F','N','A','P'. ││ ││││ │ └┴┴──────────d:expWidth: number width 3,4,5,6,7 = zero,8,16,32,64 bits ││ ││││ └─────────────────$:expSym$:EXP.Sym refers the symbol $. ││ └┴┴┴───────────────────e:expExtAttr: postponed evaluation of symbol attribute DictEnc 1..9. │└────────────────────────────f:expFar: symbol (type='A') is a procedure defined with DIST=FAR. └─────────────────────────────p:expPara: segment-register value is required (PARA#Symbol). |
EXP.Status for type D (data definition) |
0000G000_0000eeee_dddddddd_0ttttttt │ ││││ ││││││││ └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─t:EXP type: uppercase letter 'D'. │ ││││ └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴──────────d:datatype letter 'B','U','W','D','Q','T','O','Y','Z','S' or 0. │ └┴┴┴───────────────────e:expExtAttr: postponed evaluation of symbol attribute DictEnc 1..9. └───────────────────────────────G:expString: no explicit datatype but the value is a quoted string. |
EXP.Status for types R, G, S, O (register, string, SSS, operator) |
0000G000_00000000_00000000_0ttttttt │ └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─t:EXP type: uppercase letter 'R','G','S','O'. └───────────────────────────────G:expString: the value is a quoted string. |
EXP.Status for type # (evaluation error detected) |
00000000_00000000_cccccccc_0ttttttt ││││││││ └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─t:EXP type: character '#' └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴──────────c:Msg 3rd parameter: unexpected char/reg !3Z/!3R etc. |
EUROASM NOWARN=2101 exp PROGRAM FORMAT=COFF,MODEL=FLAT,WIDTH=32,MaxPasses=32 INCLUDEHEAD "euroasm.htm" ; Interface (structures, symbols and macros) of other modules. INCLUDEHEAD \ ; Include headers of another modules used in this module. chunk.htm, \ dict.htm, \ ea.htm, \ eaopt.htm, \ ii.htm, \ lst.htm, \ member.htm, \ msg.htm, \ pgm.htm, \ pgmopt.htm, \ reloc.htm, \ src.htm, \ sss.htm, \ sym.htm, \ stm.htm, \ syswin.htm, \ ;;
exp HEAD ; Start of module interface.
EXP STRUC .Status D D ; See the table EXPstatus above. .Seg D D ; See the table EXPtype above. .Low D D ; See the table EXPtype above. .High D D ; See the table EXPtype above. .Sym D D ; See the table EXPtype above. ENDSTRUC EXP
expWidth = 0000000700h ; Values under expWidth mask, as returned from procedure ExpWidth.
expWidth0 = 000b ; Displacement not present in address expression. [EBX]
expWidth0B = 011b ; Displacement is present and equals to zero. [EBX+0]
expWidth1B = 100b ; Number in .High:.Low can be encoded in 1 byte. [EBX+127]
expWidth2B = 101b ; Number in .High:.Low can be encoded in 2 bytes. [EBX+32511]
expWidth4B = 110b ; Number in .High:.Low can be encoded in 4 bytes.
expWidth8B = 111b ; Number in .High:.Low can be encoded in 8 bytes.
; Only two least-significant bits of expWidth are used in EXP.Status to encode expOwidth and expAwidth.
expDataType = 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111b ; Uppercase datatype letter, if used in EXP.
expDwidth = 00000000_00000000_00000111_00000000b ; Displacement width. Set by ExpEvaluate.
expVbit4 = 00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000b ; 4.bit of vector indexregister (when *MM16..31 used as VSIB index).
expVSIBfam = 00000000_00000000_00011000_00000000b ; none/XMM/YMM/ZMM is used as indexregister (VSIB addressing).
expBasePres = 00000000_00000000_00100000_00000000b ; Base register is present.
expIndexPres = 00000000_00000000_01000000_00000000b ; Index register is present.
expScalePres = 00000000_00000000_10000000_00000000b ; Scaling is present.
expSym$ = 00000000_00000000_10000000_00000000b ; Refered symbol is $
expBase = 00000000_00001111_00000000_00000000b ; Base register ordinal.
expIndex = 00000000_11110000_00000000_00000000b ; Index register ordinal.
expFar = 00000001_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Expression evaluated as a far procedure.
expPara = 00000010_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Segment-register value is required by relocation.
expSegm = 00000111_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Segment register ordinal.
expSegmPres = 00001000_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Segment register is present. Union bit with expString.
expString = 00001000_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; This data expression is a quoted string without explicit datatype spec.
expScale = 00110000_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Scale value.
expAwidth = 11000000_00000000_00000000_00000000b ; Address width. Set by ExpEvaluate from reg in addr.expression.
expExtAttr = 00000000_00001111_00000000_00000000b ; Postponed evaluation of extern symbol attribute DictEnc 1..9.
;expExtAttr = expBase ; Synchronized with relocExtAttr.
; Character parsing class identifiers:
expSeparator = 0x00 ; Special case.
expEol = 0x01 ; LineFeed.
expWhiteSpace = 0x02 ; Space, Delete, Controls except for LF.
expQuote = 0x04 ; Double quote, Apostrophe.
expOperator = 0x08 ; +-*/\&|^~!<=>#
expDigit = 0x10 ; 0..9
expLetter = 0x20 ; a..z, A..Z, $@_`, 128..255
expColon = 0x40 ; :
expFullstop = 0x80 ; .
; CPU flag symbolic definitions:
flagC = 0x0001
flagP = 0x0004
flagA = 0x0010
flagZ = 0x0040
flagS = 0x0080
flagT = 0x0100
flagI = 0x0200
flagD = 0x0400
flagO = 0x0800
In order to install a new operation in €ASM it must be introduced
- here in
enumeration,- as a subPROC in ExpEval,
- in operators dictionary DictOperators,
- in manual.
%ExpOperationList %SET Membership, \ Void operation, evaluated by parser. Size, Type, RegType, Scope, \ General attribute operations. Offset, Section, Segment, Group, Para, \ Symbol attribute operations. FileSize, FileTime, \ File attribute operations. Minus, Plus, BitwiseNot, LogicalNot, \ Other unary operations. Addition, Subtraction, NumericEqual, Above, Below, \ Binary operations. SignedDivision,Division, SignedModulo, Modulo, \ SignedMultiplication, Multiplication, Scaling, BitwiseAnd,\ BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor, NumericNonEqual, NumericNonEqual2, \ InsensEqual, AboveOrEqual, BelowOrEqual, ShiftLogicalLeft,\ ShiftLogicalRight, Greater, Lower, LogicalAnd, LogicalOr, \ LogicalXor, LowerOrEqual, GreaterOrEqual, \ ShiftArithmeticLeft, ShiftArithmeticRight, InsensNonEqual,\ SensEqual, SensNonEqual, SegmentSeparation %ExpOperationListLength %SETL %ExpOperationList
ExpClassify %MACRO Character MOVZXB EAX,%Character MOV AH,[EAX+ExpClassifySet::] %ENDMACRO ExpClassify
ENDHEAD exp ; End of module interface.
[.data] ExpClassifySet:: ; This 256 byte table defines classification of ASCII characters used in macro ExpClassify. D 10*B expWhiteSpace ; control 0..9 D 1*B expEol ; LineFeed D 22*B expWhiteSpace ; control 11..32 D 1*B expOperator ; ! D 1*B expQuote ; " D 1*B expOperator ; # D 1*B expLetter ; $ D 1*B expSeparator ; % D 1*B expOperator ; & D 1*B expQuote ; ' D 1*B expSeparator ; ( D 1*B expSeparator ; ) D 1*B expOperator ; * D 1*B expOperator ; + D 1*B expSeparator ; , D 1*B expOperator ; - D 1*B expFullstop ; . D 1*B expOperator ; / D 10*B expDigit ; 0..9 D 1*B expColon ; : D 1*B expSeparator ; ; D 1*B expOperator ; < D 1*B expOperator ; = D 1*B expOperator ; > D 1*B expLetter ; ? D 1*B expLetter ; @ D 26*B expLetter ; A..Z D 1*B expSeparator ; [ D 1*B expOperator ; \ D 1*B expSeparator ; ] D 1*B expOperator ; ^ D 1*B expLetter ; _ D 1*B expLetter ; ` D 26*B expLetter ; a..z D 1*B expSeparator ; { D 1*B expOperator ; | D 1*B expSeparator ; } D 1*B expOperator ; ~ D 1*B expWhiteSpace ; Delete D 128*B expLetter ; 128..255 %IF $-ExpClassifySet <> 256 %Error "Wrong ExpClassifySet" %ENDIF [.text]
.ExpAlign Procedure Org, Alignment, Misalignment XOR EDX,EDX ADD EDX,[%Alignment] JZ .20: ; Treat ALIGN 0 as ALIGN 1. .10: BSR ECX,EDX BSF EAX,EDX CMP EAX,ECX ; Check if Alignment is a power of two. JE .30: .20: MOV EDX,1 ; Wrong Alignment value is silently repaired to 1. .30: MOV EDI,[%Org] DEC EDX ; 0,1,3,7,15,31... LEA EAX,[EDI+EDX] NOT EDX ; FF,FE,FC,F8,F0,E0... AND EAX,EDX ADD EAX,[%Misalignment] NEG EDX ; 1,2,4,8,16,32 MOV EBX,EAX SUB EAX,EDX JB .80: SUB EAX,EDI JAE .90: .80: MOV EAX,EBX SUB EAX,EDI .90: MOV [%ReturnECX],EAX EndProcedure ExpAlign
ExpCheckBounds Procedure Min, Max MOV EBX,EDX MOV ECX,EAX MOV EAX,[%Min] CDQ CMP EBX,EDX JL .99: JG .50: ; Check if not lower than Min. CMP ECX,EAX JL .99: .50:MOV EAX,[%Max] CDQ CMP EBX,EDX JG .99: JL .OK: CMP ECX,EAX JG .99: .OK: CMP EAX,EAX ; Set ZF=1. .99:EndProcedure ExpCheckBounds
ExpConvertToNumber Procedure Exp MOV EBX,[%Exp] MOV ECX,[EBX+EXP.Status] CMP CL,'N' JE .90: CMP CL,'G' STC JNE .90: MOV ESI,[EBX+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.High] ADD EDX,ESI Invoke ExpEvalCharConst,ESI,EDX JC .90: MOV [EBX+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [EBX+EXP.High],EDX Invoke ExpWidth SHL ECX,8 MOV CL,'N' MOV [EBX+EXP.Status],ECX .90:EndProcedure ExpConvertToNumber
one, two,,four, ,,
returns 4.
returns 4.
returns 1.
returns 0.ExpCountItems Procedure TxtPtr, TxtSize MOV EDI,[%TxtPtr] MOV ECX,[%TxtSize] SUB EBX,EBX ; Length counter. LEA ESI,[EDI+ECX-1] ; Parsing backward, starting with the last character. STD .10: CMP ESI,EDI JB .90: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expWhiteSpace JNZ .10: CMP AL,',' JE .10: ; Skip superfluous trailing spaces and commas. INC EBX JMP .30: .20: CMP ESI,EDI JB .90: LODSB .30: ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expQuote JZ .50: MOV AH,AL ; In quotes or apostrophes. .40: CMP ESI,EDI JB .90: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .40: JMP .20: .50: CMP AL,',' JNE .20: INC EBX JMP .20: .90: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EBX CLD EndProcedure ExpCountItems
ExpEvalBoolean Procedure ValPtr, ValSize ExpBool LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP ClearLocalVar MOV ESI,[%ValPtr] MOV ECX,[%ValSize] LEA EDI,[%ExpBool] JECXZ .N: ; Empty value returns FALSE. Invoke DictLookup::, DictBoolean::, ESI,ECX ; Accept enumerated boolean constants YES/NO/TRUE/FALSE etc. MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX ; 0 or -1. JNC .N: ; If such constant was used, return FALSE or TRUE. Invoke ExpEval,EDI,ESI,ECX,[Src.CurrentStm::] Invoke ExpReportError,EDI MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.Status] Dispatch AL,'N','G' Msg PgmStatus=pgmLastPass,'7338',EAX ; Boolean value expected instead of type "!1Z". STC JMP .90: .G: MOV ESI,[EDI+EXP.Low] ; Ptr to the string's left quote. MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.High] ; Brutto size of the string. LEA EDX,[ESI+ECX] Invoke ExpParseString, ESI,EDX ; Empty string is evaluated as FALSE. LEA EBX,[EDI+EXP.Low] Msg cc=C,EAX,EBX ; Syntax error in the string !1S. JC .90: TEST EAX ; String netto size is in EAX. Return FALSE or TRUE. JMP .90: .N: MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.Low] OR ECX,[EDI+EXP.High] .90:EndProcedure ExpEvalBoolean
ExpEvalBoolOp1 Procedure StmPtr ExpOp1 LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP MOV EBX,[%StmPtr] BufferRetrieve [EBX+STM.OrdBuffer] TEST ECX JZ .90: ; False. LEA EDI,[%ExpOp1] Invoke ExpEvalBoolean,[ESI+0],[ESI+4] .90:EndProcedure ExpEvalBoolOp1
ExpEvalCharConst Procedure StringPtr, StringEnd SUB EAX,EAX MOV ESI,[%StringPtr] MOV EDX,[%StringEnd] MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX MOV [%ReturnEDX],EAX LODSB CMP AL,'"' JE .10: CMP AL,"'" JE .10: .E6161:MOVD [%ReturnEAX],'6161' STC JMP .90: .10: MOV AH,AL MOV ECX,4 LEA EDI,[%ReturnEAX] .20: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .E6161: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .30: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .80: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .80: ; End of string. .30: STOSB LOOP .20: MOV CL,4 LEA EDI,[%ReturnEDX] .40: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .E6161: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .50: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .80: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .80: ; End of string. .50: STOSB LOOP .40: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .E6161: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .70: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .80: .70: MOVD [%ReturnEAX],'6131' ; String too long. STC JMPS .90: .80: CLC .90:EndProcedure ExpEvalCharConst
In this format duplicator is an expression evaluating to non-negative scalar integer number.
Field datatype is short
datatype name or structure name.
The initializing datavalue can be a string or numeric expression or it may be omitted.
Assembled data are emitted to EmitBuffer, relocations to RelocBuffer.
Default DataType is used when source Data does not specify
explicit datatype, for instance Label DD 1234
. Otherwise parameter DataType is ignored
and the explicit type is used instead, e.g. W in Label DD WORD 1234
. If DataType=0, data value may be a quoted string which will be emitted as BYTE or UNICHAR, depending on
%^UNICODE option.
Even when the datavalue is empty (uninitialized data is being reserved),
byte(s) 0x00 are emitted to EmitBuffer. Any nonempty data value
will set DataStm.Flags:stmtNotBSS
flag. However, when this flag remains reset
after all statement's ordinals have been processed, the data go to BSS segment by default
and the zeroed contents of EmitBuffer will be discarded in this case.
(if exists).
when the data is a quoted string.
ExpEvalData Procedure EmitBuffer, RelocBuffer, DataPtr, DataSize, DataType, DataStm EvDataExp LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP ; Evaluation of Data expression. EvDValExp LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP ; Evaluation of Data value. EvDFP LocalVar Size=12 ; Extended/double/float number value. EvDErr LocalVar Size=8 ; Error parameter !1S. EvDRelOrg LocalVar ; Relative relocation origin. EvDEmitBuf LocalVar ; Temporary emit buffer. EvDRelocBuf LocalVar ; Temporary relocations buffer. EvDReloc LocalVar Size=SIZE#RELOC ; Temporary room for creating relocation. ClearLocalVar Invoke EaBufferReserve::,ExpEvalData MOV [%EvDEmitBuf],EAX Invoke EaBufferReserve::,ExpEvalData MOV [%EvDRelocBuf],EAX XOR EAX,EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX LEA EBX,[%EvDataExp] Invoke ExpParseData,EBX,[%DataPtr],[%DataSize] ; Parse operand of pseudoinstruction D into %EvDataExp. JC .90: ; Abort if error was discovered and reported in ExpParseData. MOV EAX,[EBX+EXP.Status] ; AL='D', AH=explicit datatype or 0. SHR EAX,8 AND EAX,0x0000_00FF ; Get rid of expString, if set. JNZ .20: ADD AL,[%DataType] ; If the type is not specified in operand, use the default DataType from D-suffix. JNZ .20: ; Datatype is still not specified. If the value is "string", datatype will be 'B' or 'U', otherwise E6724. JSt [EBX+EXP.Status],expString,.10: LEA EDX,[%DataPtr] Msg '6724',EDX,PgmStatus=pgmLastPass ; Type of data "!1S" is not specified. STC JMP .90: ; Abort this data operand. .10:MOV AL,'U' JSt [Ea.Eaopt.Status::],eaoptUNICODE,.20: MOV AL,'B' .20:MOV [%DataType],EAX ; Now the input parameter DataType is not zero. MOV ECX,expString AND ECX,[EBX+EXP.Status] OR EAX,ECX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX MOV ESI,[EBX+EXP.Low] ; Pointer to Data value. MOV ECX,[%DataPtr] ; Pointer to source data expression. ADD ECX,[%DataSize] SUB ECX,ESI ; Data value brutto size. StripSpaces ESI,ECX ; Netto data source value. TEST ECX JNZ .40: ; Skip when the data has initialized value. ; Emitting of (perhaps duplicated) uninitialized data. ; Data value is empty, e.g.D 4*W
. It may go to [BSS], [DATA], [STACK] segment, ; in all cases zeroes are emitted to EmitBuffer, thou they might not be emitted in the end. ; No relocations to bother with. MOV ESI,=8*Q(0) ; ^Pseudo "emitted" data. Maximal possible data variable is 64 bytes long. Invoke ExpWidthOfDataType,[%DataType] ; Returns the size of datatype (1..64) in ECX. .30:CMPD [EBX+EXP.High],0 ; Duplicator was evaluated by ExpParseData, it may be zero. JZ .90: ; Emit nothing. DECD [EBX+EXP.High] BufferStore [%EmitBuffer],ESI,ECX ; Store zeroed data value duplicator times. JMP .30: .40: ; Emitting of (perhaps duplicated) initialized data. ESI,ECX is the unevaluated data value. LEA EDX,[%EvDErr] MOV [EDX+0],ESI MOV [EDX+4],ECX ; Prepare parameter !1S for the case of error. LEA EDX,[ESI+ECX] MOV ECX,[%DataStm] JECXZ .50: SetSt [ECX+STM.Flags],stmtNotBSS; There is an initialized static value in data expression. Cannot emit to [BSS]. .50:MOV EAX,[%DataType] CMP AL,'D' ; If AL='D'|'Q'|'T', ESI..EDX might be a FP number. JE .55: CMP AL,'Q' JE .55: CMP AL,'T' JNE .70: .55:MOV EBX,EDX ; Temporary save end of operand to EBX. Invoke ExpParseFP,ESI,EDX,EAX ; Try if its a FP source value, e.g.D 1E6
. LEA EDI,[%EvDFP] ; Assume that FP value returned in CX:EDX:EAX was valid and store it. STOSD MOV EAX,EDX STOSD MOV EAX,ECX STOSD MOV EDX,EBX ; Restore the end of operand to EDX. JC .70: ; Skip if ExpParseFP returned with error (it's not a FP number). PUSHFD POP EDI ; Temporary save Eflags to EDI. CMP ESI,EDX ; Compare parsed FP end with operand end (only one FP value is allowed, no expression). JE .60: ; If the entire data value is a valid FP number. ; Data value is an expression or invalid FP number. CMPB [%DataType],'T' JNE .70: ; If not FP number in DT statement, evaluate the value as an integer expression. Msg '6725' ; Datatype TBYTE expects plain floating-point number. STC JMP .90: ; Abort this operand. .60: ; Data value is a floating-point number. PUSH EDI POPFD ; Restore possible warning flags from EDI. MOV EAX,[%DataType] Msg cc=P,'2211',EAX ; Precision lost in conversion to float type D!1Z. JNO .65: Msg cc=NZ,'2215',EAX ; Overflow in conversion to float type D!1Z. Msg cc=Z,'2216',EAX ; Underflow in conversion to float type D!1Z. .65:Invoke ExpWidthOfDataType,EAX ; Set ECX=FP size 4|8|10 of datatype D|Q|T. LEA ESI,[%EvDFP] ; Computed FP binary value. JMP .80: ; Go to store (duplicated) FP value in ESI,ECX. .70:; Data value ESI..EDX will be evaluated as an integer expression. LEA EBX,[%EvDataExp] MOV ESI,[EBX+EXP.Low] ; Pointer to datavalue, e.g. toSymb+4
. MOV ECX,EDX ; Pointer behind the datavalue. SUB ECX,ESI LEA EDI,[%EvDValExp] Invoke ExpEval,EDI,ESI,ECX,[%DataStm] Msg cc=PE,'2210' ; Precision lost in calculation with FP number rounded to integer. Invoke ExpReportError,EDI JC .90: ; Abort on error in data value. LEA ECX,[%EvDErr] ; Prepare pointer to a wrong type of value for the case of error message (!2S). MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.Status] ; Data value might have been evaluated to integer number, address or string. ; AL=Expression type 'G' or 'A' or 'N' or 'P'. AH=expWidth 3..7 required by the value. ECX=!2S data value. ; EBX=^EXP with whole data expression. EDI=^EXP with evaluated data value. Dispatch AL,'N','A','G','P' ; Anything else is wrong. Msg '6722',EAX,ECX ; Invalid value type !1Z in data expression "!2S". STC JMP .90: ; Abort this operand. ; Dispatched values of type .G:, .A:, .N:, .P: .G: ; Data value was evaluated as a quoted string. It might also be INSTR or char.constant if numeric datatype. MOV EAX,[%DataType] ; AL='I' or 'B' or 'U', otherwise it is a character constant. CMP AL,'B' JNE .G2: .G1:CMPD [EBX+EXP.High],0 ; Duplicator. JZ .90: ; Data value is a byte string, e.g. inDB "string"
orD 2*B "string"
. DECD [EBX+EXP.High] Invoke ExpStoreString,[EDI+EXP.Low],[EDI+EXP.High],[%EmitBuffer],0 JNC .G1: Msg '6160',ECX ; Syntax error in string !1S. JMP .90: .G2:CMP AL,'U' JNE .G4: ; Data value is a unichar string, e.g. inDU "string"
. .G3:CMPD [EBX+EXP.High],0 ; Duplicator. JZ .90: DECD [EBX+EXP.High] Invoke ExpStoreUString,[EDI+EXP.Low],[EDI+EXP.High],[%EmitBuffer] Msg cc=C,'6160',ECX ; Syntax error in string !1S. JC .90: Msg cc=NZ,'3160' ; Invalid UTF-8 character in UNICHAR string. JMP .G3: .G4:CMP AL,'I' JNE .G9: ; Data value is a machine instruction, e.g.DI "RETF"
. MOVD [%EvDRelOrg],0 .G5:CMPD [EBX+EXP.High],0 ; Duplicator. JZ .90: DECD [EBX+EXP.High] BufferClear [%EvDEmitBuf] BufferClear [%EvDRelocBuf] Invoke ExpStoreInstr,[EDI+EXP.Low],[EDI+EXP.High],[%EvDEmitBuf],[%EvDRelocBuf],[%DataStm] JC .90: BufferRetrieve [%EvDEmitBuf] BufferStore [%EmitBuffer],ESI,ECX MOV EDX,ECX ; Emitted data size. BufferRetrieve [%EvDRelocBuf] ; Machine instruction may need many relocations, e.g.D 2*I"PUSH L1,L2,L3"
. ; Origin of each RELOC will be increased by the size of emitted data in EDX. JECXZ .G5: .G6:MOV EAX,[%EvDRelOrg] ADD [ESI+RELOC.OrgLow],EAX ADCD [ESI+RELOC.OrgHigh],0 ADD EAX,EDX BufferStore [%RelocBuffer],ESI,SIZE#RELOC .G7:ADD ESI,SIZE#RELOC SUB ECX,SIZE#RELOC JNZ .G6: ADD [%EvDRelOrg],EDX JMP .G5: ; The next duplication. .G9:; Datatype of string is not explicitly specified as INSTR, BYTE or UNICHAR. ; Therefore it must be a number (character constant), e.g.DW "ab"
. MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.High] ; String brutto size. ADD EAX,[EDI+EXP.Low] ; String offset. Invoke ExpEvalCharConst,[EDI+EXP.Low],EAX Msg cc=C,EAX,ECX ; Wrong character constant !1S. JC .90: MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX ; Char.constant was evaluated to EDX:EAX. MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EDX Invoke ExpWidth MOV DL,CL ; ECX=expWidth 3..7 RstSt [%ReturnEAX],expString JMP .N2: ; Continue with char.constant as if it were a plain number. .P: ; Data value is a paragraph address. ; AL='P'. AH=expWidth 3..7 required by the value. ECX=!1S data value ; EBX=^EXP with whole data expression. EDI=^EXP with evaluated data value. LEA EDX,[%EvDReloc] MOVD [EDX+RELOC.Status], relocPara + relocWidth16 + dictAttrPARA<<16 ; >> MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.Sym] MOV [EDX+RELOC.Symbol],ECX MOV DL,expWidth2B ; relocPara is always 2 bytes. JMP .N2: .A: ; Data value is an address (or external scalar or external address). ; AL='A'. AH=expWidth 3..7 required by the value. ECX=!1S data value ; EBX=^EXP with whole data expression. EDI=^EXP with evaluated data value. MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.Sym] MOV DL,AH TEST ECX JZ .N: ; Numeric (scalar) absolute value. MOV EDX,expExtAttr AND EDX,[EDI+EXP.Status] PUSH EAX MOV EAX,[ECX+SYM.Section] TEST EAX JZ .A2: MOV ECX,[EAX+SSS.SymPtr] ; Replace the target symbol with symSe symbol ECX representing the bottom of its section, .A2: LEA ESI,[%EvDReloc] ; because the offset in section was already emitted in absolute relocation. SetSt [ESI+RELOC.Status],EDX ; Set postponed attribute operation to the relocation. MOV [ESI+RELOC.Symbol],ECX MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.Seg] ; Pointer to the segment of the target, or pointer to the structure. POP EAX MOV DL,AH JECXZ .N: ; IfEXP.Seg
=0, it is a plain number. JSt [ECX+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.N: ; Address of a structure member is always a plain number. ; Data value of this ordinal is a relocatable address. Its section is ECX. JSt [ECX+SSS.Status],sssWidthMask,.A3: ; If symbol's segment width is specified, use it. ; External symbol does not have segment width specified in its extern pseudosegment ECX. ; Therefore assume it will match current segment width. MOV ECX,[%DataStm] JECXZ .A4: MOV ECX,[ECX+STM.Section] JECXZ .A4: .A3:MOV EAX,sssWidthMask AND EAX,[ECX+SSS.Status] ; Width of the current section .A4:XCHG ECX,EAX ; will be copied to ECX. Dispatch ECX,sssWidth16,sssWidth64 ; If segment width still could not be determined (ECX=0), let it default to width=32. .sssWidth32: MOV EAX,relocAbsVA+relocWidth32 JMP .A8: .sssWidth64: MOV EAX,relocAbsVA+relocWidth64 JMP .A8: .sssWidth16: MOV EAX,relocAbsVA+relocWidth16 MOV EDX,relocExtAttr AND EDX,[ESI+RELOC.Status] CMP EDX,dictAttrPARA <<16 ; >> JNE .A8: MOV EAX,relocPara+relocWidth16 .A8: SetSt [ESI+RELOC.Status],EAX ; Although the allocated width specified with [%Datatype] might be enough to accomodate the address when offset is not too high, ; it must exactly match the segment width in AL (16,32,64), so 'W','D','Q' is required. MOV EDX,relocWidthMask AND EDX,EAX SHR EDX,16 ; EDX is now relocation width 16,32,64. SHR EAX,20 ; AL=1|2|4. AND EAX,7 MOV ECX,=B"WD?Q" DEC EAX ; AL=0|1|3. MOV AL,[ECX+EAX] ; AL='W'|'D'|'Q'. CMP AL,[%DataType] Msg cc=NE,PgmStatus=pgmLastPass,'3529',EDX,[%DataType] ; !1Dbit symbol does not match datatype "!2Z". MOV DL,expWidth2B ; 101b=5. CMP AL,'W' JE .N2: INC DL ; expWidth4B=6. CMP AL,'D' JE .N2: INC DL ; expWidth8B=7. JMP .N2: ; Continue anyway. .N: ; Data value was evaluated as a plain number. No relocations. ; AL='N'. AH=expWidth 3..7 required by the value. ECX=!1S data value ; EBX=^EXP with whole data expression. EDI=^EXP with evaluated data value. MOV DL,AH ; expWidth=3..7 required by the number magnitude. .N2:Invoke ExpWidthOfDataType,[%DataType] ; expWidth to EAX, size (1|2|4|8|10|16|32|64) to ECX. CMP CL,10 ; TBYTE|OWORD|YWORD|ZWORD? JNA .N4: Msg '6553',[%DataType] ; !1Zword data cannot be statically initialized. STC JMP .90: .N4:LEA ESI,[EDI+EXP.Low] ; ESI is now ptr to evaluated signed 64bit integer data value. CMP DL,AL ; Compare allocated expWidth (AL) with expWidth required by data (DL). JNA .80: ; Skip the error if it fits. LEA ECX,[%EvDErr] Msg '6729',ECX,[%DataType],PgmStatus=pgmLastPass ; Data value "!1S" is too big for datatype "!2Z". STC JMP .90: .80: ; Initialized binary data value ESI,ECX will be emitted duplication times. %EvDReloc is prepared. LEA EBX,[%EvDataExp] CMPD [EBX+EXP.High],0 ; Duplicator, may be zero. JZ .90: DECD [EBX+EXP.High] BufferStore [%EmitBuffer],ESI,ECX ; Byte, word, dword or qword of initialized integer data. LEA EDX,[%EvDReloc] CMPD [EDX+RELOC.Symbol],0 JZ .80: BufferStore [%RelocBuffer],EDX,SIZE#RELOC ; Data value is not scalar. Relocation is required (duplicator times). ADD [EDX+RELOC.OrgLow],ECX ; PrepareRELOC.Org
for the next duplicated record, if any. ; ADCD [EDX+RELOC.OrgHigh],0 JMP .80: ; The next duplication. .90:PUSHFD Invoke EaBufferRelease::,[%EvDRelocBuf] Invoke EaBufferRelease::,[%EvDEmitBuf] POPFD EndProcedure ExpEvalData
ExpEvalNum Procedure ExpPtr, ExpSize ExpEn LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP MOV ESI,[%ExpPtr] MOV ECX,[%ExpSize] LEA EDI,[%ExpEn] Invoke ExpEval,EDI,ESI,ECX,[Src::+SRC.CurrentStm] Invoke ExpReportError,EDI Invoke ExpConvertToNumber,EDI Msg cc=C,'7332', PgmStatus=pgmLastPass ; Plain numeric value or expression expected. MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[EDI+EXP.High] MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX MOV [%ReturnEDX],EDX EndProcedure ExpEvalNum
ExpParseAlignment Procedure ValuePtr, ValueSize, SectionPtr ExpPA LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP ; Expression with evaluated alignment value. ClearLocalVar MOV ESI,[%ValuePtr] MOV ECX,[%ValueSize] LEA EDI,[%ExpPA] Invoke DictLookup::, DictAlignValue::,ESI,ECX JC .10: MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOVB [EDI+EXP.Status],'N' JMP .20: .10: Invoke ExpEval,EDI,ESI,ECX,EAX Invoke ExpConvertToNumber,EDI JNC .20: .E6521:LEA ESI,[%ValuePtr] Msg '6521',ESI,DictAlignValue:: ; Invalid alignment "!1S". Expected one of !2L. JMP .Err: .20: MOV EDX,[EDI+EXP.High] MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.Low] Invoke ExpWidth MOV [EDI+EXP.Status+1],CL MOV ECX,[%SectionPtr] TEST EDX JZ .30: .E6522:JECXZ .Err: LEA ESI,[%ValuePtr] Msg '6522',ESI ; Alignment value "!1S" must be power of two (1,2,4,8..512). .Err: SUB EAX,EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX STC JMP .90: .30: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX JECXZ .90: ; Skip check if %SectionPtr=0. BSF EBX,EAX ; Test if alignment in EAX is power of 2. JZ .E6521: BSR EDX,EAX CMP EBX,EDX JNE .E6522: MOV EBX,ECX INC EBX JZ .90: ; Skip section check when %SectionPtr=-1. JSt [ECX+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.90: MOV EBX,[ECX+SSS.Alignment] ; Test if alignment EAX exceeds section ECX's alignment. CMP EAX,EBX Msg cc=A,'3410',EAX,EBX,ECX ; Requested alignment !1D is greater then alignment !2D of section [!3S]. CLC .90:EndProcedure ExpParseAlignment
ExpParseDatatype Procedure DatatypePtr, DatatypeEnd MOV ESI,[%DatatypePtr] MOV EDX,[%DatatypeEnd] MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI .10:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotDataType: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expWhiteSpace JNZ .10: DEC ESI MOV EDI,ESI ; Start of possible local datatype name. TEST AH,expLetter|expFullstop JZ .NotDataType: .20:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .30: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expLetter|expDigit|expFullstop JNZ .20: CMP AL,':' JE .NotDataType: ; Datatype may not terminate with colon. DEC ESI .30:MOV EDX,ESI ; Behind the last letter of potential datatype name. SUB ESI,EDI JZ .NotDataType: MOV ECX,ESI MOV ESI,EDI CMPB [ESI],'.' ; ESI,ECX alias ESI..EDX is possible datatype or local structure. JNE .40: Invoke EaBufferReserve::,ExpParseDatatype Invoke SymDelocalName::,ESI,ECX,EAX,memberDelocal ; Append namespace in front of the local structure name. BufferRetrieve EAX Invoke EaBufferRelease::,EAX ; ESI,ECX is delocalized potential datatype (struct) name. .40:Invoke SssFindByName::,sssStructure,0,ESI,ECX,0 ; Return EAX=^SSS or 0. JNC .FoundStruc: Invoke DictLookup::,DictDatatypes::,ESI,ECX ; Short or long base datatypes. JNC .FoundBase: .NotDataType: XOR EAX,EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX MOV [%ReturnECX],EAX STC JMP .90: .FoundStruc: MOVD [%ReturnECX],'S' JMP .80: .FoundBase: MOV [%ReturnECX],EAX XOR EAX,EAX .80: MOV [%ReturnESI],EDX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX .90:EndProcedure ExpParseDatatype
Label: DB
does not reserve any data and syntax 2A), e.g. in MOV AL,=B
, is not legal.
2*B 123
is 'BD', 'UD', 'WD' etc or just 'D' if no explicit datatype is used.
will be set if the data value is a quoted string or if it begins and ends with a quote, e.g.
"String" or "ab"+'cd'
is the evaluated duplicator. When duplication is not used, it is set to 1 (default).
points to data value, just behind the datatype name.
When datatype name is not specified in data expression, ExpD.Low will be identical with DataExpPtr
and the entire input is treated as datavalue. ExpD.Status
is just 'D' in this case.
is nonzero only when structure name was found. ExpD.Status
='SD' in this case.
points to the structure member when ExpD.Status
='SD', otherwise 0.
ExpParseData Procedure ExpD, DataExpPtr, DataExpSize
DupEnd LocalVar ; Ptr to duplication operator * - end of duplicator expression.
; Initialization of the output EXP.
MOV ESI,[%DataExpPtr]
MOV ECX,[%DataExpSize]
StripSpaces ESI,ECX
MOV [%DupEnd],EAX ; Assume no duplication.
MOV [EBX+EXP.Seg],EAX ; Assume no ptr to SSS structure.
MOV [EBX+EXP.Sym],EAX ; Assume no ptr to symbol.
MOV [EBX+EXP.Low],ESI ; Ptr to the source data value.
MOV [EBX+EXP.High],EAX ; Default duplicator is initialized to 1.
MOV [EBX+EXP.Status],EAX ; Output structure EXP is now initialized.
LEA EDX,[ESI+ECX] ; DataExp end.
; Assume format B) - Data expression starts with datatype.
Invoke ExpParseDatatype,ESI,EDX
JNC .40:
; Assume format C) - Search for duplication operator, which is unquoted * followed by a valid datatype.
JNB .50:
CMP AL,'*'
JE .30:
CMP AL,'"'
JE .15:
CMP AL,"'"
JNE .10:
.15:MOV AH,AL ; Inside quoted string.
JNB .E6721: ; Invalid data expression, missing end quote.
JNE .20: ; Continue search for the closing quote.
JMP .10:
.30:LEA EAX,[ESI-1]
MOV [%DupEnd],EAX ; Ptr to possible duplication operator * (if datatype/struc follows in ESI..EDX).
Invoke ExpParseDatatype,ESI,EDX ; Returns EAX=^SSS or 0, CL=short datatype, ESI=parsed position.
JNC .40:
MOV [%DupEnd],EAX ; Reset to 0 when no datatype follows *.
JMP .10: ; Continue searching for the next *, e.g. in 2*2*B 0
.E6711:Msg '6711' ; Duplicator cannot be empty.
JMP .90:
.E6712:Msg '6712' ; Duplicator out of range 0..2147483647.
JMP .90:
.E6721:LEA EDX,[%DataExpPtr]
Msg '6721',EDX ; Invalid data expression "!1S".
JMP .90:
.40:MOV [EBX+EXP.Status+1],CL ; Short datatype, e.g. 'B', 'W', 'D'...
MOV [EBX+EXP.Seg],EAX ; 0 or ^SSS (structure).
StripSpaces ESI,ECX
MOV [EBX+EXP.Low],ESI ; Pointer to datavalue.
MOV ECX,[%DupEnd]
JECXZ .50: ; Skip when there is no duplication.
MOV ESI,[%DataExpPtr]
StripSpaces ESI,ECX
JECXZ .E6711: ; Duplicator cannot be empty.
Invoke ExpEvalNum,ESI,ECX ; Calculate the duplicator.
JC .45:
JC .50:
JNZ .E6712: ; Duplicator out of range 0..2147483647.
MOV [EBX+EXP.High],EAX ; Store duplicator value.
.50:; Assume format A) - value only. If data value is a quoted string, expString will be flagged.
MOV ESI,[EBX+EXP.Low] ; Restore pointer to the start of value.
JNB .90:
ExpClassify [ESI] ; Check the first value character.
TEST AH,expQuote
JZ .90:
ExpClassify [EDX-1] ; Check the last value character.
TEST AH,expQuote
JZ .90:
SetSt [EBX+EXP.Status],expString
.90:EndProcedure ExpParseData
ExpParseFP will parse and evaluate a floating-point number in scientific decimal notation
and evaluate it as [IEEE754]
extended/double/single precision FP number.
The number is internally converted to quadruple precision (96 bits)
and then rounded to the precision required by FPtype.
Instead of standard FP number scientific notation the input text may also contain
one of signed enumerated floating-point special constants #ZERO, #INF, #PINF, #NAN, #PNAN, #QNAN, #SNAN
, optionally immediately prefixed by sign +
or -
, see
FP special values.
This procedure is used by ExpEvalData when pseudoinstruction DD, DQ or DT specifies static FP number.
It is also employed in ExpEvaluate to recognize FP number format, however FP numbers used in expression
are converted to 64bit integers before calculation.
ESI CF=ZF=SF=OF=PF=0 ECX=0x00004019 EDX=0xEB765200 EAX=0x00000000
TxtPtr TxtEnd
| |
ESI CF=ZF=OF=PF=0 SF=1 ECX=0x0000BEE1 EDX:0x8F3AA5C7 EAX=0x6938DBCA
TxtPtr TxtEnd
| |
ESI CF=ZF=OF=PF=SF=0 ECX=0x00000000 EDX:0x7FF80000 EAX=0x00000000
ExpParseFP Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd, FPtype
EfpMan LocalVar Size=12 ; Mantissa as 96bit unsigned integer. Binary point is between 94. and 95.bit.
EfpExp2 LocalVar Size=4 ; Binary exponent as 32bit signed integer. Initialized to -95.
EfpExp10 LocalVar Size=4 ; Decadic exponent as 32bit signed integer, used during adopting of mantissa digits.
EfpExpE LocalVar Size=4 ; Decadic exponent as 32bit signed integer specified with modifier E.
EfpExpSign LocalVar Size=4 ; Exponent signum. Exponend is negative if %EfpExpSign is nonzero.
MOVD [%EfpExp2],+95 ; Normalized %EfpMan binary point correction.
RstSt [ESP],flagP+flagZ+flagS+flagO ; Reset returning flags.
SetSt [ESP],flagC ; Preset CF as the marker that the number is not valid yet.
MOV [%ReturnEDX],EAX
MOV [%ReturnECX],EAX
MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr]
MOV ECX,[%TxtEnd]
StripSpaces ESI,ECX
MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI
JZ .ParseEnd:
LODSB ; Expected sign, first digit or #.
CMP AL,'+'
JE .10:
CMP AL,'-'
JNE .15:
SetSt [ESP],flagS ; Keep FPnumber signum in flag on machine stack.
JNB .ParseEnd:
LODSB ; First digit or '#' must immediately follow the signum. Separator is non accepted here.
CMP AL,'_'
JE .ParseBack: ; Invalid FP notation, it may be reevaluated later as integer expression.
.15: CMP AL,'#'
JNE .20:
MOV ECX,3 ; Expected 3 or 4 letters of special FpConstant #INF,#QNaN etc.
ExpClassify [ESI+ECX] ; Test 4th character of potential special FpConstant.
TEST AH,expLetter
JZ .16:
.16: Invoke DictLookup::,DictFpConstants:: ,ESI,ECX
JC .ParseBack: ; Point to '#' as to invalid character.
ADD ESI,ECX ; Parsed behind the special FpConstant.
RstSt [ESP],flagC ; No error when special FpConstant detected.
MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI
.FpConstant: ; Convert EAX=Dict_FpConstant%Name.Data to required output format.
SUB ESI,ESI ; ESI is used to keep signum of the constant.
JNSt [ESP],flagS,.18:
OR ESI,0x80000000 ; FP signum.
JNZ .19: ; If not #ZERO.
SetSt [ESP],flagZ
.19: MOV EDX,[%FPtype]
Dispatch DL,0x51,0x54 ; 'D','Q','T'
; .0x44: ; Single precision DD format FpConstant.
AND EDX,0x0000FF00
.RA: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX
JMP .90:
.0x51: ; Double precision DQ format FpConstant.
AND EAX,0x000000FF
AND EDX,0xFFF00000
AND ECX,0x0000FE00
.RD: MOV [%ReturnEDX],EDX
.0x54: ; Extended precision DT format FpConstant.
AND EDX,0x0000FF00
AND EAX,0x000000FF
MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX
.20: ; Parsing FP notation after signum, no special FpConstant.
LEA EDI,[%EfpMan] ; Digits of mantissa will be adopted to 96bit integer [%EfpMan].
CMP AL,'0' ; Separator is not acceptable before 1st digit.
JB .ParseBack:
CMP AL,'9'
JA .ParseBack:
JMPS .30:
.25: CMP ESI,EDX ; More decimal digits, separator, point . or modifier E expected.
JNB .ParseEnd:
CMP AL,'_'
JE .25: ; Ignore separator.
CMP AL,'0'
JB .35:
CMP AL,'9'
JA .35:
.30: CALL .AdoptMan:
JNC .25:
SetSt [ESP],flagP ; Signalize loss of precision and continue.
JMP .25:
.35: CMP AL,'.'
JNE .45:
RstSt [ESP],flagC ; From now this is valid FP notation.
.40: CMP ESI,EDX ; Continue parsing fraction part of FP number, if any.
JNB .ParseEnd:
CMP AL,'_'
JE .40:
CMP AL,'0'
JB .45:
CMP AL,'9'
JA .45:
DECD [%EfpExp10]
CALL .AdoptMan:
JNC .40:
SetSt [ESP],flagP ; Signalize loss of precision and continue.
JMP .40:
.45: CMP AL,'e'
JE .50:
JNE .ParseBack: ; If fraction part terminated and modifier does not follow.
.50: MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI ; Mark temporary end of parsing for the case of invalid exponent, e.g. 1E+_X
RstSt [ESP],flagC ; From now this is valid FP notation.
.E1:CMP ESI,EDX ; Parsing the exponent part.
JNB .ParseEnd: ; If nothing follows modifier E.
LODSB ; Expected sign, digit or separator.
CMP AL,'_'
JE .E1:
CMP AL,'+'
JE .E2:
CMP AL,'-'
JNE .E3:
DECD [%EfpExpSign] ; Remember that exponent is negative.
JNB .ParseAbort:
LODSB ; Only digit or separator is expected after signum.
CMP AL,'_'
JE .E2:
CMP AL,'0'
JB .ParseAbort: ; At least one digit must follow exponent signum, else abort exponent.
CMP AL,'9'
JA .ParseAbort:
.E3:CALL .AdoptExp:
JC .Overflow:
.E4:CMP ESI,EDX ; At least one exponent digit adopted, exponent is valid.
JNB .ParseEnd:
LODSB ; Expected separator or digit. Any other char terminates the number.
CMP AL,'_'
JE .E4:
CMP AL,'0'
JB .ParseBack:
CMP AL,'9'
JA .ParseBack:
JMP .E3:
.ParseAbort: ; Characters behind modifier E are not valid, ignore.
MOVD [%EfpExpE],0
MOV ESI,[%ReturnESI] ; Saved pointer right behind modifier.
JMPS .ParseEnd:
.ParseBack: ; Character just loaded from ESI does not belong to FP syntax.
MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI ; Pointer to the end of valid FP notation.
MOV EAX,[Dict_FpConstantNAN:: + DICT.Data] ; Prepare Not-a-number for the case of syntax error.
JSt [ESP],flagC,.FpConstant: ; If syntax error, return CF=1, EAX=#NaN.
; Evaluate parsed FP number. Scientific notation is now adopted to %EfpMan, %EfpExpE and %EfpExp10.
MOV EAX,[EDI] ; Detect zero mantissa.
JZ .FpConstant: ; Special case of mantisse 0.0000 return as #ZERO.
MOV EAX,[%EfpExpE]
CMPD [%EfpExpSign],0
JZ .55:
.55: ADD [%EfpExp10],EAX
.56: ; Get rid of decimal exponent in favor of binary exponent.
CMPD [%EfpExp10],0
JLE .60: ; If decimal exponent is negative or zero.
CALL .Denormalize: ; SHR mantissa in order to make room for nonoverflowing multiplication of mantissa.
CALL .MulBy10:
DECD [%EfpExp10]
JMP .56:
.60: CMPD [%EfpExp10],0
JGE .65: ; If decimal exponent is zero.
CALL .Normalize: ; SHL significant bits in mantissa in order to make division precise.
CALL .DivBy10:
INCD [%EfpExp10]
JMP .60:
.65: CALL .Normalize:
MOV ECX,[%EfpExp2]
; EDI=%EfpMan is now normalized 96bit mantissa (MSbit=1), ECX=%EfpExp2 is corresponding unbiased binary exponent.
JNSt [ESP],flagS,.70:
OR ESI,0x80000000 ; FP signum.
.70: MOV EAX,[%FPtype]
Dispatch AL,'D','Q','T'
MOV EAX,[Dict_FpConstantINF:: + DICT.Data]
SetSt [ESP],flagO
JMP .FpConstant: ; On overflow return CF=0, OF=1, ZF=0, EAX=#INF.
MOV EAX,[Dict_FpConstantZERO:: + DICT.Data]
SetSt [ESP],flagO+flagZ
JMP .FpConstant: ; On underflow return CF=0, OF=1, ZF=1, EAX=#ZERO.
; Dispatched %FPtype 'D','Q','T'. EDI=%EfpMan, ECX=[%EfpExp2], ESI=signum in MSbit.
.D: CMP ECX,128
JG .Overflow:
.D1: CMP ECX,-127
JNL .D2:
; Exponent underflow sometimes can be healed with denormalization.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .D1:
.D2: JNE .D3:
; Biased exponent will be 0 - the number is denormal and real exponent is -126 in this case.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
.D3: ; Round mantissa from 96 to 24 bits.
TESTB [EDI+8],0x80
JZ .D5:
TEST EAX,0x02000000
JZ .D5:
; Mantissa after SHR was 0x00FFFFFF and overflowed due to rounding.
MOV EAX,0x00800000
.D5: AND EAX,0x007FFFFF ; Mask off integer bit of mantissa.
ADD ECX,127 ; Exponent bias.
OR EAX,ECX ; Exponent.
OR EAX,ESI ; Signum bit.
MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .90:
.Q: CMP ECX,1024
JG .Overflow:
.Q1: CMP ECX,-1023
JNL .Q2:
; Exponent underflow sometimes can be healed with denormalization.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .Q1:
.Q2: JNE .Q3:
; Biased exponent will be 0 - the number is denormal and real exponent is -1022 in this case.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
.Q3: ; Round mantissa from 96 to 53 bits.
MOV ECX,11 ; 11+32 bits ignored.
.Q4: SHR EDX,1
JNC .Q5:
TEST EDX,0x00200000
JZ .Q5:
; Mantissa after SHR was 0x001FFFFF_FFFFFFFF and overflowed due to rounding.
MOV EDX,0x00100000
.Q5: AND EDX,0x000FFFFF ; Mask off integer bit of mantissa.
ADD EBX,1023 ; Exponent bias.
OR EDX,EBX ; Exponent.
OR EDX,ESI ; Signum bit.
MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX
MOV [%ReturnEDX],EDX
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .90:
.T: CMP ECX,16384
JG .Overflow:
.T1: CMP ECX,-16383
JNL .T2:
; Exponent underflow sometimes can be healed with denormalization.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .T1:
.T2: JNE .T3:
; Biased exponent will be 0 - the number is denormal and real exponent is -16382 in this case.
CALL .DivBy2:
JZ .Underflow:
.T3: ; Round mantissa from 96 to 64 bits.
TEST EBX,0x80000000
JZ .T5:
JNC .T5:
; Mantissa was 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF_8* and overflowed due to rounding.
MOV EDX,0x80000000
.T5: ADD ECX,16383 ; Exponent bias.
SHR ESI,16 ; Signum in MSbit.
MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX
MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX
MOV [%ReturnEDX],EDX
JZ .Underflow:
JMP .99:
.MulBy10:PROC ; Multiply by 10 the contents of 96bit mantissa [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI. Destroys EAX,EDX.
; Four most significant bits of mantissa must be 0 (denormalized).
MULD [EDI+8] ; Most significant dword of mantissa. Never overflows 32 bits.
MULD [EDI+0] ; Least significant DWORD.
ADCD [EDI+8],0
ENDP .MulBy10:
.DivBy10:PROC ; Divide by 10 the contents of 96bit mantissa [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI. Destroys EAX,ECX,EDX.
MOV EAX,[EDI+8] ; Most significant dword of mantissa.
MOV EAX,[EDI+0] ; Least significant dword of mantissa.
CMP DL,5 ; Round down or up?
JBE .90:
ADDD [EDI+0],1 ; Round up.
.90: RET
ENDP .DivBy10:
.DivBy2:PROC ; Divide by 2 the contents of mantissa [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI. Destroys EAX. Returns ZF on underflow.
SHRD [EDI+8],1
RCRD [EDI+4],1
RCRD [EDI+0],1
ENDP .DivBy2:
.AdoptExp:PROC ; Multiply by 10 [%EfpExpE] and then add digit from AL.
; Input: AL=decimal digit '0'..'9'.
; Output: EAX,EBX changed. CF=1 on exponent overflow.
MOV EAX,[%EfpExpE]
JC .AE9:
MOV [%EfpExpE],EAX
ENDP .AdoptExp:
.AdoptMan:PROC ; Multiply by 10 [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI and then add digit from AL.
; Only increment [%EfpExp10] and set CF if not enough room for the nonzero digit.
; Input: AL=decimal digit '0'..'9'. EDI=^%EfpMan.
; Output: EAX=destroyed, CF=precision lost.
TESTB [EDI+11],0xF0 ; Mantisa too big?
JZ .A1:
INCD [%EfpExp10] ; Too many significant digits in FP notation, adopt only virtually and ignore.
CMP AL,'1' ; Set CF if nonzero digit. Unsignificant zeros do not signalize precision loss.
CALL ExpParseFP.MulBy10
AND EAX,0x0000000F ; Convert decimal digit to binary 0..9.
TEST EAX ; Nonsignificant zero?
JZ .A9:
CMPB [%FPtype],'T'
JNE .A4:
JZ .A9:
JNZ .A8:
.A4: CMPB [%FPtype],'Q'
JNE .A5:
JNZ .A8:
TESTD [EDI+4],0xFFE00000
JZ .A9:
JNZ .A8:
.A5: ; CMPB [%FPtype],'D'
JNZ .A8:
JNZ .A8:
TESTD [EDI+0],0xFF000000
JZ .A9:
.A8: STC ; Signalize precision lost.
ENDP .AdoptMan:
.Normalize:PROC ; Repeat multiply by 2 [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI until MSbit=1. Destroys EAX,ECX.
MOV ECX,96 ; Limit number of shifts when %EfpMan=0.
.N1: TESTB [EDI+11],0x80
JNZ .N9: ; Jump if normalized (MSbit=1).
DECD [%EfpExp2]
SALD [EDI+0],1
RCLD [EDI+4],1
RCLD [EDI+8],1
.N9: RET
ENDP .Normalize:
.Denormalize:PROC ; Divide by 2 the contents of 96bit mantissa [%EfpMan] addressed with EDI until 4 MSbits=0.
.D1: TESTB [EDI+11],0xF0
JZ .D9:
INCD [%EfpExp2]
SHRD [EDI+8],1
RCRD [EDI+4],1
RCRD [EDI+0],1
JMP .D1:
.D9: RET
ENDP .Denormalize:
.99: EndProcedure ExpParseFP
ExpParseIdentifier Procedure IdTxtPtr, IdTxtEnd, Fullstops MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDX,[%TxtEnd] MOV ECX,[%Fullstops] CMP ESI,EDX JNB .10: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expLetter JNZ .20: JECXZ .10: ; If fullstops not allowed. CMP AL,'.' JE .20: DEC ESI .10: SUB ESI,ESI ; Error. STC JMP .90: .20: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .80: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH, expLetter | expDigit JNZ .20: JECXZ .30: CMP AL,'.' JE .20: .30: DEC ESI .80: SUB ESI,[%TxtPtr] .90: MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI EndProcedure ExpParseIdentifier
ExpParseKeyName Procedure KeyPtr, KeyEnd MOV ESI,[%KeyPtr] MOV EDX,[%KeyEnd] .10: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .Error: LODSB MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expLetter|expDigit JNZ .10: CMP AL,'=' JE .90: DEC ESI .Error:MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI STC .90:EndProcedure ExpParseKeyName
ExpParseKeyValue Procedure ValPtr, ValEnd MOV EDX,[%ValEnd] MOV ESI,[%ValPtr] MOV ECX,EDX MOV EDI,ESI SUB ECX,ESI MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX .10:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .80: LODSB CMP AL,',' JE .70: CMP AL,';' JE .70: CMP AL,'"' JE .20: CMP AL,"'" JNE .10: .20:MOV AH,AL .30:CMP ESI,EDX CMC JC .90: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .30: JMP .10: .70:DEC ESI .80:SUB ESI,EDI StripSpaces EDI,ESI MOV [%ReturnESI],EDI MOV [%ReturnECX],ESI .90:EndProcedure ExpParseKeyValue
or a structure name or followed with a quoted string.
ExpParseLiteral Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDX,[%TxtEnd] .10:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB ExpClassify AL TEST AH,expWhiteSpace JNZ .10: CMP AL,'=' ; Literal marker =. JNE .NotFound: .expWhiteSpace: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB ExpClassify AL Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expQuote DEC ESI Invoke ExpParseDatatype,ESI,EDX ; Possible literal without duplication. JNC .50: ; Possible literal with duplication, e.g.=2*2*BYTE 2*2
. Search for the unquoted *. .20: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB .25: Dispatch AL,0x2A,0x22,0x27 ; Asterix, quote, apostroph. JMP .20: .expQuote: ; Possible string literal without datatype. MOV AH,AL .30: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH ; The ending quote? JNE .30: CMP ESI,EDX JE .Found: JA .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH JE .30: ; Selfescaped quote detected. JMP .FoundMinus1: ; Recognized literal= "string"
. .0x22: ; Double quote. .0x27: ; Single quote (apostroph). MOV AH,AL .35: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .35: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH JE .35: JMP .25: .0x2A: ; Asterix, possible duplication operator. Invoke ExpParseDatatype,ESI,EDX JC .20: .50: ; Literal recognized with possible value. ESI points behind the datatype. ; Value ends at EDX=TxtEnd or at the unmatched unquoted right parenthesis or quote. SUB ECX,ECX ; Parenthesis nesting level. MOV BX,'()' .60: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .Found: LODSB Dispatch AL,BH,BL,0n34,0n39 ; Left, right parenthesis, quote, apostrophe. JMP .60: .0n34: ; Double quote. .0n39: ; Single quote (apostroph). MOV AH,AL .70: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .70: JMP .60: .BL: INC ECX ; Left parenthesis will increase nesting level. JMP .60: .BH: JECXZ .FoundMinus1: ; Right parenthesis will stop parser, if not nested. DEC ECX ; Right parenthesis will increase nesting level. JMP .60: .NotFound:SUB EAX,EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX STC JMP .90: .FoundMinus1: DEC ESI .Found: MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI CLC .90:EndProcedure ExpParseLiteral
ExpParseNumber Procedure NumPtr, NumEnd .flagPrefix EQU 2 ; This unused EFlag bit is employed as presence marker of prefix 0x,0y,0n,0o. PUSHFD RstSt [ESP],flagO+flagS+flagZ+flagP+flagA+flagC+.flagPrefix ; Initialize flags to 0. MOV ESI,[%NumPtr] MOV EDX,[%NumEnd] MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI ; Initialize the parsed position. XOR EAX,EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX ; Initialize the returned integer. MOV [%ReturnEDX],EAX LEA EAX,[ESI+2] CMP EAX,EDX JA .0x: ; If number prefix not present. LODSW OR AH,'x'^'X' ; Convert the possible prefix modifier to lowercase. SetSt [ESP],.flagPrefix Dispatch AX,'0x','0o','0y','0n' RstSt [ESP],.flagPrefix DEC ESI,ESI ; Reset parser pointer back when no prefix used. .0x: ; Assume hexadecimal format. Suffix 'H' is required if no prefix. XOR EBX,EBX ; Number will be temporary adopted to EDI:EBX. XOR EDI,EDI .0x1:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .0x8: LODSB CMP AL,'_' JE .0x1: CMP AL,'0' JB .0x2: CMP AL,'9' JBE .0x3: .0x2:OR AL,'h'^'H' ; Convert AL to lowercase. CMP AL,'a' JB .0x7: CMP AL,'f' JA .0x7: SUB AL,'a'-10 .0x3:; Adopt AL as hexadecimal digit to EDI:EBX. AND EAX,0x0000_000F MOV ECX,4 .0x4:SHL EBX RCL EDI JNC .0x5: SetSt [ESP],flagA ; Hexadecimal format overflowed but keep parsing on. .0x5:LOOP .0x4: ADD EBX,EAX JMP .0x1: .0x7:CMP AL,'h' JE .0x9: ; If postfix 'H' is present, the number is hexadecimal. DEC ESI .0x8:JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix,.0e: ; Its not hexadecimal, try the next format. .0x9:JSt [ESP],flagA,.Overflow: JMP .Done: .0e: ; No prefix, no suffix, hence no hexa. Try floating-point format. Invoke ExpParseFP,[%NumPtr],[%NumEnd],'T' JC .0o: ; If syntax error, try octal format. PUSHFD POP EDI OR [ESP],EDI ; Propagate flags returned from ExpParseFP to this procedure. JSt EDI,flagZ, .Done: MOV EDI,ECX ; Save FP signum (bit 15). ; Convert returned FP number CX:EDX:EAX to 64bit integer. BTR ECX,15 ; Reset FP number sign. NEG ECX ADD ECX,16383+63 ; Number of bits to right-shift mantissa to get the 64-bit integer. JS .Overflow: CMP ECX,63 JNA .0e2: SetSt [ESP],flagO+flagZ ; Signalize underflow on fp-integer conversion. JMP .Done: ; Return zero. .0e2:SHR EDX RCR EAX JNC .0e3: SetSt [ESP],flagP ; Signalize precision lost. .0e3:LOOP .0e2: TEST EDX JS .Overflow: ; EDX:EAX is now a positive 64bit signed integer. BT EDI,15 ; Saved sign of FP number. JNC .0e5: ; If not minus, skip the negation. NOT EAX NOT EDX ADD EAX,1 ADC EDX,0 .0e5:XCHG EBX,EAX XCHG EDI,EDX JMP .Done: .0o: ; Assume octal format. Suffix 'Q' is required if no prefix. RstSt [ESP],flagA XOR EBX,EBX ; The number will be temporary adopted to EDI:EBX. XOR EDI,EDI MOV EDX,[%NumEnd] MOV ESI,[%NumPtr] ; Reset the parsing position. JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix,.0o1: INC ESI,ESI .0o1:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .0o8: LODSB CMP AL,'_' JE .0o1: CMP AL,'0' JB .0o7: CMP AL,'7' JA .0o7: AND EAX,0x0000_0007 ; Adopt AL as octal digit to EDI:EBX. MOV ECX,3 .0o3:SHL EBX RCL EDI JNC .0o4: SetSt [ESP],flagA ; Octal format overflowed but keep parsing on. .0o4:LOOP .0o3: ADD EBX,EAX JMP .0o1: .0o7:OR AL,'q'^'Q' ; Convert AL to lowercase. CMP AL,'q' JE .0o9: ; If postfix 'Q' was present, the number is octal. DEC ESI .0o8:JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix, .0y: .0o9:JSt [ESP],flagA,.Overflow: JMP .Done: .0y: ; Assume binary format. Suffix 'B' is required if no prefix. RstSt [ESP],flagA XOR EBX,EBX ; The number will be temporary adopted to EDI:EBX. XOR EDI,EDI MOV ESI,[%NumPtr] ; Reset the parsing position. JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix,.0y1: INC ESI,ESI .0y1:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .0y8: LODSB CMP AL,'_' JE .0y1: CMP AL,'0' JB .0y7: CMP AL,'1' JA .0y7: AND EAX,0x0000_0001 ; Adopt AL as a binary digit to EDI:EBX. SHL EBX RCL EDI JNC .0y5: SetSt [ESP],flagA .0y5:ADD EBX,EAX JMP .0y1: .0y7:OR AL,'b'^'B' ; Convert AL to lowercase. CMP AL,'b' JE .0y9: DEC ESI .0y8:JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix, .0n: .0y9:JSt [ESP],flagA,.Overflow: JMP .Done: .0n: ; Assume decadic format. Suffix 'D','K','M','G','T','P' is optional. RstSt [ESP],flagA XOR EBX,EBX ; The number will be temporary adopted to EDI:EBX. XOR EDI,EDI MOV ESI,[%NumPtr] ; Reset the parsing position. JNSt [ESP],.flagPrefix,.0n1: INC ESI,ESI .0n1:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .0n9: LODSB CMP AL,'_' JE .0n1: CMP AL,'0' JB .0n7: CMP AL,'9' JA .0n7: AND EAX,0x0000_000F ; Adopt AL as a decimal digit to EDI:EBX. MOV ECX,10 ; Multiply the previous contents of EDI:EBX by ten. XCHG EDX,ECX ; Temporary save the parsing limit to ECX. XCHG EAX,EDI ; Multiply higher dword first. MUL EDX JNC .0n2: SetSt [ESP],flagA .0n2:XCHG EDI,EAX ; EDI=high*10. MOV EDX,10 XCHG EAX,EBX ; Multiply lower dword. MUL EDX ADD EDI,EDX JNC .0n3: SetSt [ESP],flagA .0n3:XCHG EBX,EAX ; EBX=low*10. ADD EBX,EAX ; Adopt the saved digit. ADC EDI,0 JNC .0n4: SetSt [ESP],flagA .0n4:XCHG EDX,ECX ; Restore the saved parsing limit. JMP .0n1: .0n7:OR AL,'d'^'D' ; Convert AL to lowercase. SUB ECX,ECX Dispatch AL,'k','m','g','t','p','d' DEC ESI ; No postfix. JMP .0n9: .Overflow: SetSt [ESP],flagC+flagO RstSt [ESP],flagZ+flagS+flagA MOV EBX,-1 MOV EDI,0x7FFF_FFFF JMP .Done: .p: ADD CL,10 .t: ADD CL,10 .g: ADD CL,10 .m: ADD CL,10 .k: ADD CL,10 .d: JECXZ .Done: .0n8:SAL EBX RCL EDI JC .Overflow: LOOP .0n8: .0n9:JSt [ESP],flagA,.Overflow: .Done: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EBX MOV [%ReturnEDX],EDI MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI RstSt [ESP],.flagPrefix TEST EDI JNS .D2: SetSt [ESP],flagS .D2: OR EBX,EDI JNZ .D3: SetSt [ESP],flagZ .D3: POPFD EndProcedure ExpParseNumber
or dictUnary
.ExpParseOperator Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd, Arity Operator LocalVar Size=4 ; Local copy. Max.size of operator is 4. LEA EDI,[%Operator] MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV ECX,[%TxtEnd] MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI SUB ECX,ESI CMP ECX,4 JNA .10: MOV ECX,4 .10: MOV [EDI],ECX ; Clear higher bytes. REP MOVSB MOV AL,[ESI] ; Unexpected character on error. MOV EBX,DictBinaryOperators:: - SIZE#DICT TESTD [%Arity],dictUnary JZ .50: MOV EBX,DictUnaryOperators:: - SIZE#DICT .50: ADD EBX,SIZE#DICT LEA EDI,[%Operator] MOV ECX,[EBX+DICT.Size] MOV ESI,[EBX+DICT.Ptr] STC JECXZ .80: ; End of dictionary. CF=1 MOV EDX,ECX REPE CMPSB JNE .50: MOV EAX,[EBX+DICT.Data] ; Operator found. ADD [%ReturnESI],EDX ; CF=0 .80: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX .90: EndProcedure ExpParseOperator
ExpParseRange Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDX,[%TxtEnd] .10: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .70: LODSB CMP AL,'.' JE .60: .20: CMP AL,'"' JNE .40: .30: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .70: LODSB CMP AL,'"' JNE .30: JMP .10: .40: CMP AL,"'" JNE .10: .50: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .70: LODSB CMP AL,"'" JNE .50: JMP .10: .70: STC JMP .90: .60: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .70: LODSB CMP AL,'.' JNE .20: .90: MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI EndProcedure ExpParseRange
'It''s five o''clock.'
ExpParseString Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDX,[%TxtEnd] SUB ECX,ECX ; Netto size counter. CMP ESI,EDX JNB .Error: LODSB MOV AH,AL ; Opening quote. .20: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .Error: LODSB INC ECX CMP AL,AH JNE .20: DEC ECX CMP ESI,EDX JNB .End: LODSB INC ECX CMP AL,AH JE .20: ; If self-escaped quote. DEC ECX DEC ESI CLC JMP .End: .Error:SUB ECX,ECX STC .End: MOV [%ReturnEAX],ECX MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI EndProcedure ExpParseString
ExpParseSuboperation Procedure TxtPtr, TxtEnd MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDX,[%TxtEnd] SUB ECX,ECX ; Nesting level. CMP ESI,EDX JNB .Error: LODSB ; Opening bracket. CMP AL,'[' JE .10: CMP AL,'{' JNE .ErrB: .10: INC ECX MOV BL,AL ; Opening bracket in BL. MOV BH,AL ADD BH,2 ; Closing bracket in BH. .20: CMP ESI,EDX ; Not in quotes. JNB .Error: LODSB CMP AL,BH JNE .30: DEC ECX JZ .90: JMP .20: .30: CMP AL,BL JNE .40: INC ECX JMP .20: .40: CMP AL,'"' JE .50: CMP AL,"'" JNE .20: .50: MOV AH,AL ; Opening quote is in AL. .60: CMP ESI,EDX ; In quotes. JNB .Error: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .60: JMP .20: .ErrB:DEC ESI .Error:STC .90: MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI EndProcedure ExpParseSuboperation
'It''s 100 % true.'
, brutto size=19.
Output string:It's 100 % true.
, netto size=16.ExpStoreString Procedure StringPtr, StringSize, Buffer, Uppercase MOV ESI,[%StringPtr] MOV ECX,[%StringSize] MOV EBX,[%Uppercase] LEA EDX,[ESI+ECX] SUB ECX,ECX ; Netto size. LODSB CMP AL,0x22 ; Double quote. JE .20: CMP AL,0x27 ; Single apostrophe. JNE .E6160: .20:MOV AH,AL .30:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .E6160: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .60: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .80: LODSB CMP AL,AH CLC JNE .80: .60:TEST EBX ; Uppercase? JZ .70: CMP AL,'a' JB .70: CMP AL,'z' JA .70: XOR AL,'a'-'A' ; Convert to uppercase. .70:PUSH EAX MOV EDI,ESP ; A pointer to the converted character. BufferStore [%Buffer],EDI,1 POP EAX INC ECX JMP .30: .E6160:MOV ECX,'6160' STC .80:MOV [%ReturnEAX],ECX .99:EndProcedure ExpStoreString
ExpStoreUString will convert the byte string to wide Unicode characters and store them to output buffer. Input string is in source notation (in single or double quotes). Those quotes withing the string must be doubled and all preprocessing %variables expanded. Current Ea.Eaopt.Codepage decides how are the bytes translated.
If the source String is in CODEPAGE=UTF-8
, characters are translated by macro
. Invalid characters are replaced and stored as U+FFFD.
In non-UTF8 codepage are the characters translated by Ea.CodeTable . This conversion table is constructed on the fly whenever the desired Ea.Eaopt.Codepage is different from the cached codepage identified by Ea.CodePage . Otherwise the conversion table is reused in this procedure.
W3165 Could not load codepage !1D
reported by macro
Msg. Other errors are not reported but indicated by flags:
[.text] ExpStoreUString Procedure StringPtr, StringSize, Buffer QuoteChar LocalVar ; Single or double border quote in LSB. Bit 31 used as flag. ReplacementCnt LocalVar ; Counter how many replacement characters were used. ANSItable LocalVar Size=128 ; Template table of 8bit ANSI characters 0x80..0xFF. MOV EDX,[Ea.Eaopt.CodePage::] ; Requested codepage. SUB EAX,EAX MOV [%ReplacementCnt],EAX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX CMP EDX,65001 ; CP 65001 is UTF-8. JE .20: ; Other CP are translated using Ea.CodeTable. CMP EDX,[Ea.CodePage::] ; Is the conversion table already constructed? JE .20: ; If Ea.CodeTable: already contains translation table, skip. ; Construction of translate table for codepage EDX. MOV [Ea.CodePage::],EDX LEA EDI,[%ANSItable] MOV ECX,128 MOV EAX,ECX MOV ESI,EDI .10: STOSB ; Create template ANSI table with characters 0x80..0xFF. INC AL JNZ .10: SysANSI2Wide EDX,ESI,ECX,Ea.CodeTable::,ECX ; Translate ANSI table to WIDE table, using OS. Msg cc=Z,'3165',EDX ; Could not load codepage !1D. .20: MOV ECX,[%StringSize] ; Check the string quotes. MOV ESI,[%StringPtr] ; ESI,ECX must be claimed with quotes. CMP ECX,2 JB .E6160: ; Syntax error in the string !1S. DEC ECX MOVZXB EAX,[ESI+ECX] ; AL is now the closing quote. MOV [%QuoteChar],EAX LODSB ; AL is now the opening quote. CMP EAX,[%QuoteChar] JNE .E6160: ; Quotes don't match. DEC ECX JZ .90: ; If empty string, done. CMP EDX,65001 JE .60: ; If CODEPAGE=UTF-8. MOV EBX,Ea.CodeTable::; Translate string ESI,ECX in non-UTF8 codepage by the table EBX. .30: SUB EAX,EAX LODSB CMP AL,[%QuoteChar] ; Is it a quote inside the string? JNE .40: DEC ECX JZ .E6160: LODSB ; Quote inside the string must be doubled. CMP AL,[%QuoteChar] JNE .E6160: ; If unescaped quote detected. .40: CMP AL,128 ; If AL is 7bit ASCII, JB .50: ; it is zero-extended to Unichar and stored, MOV AX,[EBX+2*EAX-256]; otherwise translated by the table EBX. .50: BufferStoreWord [%Buffer],EAX ADDD [%ReturnEAX],2 DEC ECX JNZ .30: JMP .90: .E6160:STC ; 6160 Syntax error in the string !1S. JMP .99: .StoreUTF16:PROC ; Callback to store decoded Unichar from AX. CMP AX,0xFFFD JNE .Chk: INCD [%ReplacementCnt] .Chk: MOV EBX,[%QuoteChar] ; Bit 31 is quote-escape pending flag. CMP AX,BX ; Is the decoded unichar AX identical with quote BX? JNE .Out: ; Just store ordinary character if not. BTS EBX,31 ; Check if the quote was escaped and then raise pending flag. JNC .End: ; Do not store the first occurence of quote. .Out: BufferStoreWord [%Buffer],EAX ; Store unichar in AX. ADDD [%ReturnEAX],2 BTR EBX,31 ; Clear pending flag, if set. .End: MOV [%QuoteChar],EBX CLC RET ENDPROC .StoreUTF16: .60: ; UTF-8 conversion to 16bit Unicode uses an algorithm in macro DecodeUTF8. DecodeUTF8 ESI, Size=ECX, .StoreUTF16: .90: CMPD [%ReplacementCnt],0 ; NZ if bad UTF-8 characters. .99:EndProcedure ExpStoreUString
ExpWidth Procedure MOV ECX,expWidth8B ; Assume 64bits. TEST EDX JNZ .50: ; EDX=0, 64bit not necessary. MOV CL,expWidth0B TEST EAX JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth1B TEST EAX,0xFFFFFF00 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth2B TEST EAX,0xFFFF0000 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth4B JMP .90: .50:INC EDX JNZ .90: ; EDX was 0xFFFFFFFF, 64bit might be not necessary. NOT EAX MOV CL,expWidth1B TEST EAX,0xFFFFFF80 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth2B TEST EAX,0xFFFF8000 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth4B TEST EAX,0x80000000 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth8B .90: MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX EndProcedure ExpWidth
ExpWidthBitwise Procedure MOV ECX,expWidth8B ; Assume 64bits. TEST EDX JZ .50: ; If EDX=0, 64bit not necessary. INC EDX JNZ .90: ; EDX was 0xFFFFFFFF, 64bit is not necessary. NOT EAX .50:BSR EBX,EAX MOV CL,expWidth0B JZ .90: ; If EAX=0. INC ECX ; expWidth1B CMP BL,8 JB .90: INC ECX ; expWidth2B CMP BL,16 JB .90: INC ECX ; expWidth4B .90: MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX EndProcedure ExpWidthBitwise
ExpWidthSigned Procedure MOV ECX,expWidth8B ; Assume 64bits. TEST EDX JNZ .50: MOV CL,expWidth0B TEST EAX JZ .90: JMPS .60: .50:INC EDX JNZ .90: ; ; EDX was 0xFFFFFFFF, 64bit might be not necessary. NOT EAX .60:MOV CL,expWidth1B TEST EAX,0xFFFFFF80 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth2B TEST EAX,0xFFFF8000 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth4B TEST EAX,0x80000000 JZ .90: INC ECX ; expWidth8B .90: MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX EndProcedure ExpWidthSigned
.expWidth0B,expWidth1B,expWidth2B,expWidth4B or expWidth8B
in EXP encoding.
ExpWidthOfDataType Procedure Datatype MOV EDX,[%Datatype] SUB ECX,ECX AND DL,~('b'^'B') ; Convert to uppercase. MOV EAX,expWidth8B ; Width returned for QWORD and wider datatypes. Dispatch DL,'B','U','W','D','Q','T','O','Y','Z' MOV EAX,expWidth0B ; JMP .90: .Z: MOV CL,64 JMP .90: .Y: MOV CL,32 JMP .90: .O: MOV CL,16 JMP .90: .T: MOV CL,10 JMP .90: .Q: MOV CL,8 JMP .90: .D: MOV EAX,expWidth4B MOV CL,4 JMP .90: .U: .W: MOV EAX,expWidth2B MOV CL,2 JMP .90: .B: MOV EAX,expWidth1B MOV CL,1 ;JMP .90: .90:MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX MOV [%ReturnEAX],EAX EndProcedure ExpWidthOfDataType
DI "Instr"
or literal =I "Instr"
will be assembled as DB 0x46,0x47
create symbol from label.ExpStoreInstr Procedure InstrPtr, InstrSize, EmitBuf, RelocBuf, ParentStm EsiInstrBuf LocalVar ; Temporary buffer for recursed assembly process. EsiChunkLeaf LocalVar Size=4+4+SIZE#CHUNK ; Solo leaf of LIST. EsiStm LocalVar Size=SIZE#STM ; Temporary fake statement with machineInstr
. EaStackCheck ; Protect from SO. Invoke EaBufferReserve::,ExpStoreInstr MOV [%EsiInstrBuf],EAX ; Check the instruction string. Invoke ExpStoreString,[%InstrPtr],[%InstrSize],EAX,0 ; Get rid of quotes in Instr. JNC .20: .E6163:LEA EAX,[%InstrPtr] Msg '6163',EAX ; Invalid data-definition of machine instruction !1S. STC JMP .80: .E6164:Msg '6164',EBX ; Unexpected "!1S". Label in data definition INSTR is not suported. STC JMP .80: .20:BufferStoreByte [%EsiInstrBuf],10 ; Terminate the instruction with LF. BufferRetrieve [%EsiInstrBuf] ; ESI,ECX is now a fake statement line, e.g.MOV EAX,1234
. ; Prepare environment for parsing and executing the machine instruction. LEA EDI,[%EsiChunkLeaf] XOR EAX,EAX ADD ECX,ESI STOSD ; LIST.Next. Simulate solo leaf with just one chunk for SrcFetchLine. STOSD ; LIST.Prev. MOV [EDI+CHUNK.Bottom],ESI MOV [EDI+CHUNK.Top],ECX MOV EAX,chunkSource MOV ECX,[%ParentStm] JECXZ .30: MOV ECX,[ECX+STM.ChunkPtr] ; Inherite chunk properties from parent statement. JECXZ .30: MOV EAX,[ECX+CHUNK.Status] MOV ECX,[ECX+CHUNK.FilePtr] .30:MOVD [EDI+CHUNK.FilePtr],ECX MOVD [EDI+CHUNK.Status],EAX LEA EBX,[%EsiStm] Invoke StmCreate::,EBX ; Clear the temprary fake statement EBX and reserve its buffers. MOV [EBX+STM.ChunkPtr],EDI MOV ECX,[%ParentStm] JECXZ .35: ; Copy some properties from parent statement ECX to the fake statement EBX. MOV EAX,[ECX+STM.OffsetLow] MOV EDX,[ECX+STM.OffsetHigh] MOV [EBX+STM.OffsetLow],EAX MOV [EBX+STM.OffsetHigh],EDX MOV EAX,[ECX+STM.Section] MOV EDX,[ECX+STM.Program] MOV [EBX+STM.Section],EAX MOV [EBX+STM.Program],EDX PUSH ESI MOV EAX,ECX BufferRetrieve [EBX+STM.EmitBuffer] MOV [EAX+STM.Size],ECX ADD [EAX+STM.OffsetLow],ECX ADCD [EAX+STM.OffsetHigh],0 POP ESI .35:Invoke StmParse::,EBX,ESI,EDI JC .E6163: JSt [EBX+STM.Status],stmLabelPresent,.E6164: JNSt [EBX+STM.Status],stmIntelOperation,.E6163: INCD [Ea.StmCount::] ; Counter of total assembled statements. CMPD [EBX+STM.NrOfOrdinals],1 JNA .40: Invoke StmMultiop?::,EBX JNZ .40: Invoke IiAssembleMultiop::,EBX JMPS .50: .40:Invoke IiAssemble::,EBX .50:BufferRetrieve [EBX+STM.EmitBuffer] BufferStore [%EmitBuf],ESI,ECX BufferRetrieve [EBX+STM.RelocBuffer] BufferStore [%RelocBuf],ESI,ECX MOV EDX,[EBX+STM.Status] Invoke StmDestroy::,EBX ; Release buffers in the fake statement EBX. AND EDX,stmOperationPresent JNZ .80: STC ; Flag stmOperationPresent was reset in instruction handler due to error. .80:PUSHFD Invoke EaBufferRelease::,[%EsiInstrBuf] POPFD EndProcedure ExpStoreInstr
ExpParseChar Procedure Char, TextPtr, TextEnd MOV ESI,[%TextPtr] MOV EDX,[%TextEnd] MOV EBX,[%Char] .10:CMP ESI,EDX JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,BL JE .Found: ExpClassify AL TEST AH, expQuote JZ .10: MOV AH,AL .20:CMP ESI,EDX ; Skip up to the next quote. JNB .NotFound: LODSB CMP AL,AH JNE .20: JMP .10: .NotFound: STC JMP .80: .Found: DEC ESI CLC .80:MOV [%ReturnEAX],ESI EndProcedure ExpParseChar
Procedure ExpReportError is used to report errors detected during expression evaluation by ExpEval*
type is '#'. Error message identified by
is reported with macro Msg.ExpReportError Procedure Exp MOV EBX,[%Exp] MOV ECX,[EBX+EXP.Status] CMP CL,0 ; An empty expression? JE .90: CMP CL,'#' CLC JNE .90: ; Do nothing when the Exp is not in error state. MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Seg] ; MsgId. TEST EDX JZ .80: ; Do not report error when MsgId=0. LEA ESI,[EBX+EXP.Low] ; !1S. MOV EDI,[EBX+EXP.Sym] ; !2O. SHR ECX,8 ; !3Z. ; Some errors can heal themselves in the next passes, therefore they are reported in final pass only. CMP EDX,'6206' JE .50: CMP EDX,'6207' JE .50: CMP EDX,'6301' JE .50: Msg EDX,ESI,EDI,ECX JMPS .80: .50:Msg EDX,ESI,EDI,ECX,PgmStatus=pgmLastPass .80:STC .90:EndProcedure ExpReportError
.If the first character is fullstop . (local label),
the current namespace from context stack
will be prefixed to the local name.
Symbol name may be terminated with one or more colons
:. The terminating colon tells €ASM that the identifier is a symbol, even when it collides with
nonsegment register or instruction name.
If the referrenced symbol was not defined yet, ExpEvalIdentifier
does not define it, but it will create the record on Program.SymList
by reference and return its estimated attributes. Creating of the symbol can be suppressed by
, which happens when the symbol name is queried by attribute
or SIZE#
euroasm.inietc), no symbol will be recognized.
ExpEvalIdentifier Procedure IdExp, IdPtr, IdEnd, StmPtr EiBuffer LocalVar ; Buffer for symbol name. EiSize LocalVar ; Identifier size. EiStatus LocalVar ; Parsing flags. eiColon EQU 1 ; Symbol name terminated with at least one colon. eiExtern EQU 2 ; Symbol name terminated with two or more colons. ClearLocalVar MOV ESI,[%IdPtr] MOV EDX,[%IdEnd] MOV EDI,[%IdExp] XOR EAX,EAX MOV ECX,SIZE#EXP / 4 REP STOSD ; Preinitialize output EXP to zeroes. MOV EDI,[%IdExp] Invoke EaBufferReserve::,ExpEvalIdentifier MOV [%EiBuffer],EAX ; Temporary buffer for symbol name. Invoke ExpParseIdentifier,ESI,EDX,expFullstop MOV [%EiSize],EAX JC .E6120: ; Symbol "!1S" not found. ADD ESI,EAX ; Add parsed size. CMP ESI,EDX JNB .30: LODSB CMP AL,'#' JNE .10: MOV EAX,[%IdPtr] MOV ECX,ESI SUB ECX,EAX Invoke DictLookup::,DictUnaryOperators::,EAX,ECX JC .25: ; Skip if # follows but it's not valid attribute operator, e.g.SomeSymbol#<OtherSymb
. ; Attribute operator recognized. EAX is DictUnaryOperators.Data. MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI MOV EDX,0x0F ; Mask priority from operator's DICT.Data. MOV ECX,EAX AND EDX,EAX SHR ECX,16 ; ECX=ordinal number of operation, starting with 1. ; Attribute-operation handler cannot be put to EXP.Seg yet, it will be specified later in ExpEval.StoreIdentifier. ; Similar adjustment will be needed for EXP.High (operation priority). MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],ECX MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX ; DictOperators.Data. MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EDX ; Priority. MOV EAX,'O' MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],ECX ; Operation handler is temporarily populated with operation ordinal. MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX JMP .90: .10: ; Identifier ESI,[%EiSize] is not terminated with #. It may be a symbol or structure or register. CMP AL,':' ; Terminator. JNE .25: SetSt [%EiStatus],eiColon ; Identifier is a symbol or segment register. .20: CMP ESI,EDX JNB .30: LODSB CMP AL,':' ; Double colon? JNE .25: SetSt [%EiStatus],eiExtern JMP .20: ; Swallow all terminating colons. .25: DEC ESI .30: MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI Invoke SymDelocalName::,[%IdPtr],[%EiSize],[%EiBuffer],memberDelocal BufferRetrieve [%EiBuffer] ; ESI,ECX is now delocalized identifier name, without any terminating colons. Invoke DictLookup::, DictRegisters::,ESI,ECX JC .35: ; If its not a register. JSt EAX,iiRegSeg,.32: JSt [%EiStatus],eiColon,.40: ; Colon terminated identifier cannot be a structure name or non-segment register. .32: ; Register recognized. EAX=DictRegister.Data. MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV EAX,'R' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX JMP .90: .35: Invoke SssFindByName::,sssStructure,0,ESI,ECX,0 JC .40: ; Structure name was recognized. EAX=^SSS. MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX MOV EAX,'S' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX JMP .90: .40: ; ESI,ECX is treated like a symbol. It may be external, forward-referenced, $. MOV EBX,[%StmPtr] TEST EBX JNZ .42: Invoke PgmGetCurrent:: JC .E6120: ; Symbol "!1S" not found. MOV EDX,EAX ; Current program. JMPS .43: .42: MOV EDX,[EBX+STM.Program] TEST EDX JZ .E6120: ; Symbol "!1S" not found. .43: CMP ECX,1 ; Test if its special symbol $. JNE .60: CMPB [ESI],'$' JNE .60: ; Special symbol$
recognized. EBX=^STM, EDX=^PGM. JNSt [%EiStatus],eiExtern,.45: Msg '2711' ; Special dynamic symbol $ cannot be made global. RstSt [%EiStatus],eiExtern .45: MOV ECX,[EDX+PGM.CurrentSect] XOR EAX,EAX XOR EBX,EBX XOR EDX,EDX JECXZ .50: MOV EAX,[ECX+SSS.OrgLow] MOV EBX,[ECX+SSS.OrgHigh] MOV EDX,[ECX+SSS.SymPtr] .50: MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EBX MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],ECX ; Current section. MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EDX XOR EAX,EAX MOV AL,'A' SetSt EAX,expSym$ MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX JMP .90: .E6120:MOV EAX,'6120' ; Symbol "!1S" not found. MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX MOV ESI,[%IdPtr] MOV ECX,[%IdEnd] SUB ECX,ESI MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],ESI MOV [EDI+EXP.High],ECX .55: MOVB [EDI+EXP.Status],'#' Invoke EaBufferRelease::,[%EiBuffer] STC JMP .99: .60: ; ESI,ECX is an ordinary symbol. It may be external, forward-referenced, queried. MOV EAX,symReferenced TEST EBX ; ^STM. JZ .65: JNSt [EBX+STM.Status],stmQueried,.64: ; Attribute query is pending. RstSt [EBX+STM.Status],stmQueried Invoke SymFindByName::,0,ESI,ECX,0 JNC .66: MOV BL,'?' JMP .88: ; Undefined symbol is queried. .64: JNSt [%EiStatus],eiExtern,.65: OR EAX,symGlobalRef .65: Invoke SymCreate::,EAX,ESI,ECX,EBX .66: MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX TEST EAX JZ .E6120: ; Symbol "!1S" not found. .70: MOV EBX,'N' ; Assume numeric symbol. MOV ECX,[EAX+SYM.Section] JECXZ .80: JNSt [ECX+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.75: SetSt [ECX+SSS.Status],sssUsed ; Prevent W2102 in[ESI+SOME_STRUC.SomeMember]
. XOR ECX,ECX ; Members of structure are scalar numbers. JMPS .80: .75: MOV BL,'A' .80: MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],ECX MOV EDX,[EAX+SYM.OffsetHigh] MOV EAX,[EAX+SYM.OffsetLow] Invoke ExpWidth MOV BH,CL MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EDX .88: MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EBX .90: Invoke EaBufferRelease::,[%EiBuffer] CLC .99:EndProcedure ExpEvalIdentifier
Input number | Returned number |
0..1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3..4 | 5 |
5..6 | 7 |
7..10 | 11 |
11..12 | 13 |
etc |
ExpGetNextPrime Procedure Number MOV EBX,[%Number] MOVD [%ReturnEAX],-1 .10:INC EBX ; Try the next greater number. CMP EBX,3 JBE .80: TEST BL,1 JZ .10: ; If EBX is even. MOV EAX,EBX SUB EDX,EDX MOV ECX,3 DIV ECX TEST EDX JZ .10: ; If EBX is divisible by 3. STC SBB ECX,ECX .20:ADD ECX,6 ; ECX will be 5 (,11,17,23,29...). MOV EAX,ECX MUL ECX JC .90: CMP EAX,EBX JA .80: ; EBX is prime. MOV EAX,EBX SUB EDX,EDX DIV ECX TEST EDX JZ .10: ; If EBX is divisible by 5 (,11,17,23,29...). LEA ESI,[ECX+2] MOV EAX,EBX SUB EDX,EDX DIV ESI TEST EDX JZ .10: ; If EBX is divisible by 7 (,13,19,25,31...). JMP .20 .80: MOV [%ReturnEAX],EBX ; Prime number found. CLC .90:EndProcedure ExpGetNextPrime
Procedure ExpEval evaluates text containing numeric, logical
or memory-addressing expression and puts the result into EXP structure.
The evaluated text may also be immediate segment:offset pair, register of any family,
memory-addressing expression with segment, base and scalled index register enclosed in braces
The text must have %variables expanded.
In phase one the text is parsed to elementary terms, such as number, register, operator,
(EXP structure instances) which are temporarily stored in %ExpBuffer.
In phase two the array of EXP records on %ExpBuffer is repeatedly walked thru and operations
are calculated.
Each evaluation pass searches for the operation with highest priority from the left.
Each level of parenthesis increased the operation priority by 100h.
Unary operation will merge the operator term with its operand term.
Binary operation will merge two operands with the operator into one result term.
The evaluation is completed when there is only one operand term left on %ExpBuffer.
Example: Evaluation of expression 3*(-1+5)
%ExpBuffer after phase one:
EXP value | EXP.Status | Priority |
3 | 'N' | |
* | 'O' (binary) | 12 |
- | 'O' (unary) | 100h+14 (highest) |
1 | 'N' | |
+ | 'O' (binary) | 100h+10 |
5 | 'N' |
After 1. evaluation pass:
EXP value | EXP.Status | Priority |
3 | 'N' | |
* | 'O' (binary) | 12 |
-1 | 'N' | |
+ | 'O' (binary) | 100h+10 (highest) |
5 | 'N' |
After 2. evaluation pass:
EXP value | EXP.Status | Priority |
3 | 'N' | |
* | 'O' (binary) | 12 (highest) |
4 | 'N' |
After 3. evaluation pass:
EXP value | EXP.Status | Priority |
12 | 'N' |
ExpEval Procedure Exp, TxtPtr, TxtSize, Stm ExpBuffer LocalVar ; ^BUFFER ; Holds parsed elements (EXP objects) before calculations. BufBottom LocalVar ; Bottom of ExpBuffer - pointer to the leftmost element ^EXP. BufTop LocalVar ; Top of ExpBuffer - pointer behind the last stored EXP). ParenthesisLevel LocalVar ; Grows by 0x100 by enterring each () pair. TempStatus LocalVar ; Temporary result EXP.Status if type='M'. SymStatus LocalVar ; SYM.Status which appeared in expression. ThisExp LocalVar Size=SIZE#EXP ; Temporary room before storing to ExpBuffer. QuotientHigh LocalVar ; Temporary variables for 64bit division. QuotientLow LocalVar Walking1High LocalVar Walking1Low LocalVar ClearLocalVar PUSHFD ; Output CPU flags are manipulated as [ESP]. RstSt [ESP],flagO+flagS+flagZ+flagP+flagC ; ~0x8C5 ; Reset returned OF,SF,ZF,PF,CF. EaStackCheck ; Protect from SO. Invoke EaBufferReserve::, ExpEval MOV [%ExpBuffer],EAX MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV ECX,[%TxtSize] LEA EDI,[%ThisExp] StripSpaces ESI,ECX TEST ECX JZ .Empty: LEA EBX,[ESI+ECX] CMPB [ESI],'[' ; Test if the whole expression is a memory-addressing operand (Exp.Status='M'). JNE .AfterBegin: ; If ordinary expression. CMPB [EBX-1],']' JNE .AfterBegin: ; Not a memory-address, e.g. inTYPE#[DI+Symbol] = 'W'
. ; Whole operand is in square brackets [ ], so it is a memory variable 'M'. .30:INC ESI ; Skip the leading [. DEC EBX ; Omit the trailing ]. MOVB [%TempStatus],'M' ; This signalizes special case when memory-addressing expression is evaluated. JMP .AfterBegin: ; Start parsing the expression ESI..EBX. ; Noncallable .Store* snippets parse an element of source and then store %ThisExp on %ExpBuffer. ; Input: ESI=pointer to 1st character of source element. ; EBX=^end of parsable text. ; EDI=^%ThisExp where the element will be parsed and stored to. ; Output: ESI is advanced behind the parsed element in input text. ; EBX unchanged. .StoreMemory: ; Eval and store [SSS_name] or [memory-addressing expression] in [ ]. Invoke ExpParseChar,']',ESI,EBX JC .E6103: ; Missing "]" in expression "!1S". ; Inspect if the expression ESI..EAX is[section_name]
SSS. INC ESI ; Skip the [. MOV ECX,EAX SUB ECX,ESI StripSpaces ESI,ECX PUSH EAX ; Pointer to the closing ]. Invoke SssFindByName::,sssGroup|sssSegment|sssSection,0,ESI,ECX,0 JC .StoreMemory4: ; Jump if no such section_name exists (stack will be rebalanced there). POP ESI ; Found group|segment|section name in brackets. Exp type will be 'S'. INC ESI ; Behind the closing bracket ]. Clear EDI,Size=SIZE#EXP MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX ; ^SSS. MOV EAX,[EAX+SSS.SymPtr] MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOVB [EDI+EXP.Status],'S' BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP .AfterOperand: .StoreMemory4: ; Expect memory-addressing subexpression, e.g. inTYPE#[ESI+Symbol]='D'
. POP EAX ; Pointer to the closing ]. DEC ESI ; Back at the leading [. INC EAX ; Behind the closing bracket ]. MOV ECX,EAX ; Temporary save parsed position. SUB EAX,ESI Invoke ExpEval,EDI,ESI,EAX,[%Stm] ; Recursive invocation to evaluate[memory]
. ; Ignore possible errors in memory-addressing expression. MOV ESI,ECX ; Continue from the saved parse position. BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP ExpEval.AfterOperand: .StoreString: ; Store element in quotes. It may be reclassified later as a character constant when submitted to numeric operation. MOV ECX,ESI ; Save the start of string. Invoke ExpParseString,ESI,EBX JC .E6160: ; Syntax error in the string !1S. MOV EAX,ESI MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],ECX ; Pointer to the opening quote. SUB EAX,ECX MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EAX XOR EAX,EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOV AL,'G' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP .AfterOperand: .StoreNumber: ; Store element which begins with a decimal digit. Invoke ExpParseNumber::,ESI,EBX JC .E6130: ; The number "!1S" is too big for 64 bits. JPO .StoreNumber2: ; PE is set when the number was rounded from floating-point. SetSt [ESP],flagP ; Signalize PF=PrecisionLost. .StoreNumber2: MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EDX XOR EAX,EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOV AL,'N' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP .AfterOperand: .StoreBinary: ; Store element which looks like an operator when a binary one is anticipated. Invoke ExpParseOperator,ESI,EBX,dictBinary JC .E6182: ; Binary operator instead of "!2Z" expected in expression "!1S". MOV EDX,.AfterBinary: JMP .StoreOperator: .StoreUnary: ; Store element which looks like an operator when an unary one is anticipated.. Invoke ExpParseOperator,ESI,EBX,dictUnary JC .E6181: ; Unary operator instead of "!2Z" expected in expression "!1S". MOV EDX,.AfterUnary: .StoreOperator: ; EDI=^EXP, EAX=DictOperators.Data, EDX=.After* where to continue. MOV ECX,0x0F ; Mask priority from operator's DICT.Data. AND ECX,EAX ADD ECX,[%ParenthesisLevel] MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX ; DictOperator.Data. MOV [EDI+EXP.High],ECX ; Priority. SHR EAX,16 ; EAX is the now ordinal number of operation, see ExpOperationList. MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX ; Operation ordinal number. MOV ECX,[.HandlersTable-4 + 4*EAX] ; The table of pointers dispatching to operation handler. MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],ECX ; Operation handler, e.g. .Addition:. MOVD [EDI+EXP.Status],'O' BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP EDX ; .AfterBinary: or .AfterUnary:. .StoreIdentifier: Invoke ExpEvalIdentifier,EDI,ESI,EBX,[%Stm] JNC .Di: MOVD [EDI+EXP.Seg],0 ; Error in ExpEvalIdentifier was already reported, ; set MsgId=0 to prevent repeating of error message. JMP .Export: .Di:MOV EAX,[EDI+EXP.Status] ; 'A', 'N', 'R', 'S', 'O','?' Dispatch AL,0x41,0x4E,0x52,0x53,0x4F,0x3F JMP .E6120: ; Symbol "!1S" not found. .0x3F: ; '?' Undefined symbol recognized in expression. .0x41: ; 'A' Address recognized in expression. .0x4E: ; 'N' Plain number recognized in expression. .0x52: ; 'R' Register name recognized in expression. .0x53: ; 'S' Structure name recognized in expression. BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP ExpEval.AfterOperand: .0x4F: ; 'O' Unary attribute operator recognized in ExpEvalIdentifier needs some adjustment: MOV EAX,[%ParenthesisLevel] ADD [EDI+EXP.High],EAX ; Adjust the operation priority. MOV ECX,[EDI+EXP.Sym] ; ExpEvalIdentifier put operation's ordinal number here rather than handler. MOV EAX,[.HandlersTable-4 + 4*ECX] MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EAX ; Operation handler, e.g..Offset:
. BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP CMP EAX, .Type: JE .o4: CMP EAX, .RegType: JE .o4: CMP EAX, .Scope: JNE .AfterUnary: ; Attributes TYPE#, REGTYPE# and SCOPE# may be applied to undefined symbol without warning. ; Other attributes# will create symbol by reference (and report E6120 if undefined). .o4:PUSH EBX MOV EBX,[%Stm] TEST EBX JZ .o6: ; Signalize pending attribute operation for the following ExpEvalIdentifier, ; so it will not create queried symbol by reference. SetSt [EBX+STM.Status],stmQueried .o6:POP EBX JMP .AfterUnary: .StoreLiteral: MOV EDX,ESI ; Start of literal (=). Invoke ExpParseLiteral,ESI,EBX JC .E6671: ; Invalid syntax of literal symbol !1S". MOV ESI,EAX ; Advance ESI behind the parsed literal. SUB EAX,EDX Invoke SymCreateLiteral::,EDX,EAX,[%Stm] JC .E6671: ; Invalid syntax of literal symbol !1S". MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOV ECX,[EAX+SYM.Section] MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],ECX .Sl:MOV EDX,[EAX+SYM.OffsetHigh] MOV EAX,[EAX+SYM.OffsetLow] MOV [EDI+EXP.High],EDX MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX Invoke ExpWidth SHL ECX,8 MOV CL,'A' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],ECX BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EDI,SIZE#EXP JMP .AfterOperand: .StoreLeftParenthesis: ; Handling left parenthesis (. ADDD [%ParenthesisLevel],0x100 INC ESI ; Skip '('. JMP .AfterLeftParenthesis: .StoreRightParenthesis: ; Handling right parenthesis ). MOV ECX,[%ParenthesisLevel] SUB ECX,0x100 JB .E6220: ; Unbalanced parenth ")" without "(" in expr."!1S". MOV [%ParenthesisLevel],ECX INC ESI ; Skip ')'. JMP .AfterRightParenthesis: ; All noncallable .After* subprocedures dispatch to .Store* procedure ; according to the classification of the 1st character. ; This spaghetized code provides syntax of expression ; as specified in manual. ; Input: ESI=current parsing position. ; EBX=end of parsed text. ; EDI=%ThisExp for recursive invocation of ExpEval*. ; Output:ESI=advanced only on white spaces, otherwise not changed. ; EBX=not changed. .AfterBegin: PROC ; At the beginning of expression ESI..EBX. DEC ESI ; Expected: operand or left parenthesis or unary operator. .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip the white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.E6100: ; Operand cannot be empty. ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expLetter,expDigit,expFullstop,expQuote,expOperator,expSeparator,expWhiteSpace .expSeparator:CMP AL,'(' JE ExpEval.StoreLeftParenthesis: CMP AL,'[' JE ExpEval.StoreMemory: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expDigit: JMP ExpEval.StoreNumber: .expQuote: JMP ExpEval.StoreString: .expFullstop: .expLetter: JMP ExpEval.StoreIdentifier: .expOperator: CMP AL,'=' JE ExpEval.StoreLiteral: JMP ExpEval.StoreUnary: ENDP .AfterBegin: .AfterOperand: PROC ; Expected: right parenthesis or binary operator or end. DEC ESI .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.EndPhaseOne: ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expOperator,expColon CMP AL,')' JE ExpEval.StoreRightParenthesis: ; When expLetter or expDigit follows previous operand, this might not be a syntax error ; if the previous operand was segment register terminated with colon[ES: BX]
PUSH EAX,ESI .10: DEC ESI ExpClassify [ESI] CMP AH,expWhiteSpace JE .10: CMP AL,':' JNE .90: BufferRetrieve [%ExpBuffer] CMPB [ESI+ECX-SIZE#EXP+EXP.Status],'R' JNE .90: ; Previous element was not a register. JNSt [ESI+ECX-SIZE#EXP+EXP.Low],iiRegSeg, .90: ; or it was not a segment register. CMP EAX,EAX ; Set ZF=1. .90:POP ESI,EAX ; ZF=1 if detected segment separation. It will be actually handled in .EndPhaseOne JE ExpEval.AfterBinary: ; Treat the segment separation as a binary operation. JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; An unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expColon: .expOperator:JMP ExpEval.StoreBinary: ENDP .AfterOperand: .AfterUnary: PROC ; Expected: operand or left parenthesis. DEC ESI .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip the white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.E6109: ; Premature end of expression "!1S". ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expLetter,expDigit,expFullstop,expQuote,expOperator CMP AL,'(' JE ExpEval.StoreLeftParenthesis: CMP AL,'[' JE ExpEval.StoreMemory: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expDigit: JMP ExpEval.StoreNumber: .expQuote: JMP ExpEval.StoreString: .expFullstop: .expLetter: JMP ExpEval.StoreIdentifier: .expOperator:CMP AL,'=' JE ExpEval.StoreLiteral: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". ENDP .AfterUnary: .AfterBinary: PROC ; Expected: operand or left parenthesis or unary operator. DEC ESI .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip the white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.E6109: ; Premature end of expression "!1S".',0 ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expOperator,expLetter,expDigit,expFullstop,expQuote CMP AL,'(' JE ExpEval.StoreLeftParenthesis: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expOperator: CMP AL,'=' JE ExpEval.StoreLiteral: JMP ExpEval.StoreUnary: ; Unary operator is permitted after binary, e.g.123 + -23
. .expDigit: JMP ExpEval.StoreNumber: .expQuote: JMP ExpEval.StoreString: .expFullstop: .expLetter: JMP ExpEval.StoreIdentifier: ENDP .AfterBinary: .AfterLeftParenthesis: PROC ; Expected operand or left parenthesis or unary operator. DEC ESI .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip the white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.E6109: ; Premature end of expression "!1S".',0 ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expOperator,expLetter,expDigit,expFullstop,expQuote CMP AL,')' JE ExpEval.StoreRightParenthesis: CMP AL,'(' JE ExpEval.StoreLeftParenthesis: CMP AL,'[' JE ExpEval.StoreMemory: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expOperator: CMP AL,'=' JE ExpEval.StoreLiteral: JMP ExpEval.StoreUnary: .expDigit: JMP ExpEval.StoreNumber: .expQuote: JMP ExpEval.StoreString: .expFullstop: .expLetter: JMP ExpEval.StoreIdentifier: ENDP .AfterLeftParenthesis: .AfterRightParenthesis: PROC ; Expected binary operator or right parenthesis or end. DEC ESI .expWhiteSpace: INC ESI ; Skip the white space. CMP ESI,EBX JNB ExpEval.EndPhaseOne: ExpClassify [ESI] Dispatch AH,expWhiteSpace,expOperator,expColon CMP AL,')' JE ExpEval.StoreRightParenthesis: JMP ExpEval.E6101: ; Unexpected character "!2Z" following "!1S". .expColon: .expOperator: JMP ExpEval.StoreBinary: ENDP .AfterRightParenthesis: .EndPhaseOne: ; Phase one termination. ; Elements parsed to EXP objects are stored on [%ExpBuffer] and waiting for calculation. ; Solve a special case when segment register is followed by other operand ; without Indexing operator (+), in expression like[ES:Symbol]
or[DI + CS BX]
. BufferRetrieve [%ExpBuffer] LEA EDI,[ESI+ECX] ; Behind the last element. SUB ESI,SIZE#EXP .10:ADD ESI,SIZE#EXP CMP ESI,EDI JNB .PhaseTwo: CMPB [ESI+EXP.Status],'R' JNE .10: JNSt [ESI+EXP.Low],iiRegSeg, .10: ADD ESI,SIZE#EXP CMP ESI,EDI JNB .PhaseTwo: CMPB [ESI+EXP.Status],'O' JE .10: ; Special case - SegmReg: not followed with operator. [FS:ESI] ; Fake Indexing operator will be inserted. BufferNew [%ExpBuffer],SIZE#EXP MOV ECX,EAX SUB ECX,ESI SHR ECX,2 ADD EDI,SIZE#EXP-4 LEA ESI,[EDI-SIZE#EXP] STD REP MOVSD CLD SUB EDI,SIZE#EXP-4 MOVD [EDI+EXP.Status],'O' ; Fake operator element. MOV EAX,[DictOperationAddition:: + DICT.Data] MOVD [EDI+EXP.High],9 ; Addition/Indexing priority. MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],EAX MOVD [EDI+EXP.Seg],ExpEval.Addition: .PhaseTwo: ; Phase two starts to calculate elements and operations in [%ExpBuffer]. BufferRetrieve [%ExpBuffer] LEA EDI,[ESI+ECX] ; Behind the last element. MOV [%BufBottom],ESI MOV [%BufTop],EDI CMP ECX,SIZE#EXP JE .Calculated: ; All operations are calculated, only one element is left on %ExpBuffer. JB .Empty: ; More than one element, €ASM will find operation with the highest priority, starting from the left. SUB EDX,EDX ; Highest priority so far. SUB EBX,EBX ; Pointer to the corresponding EXP operation whith highest priority. .NextElement: SUB EDI,SIZE#EXP CMP EDI,ESI JB .Calculate: CMPB [EDI+EXP.Status],'O' JNE .NextElement: ; If the element EDI is not an operator. CMP EDX,[EDI+EXP.High] ; Priority. JA .NextElement: MOV EDX,[EDI+EXP.High] ; Highest priority so far. MOV EBX,EDI ; ^EXP with highest priority so far. JMP .NextElement: .Calculate: TEST EBX ; EBX is ^EXP of operation with the highest priority. JZ .E6200 ; Syntax error in expression "!1S". JMP [EBX+EXP.Seg] ; Dispatch to current operation handler (.Minus:, .Addition: etc.). ; Left-side operand (if operator at EBX is binary) is EBX-SIZE#EXP aliased as %LeftOperand, ; right-side operand is EBX+SIZE$EXP aliased as %RightOperand. ; Other important pointers on handler entry are [%BufBottom],[%BufTop], ; which are bounderies of the table of EXP objects. %LeftOperand %SET EBX-SIZE#EXP %RightOperand %SET EBX+SIZE#EXP ; Attribute handlers epilogue. .DoneAttributeScalar0: XOR ESI,ESI MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],ESI .DoneAttribute0: ; Return scalar 0. XOR EAX,EAX .DoneAttributeN: ; Return 32bit scalar EAX. XOR EDX,EDX .DoneAttributeN64: ; Return 64bit scalar EDX:EAX. XOR ESI,ESI .DoneAttribute: ; Return address. Expects EDX:EAX=offset, ESI=^SSS or 0. Invoke ExpWidth SHL ECX,8 MOV CL,'N' TEST ESI JZ .Scalar: MOV CL,'A' .Scalar: CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'#' ; If the questioned expression was in error, JE .DoneUnary: ; return this error instead of attribute value. .NoError: MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.High],EDX MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Seg],ESI MOV EAX,expExtAttr AND EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] OR ECX,EAX MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],ECX MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Sym] ; ECX is either ^SYM or ordinal Nr of operation. CMP ECX,%ExpOperationListLength JBE .DoneUnary: SetSt [ECX+SYM.Status],symQueried+symUsed ; Prevent E6101 to raise due to referring attribute of undefined symbol. CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'N' JNE .DoneUnary: MOVD [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],0 ;JMP .DoneUnary: .DoneUnary: ; Unary operation EBX epilogue. ; Swallow EXP at EBX (unary operator). Keep %RightOperand as the result. BufferClear [%ExpBuffer] ; Mark as empty but do not erase data. MOV EAX,EBX MOV ESI,[%BufBottom] SUB EAX,ESI BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],ESI,EAX ADD EBX,SIZE#EXP ; Skip the calculated operation. MOV ECX,[%BufTop] SUB ECX,EBX BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EBX,ECX JMP .PhaseTwo: ; Continue calculating the next operation. .DoneBinary: ; Binary operation EBX epilogue. ; Swallow two EXPs at EBX (operation and right operand). Keep %LeftOperand as result. BufferClear [%ExpBuffer] ; Mark as empty but do not erase data. MOV EAX,EBX MOV ESI,[%BufBottom] SUB EAX,ESI BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],ESI,EAX ADD EBX,2*SIZE#EXP ; Skip the calculated operation and the right operand. MOV ECX,[%BufTop] SUB ECX,EBX BufferStore [%ExpBuffer],EBX,ECX JMP .PhaseTwo: ; Continue calculating the next operation. .Calculated: ; .PhaseTwo just ended. ESI=^EXP with result. CMPD [%ParenthesisLevel],0 JNE .E6221: ; Unbalanced parenth.: "(" without ")" in expression "!1S". MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Status] MOV EBX,[%TempStatus] MOV AH,BL ; 0 or 'M' if in [braces], BL bit 7 may be set (=expVbit4). AND AX,0x7F7F ; Remove expVbit4 for dispatching purpose. Dispatch AX,'NM','AM','RM','R','N','A','F','G','P','?' ; Other types are illegal. MOV EBX,'6200' ; Syntax error in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .N: ; E.g. 1234 .?: ; E.g. UndefinedSymbol .P: ; E.g. PARA# DataSym .A: ; E.g. $+5 or FarProc JSt [ESI+EXP.Status],expPara,.export: MOV ECX,[ESI+EXP.Sym] JECXZ .F: MOV EAX,[ECX+SYM.SymbPtr] TEST EAX JZ .NX: MOV ECX,EAX ; When an external symbol was refered, replace it with its resolved public one. MOV [ESI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOV EAX,[EAX+SYM.Section] MOV [ESI+EXP.Seg],EAX .NX:JNSt [ECX+SYM.Status],symFar, .F: SetSt [ESI+EXP.Status],expFar .F: ; E.g. 1234:5678 MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[ESI+EXP.High] Invoke ExpWidth MOV [ESI+EXP.Status+1],CL .G: ; E.g. "string" .R: ; E.g. XMM0 ; [%TempStatus] is not 'M', i.e. operand not in []. .export:MOV ECX,[%TempStatus] ; Presence of registers and/or scale is illegal. JECXZ .ExpExport: ; OK, no base/index/scale adopted. MOV EBX,'6270' ; Address expression "!1S" must be in []. JMP .Error: .NM: ; E.g. [1234] .AM: ; E.g. [Symbol] MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[ESI+EXP.High] Invoke ExpWidth SHL ECX,8 OR [%TempStatus],ECX JMPS .?M: .RM: ; E.g. [EBX] or [XMM31]. ; [%TempStatus] is 'M', it will replace [ESI+EXP.Status] MOV ECX,[ESI+EXP.Low] ; Register properties as in Dict.Register.Data. CALL .AdoptIndexing: JC ExpEval.Error: ; If adopting error. SUB ECX,ECX MOV [ESI+EXP.Low],ECX ; Remove register from address expression. .?M:LEA ECX,[%SymStatus] ; This might contain type of symbol which appeared in expression. Invoke DictLookup::,DictDatatypesShort::,ECX,1 MOV EAX,[%TempStatus] JC .M2: ; If not the case. MOV ECX,expVbit4 AND ECX,EAX ; CL now has bit 7 set if adopted VSIB index was above 16. MOV AL,[%SymStatus] ; Replace 'M' with specific symbol type 'B','U','W','D','Q','T','O','Y','Z'. OR EAX,ECX ; Keep expVbit4 in specific symbol, too. .M2:MOV [ESI+EXP.Status],EAX MOV ECX,EAX ; Check for conflict in displacement size and register width in address expression. AND EAX,expAwidth JZ .ExpExport: ; If expAwidth was not specified (no registers), any expDwidth fits. AND ECX,expDwidth ; CH is now 0..7. CMP EAX,0x40000000 JNE .M4: CMP CH,5 ; Address size was set by registers to 16 bit. JA .E6281: ; Displacement in "!1S" is too big for address size 16 bit. .M4:CMP EAX,0x80000000 JNE .ExpExport: CMP CH,6 ; Address size was set by registers to 32 bit. JA .E6282: ; Displacement in "!1S" is too big for address size 32 bit. ; JMP .ExpExport: .B: .U: .W: .D: .Q: .O: .Y: .Z: .ExpExport: MOV EDI,[%Exp] MOV ECX,SIZE#EXP / 4 REP MOVSD JMP .End: [.data] ALIGN DWORD .HandlersTable: ; Pointers to operation handlers declared in ExpOperationList. operation %FOR %ExpOperationList DD .%operation %ENDFOR operation .OperationNamesTable:: ; Pointers to names of operations declared in ExpOperationList. operation %FOR %ExpOperationList ; Operation name is used in MsgProc DD =B"%operation" ; in expansion of parameter !1O. %ENDFOR operation [.text] .Empty:SetSt [ESP],flagZ ; ZF=parsed expression was empty, which returns number 0. MOV EDI,[%Exp] Clear EDI,Size=SIZE#EXP MOVB [EDI+EXP.Status],'N' JMP .End: .Export: ; [%ThisExp] is directly used as output %Exp. LEA ESI,[%ThisExp] MOV EDI,[%Exp] MOV ECX,SIZE#EXP / 4 CMPB [ESI+EXP.Status],'#' JNE .Exp5: SetSt [ESP],flagC .Exp5:REP MOVSD JMP .End: ; Error handlers. .ErrorEAX: ; Error from arithmetic operations. MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Sym] ; Operation ordinal number. MOV EBX,EAX ; MsgId. MOV EAX,EDX JMP .Error: .E6100:MOV EBX,'6100' ; Operand cannot be empty. JMP .Error: .E6101:MOV EBX,'6101' ; Expression "!1S" is followed by unexpected character "!3Z". JMP .ErrorP: .E6103:MOV EBX,'6103' ; Missing "]" in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6109:MOV EBX,'6109' ; Premature end of expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6120:MOV EBX,'6120' ; Symbol "!1S" not found. JMP .Error: .E6130:MOV EBX,'6130' ; The number "!1S" is too big for 64 bits. JMP .Error: .E6160:MOV EBX,'6160' ; Syntax error in the string !1S.' JMP .Error: .E6181:MOV EBX,'6181' ; Unary operator instead of "!3Z" expected in expression "!1S" JMP .Error: .E6182:MOV EBX,'6182' ; Binary operator instead of "!3Z" expected in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6200:MOV EBX,'6200' ; Syntax error in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6208:MOV EBX,'6208' ; Unary minus is not applicable to an address in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6220:MOV EBX,'6220' ; Unbalanced parenthesis: ")" without "(" in expression "!1S". JMP .ErrorP: .E6221:MOV EBX,'6221' ; Unbalanced parenthesis: "(" without ")" in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6240:MOV EBX,'6240' ; Immediate far pointer "!1S" must not be in braces []. JMP .Error: .E6241:MOV EBX,'6241' ; Segment part of imm.far pointer "!1S" must be a plain 16bit number. JMP .Error: .E6242:MOV EBX,'6242' ; Invalid offset part of immediate far pointer "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6279:MOV EBX,'6279' ; Invalid scaling factor in expression "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6281:MOV EBX,'6281' ; Displacement in "!1S" is too big for address size 16 bit. JMP .Error: .E6282:MOV EBX,'6282' ; Displacement in "!1S" is too big for address size 32 bit. JMP .Error: .E6301:MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Sym] MOV EBX,'6301' ; !2O applied to illegal operand in "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6310:MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Sym] MOV EBX,'6310' ; !2O by zero in "!1S". JMP .Error: .E6311:MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Sym] MOV EBX,'6311' ; !2O 64bit overflow in "!1S".',0 JMP .Error: .E6331:MOV EBX,'6331' ; Subtraction of addr. from different segments in expression "!1S". JMP .ErrorP: .E6671:MOV EBX,'6671' ; Invalid syntax of literal symbol !1S". JMP .Error: .ErrorP: ; !1S will be [%TxtPtr]..ESI. ; Input: EBX=MsgId, AL=content of !3, EDX=!2O, ESI=parser position. MOV ECX,ESI SUB ECX,[%TxtPtr] JLE .Error: ; If ESI wasn't valid parser position. CMP ECX,[%TxtSize] JNGE .Err: .Error: ; Construction of error record in output EXP. !1S will be [%TxtPtr],[%TxtSize]. MOV ECX,[%TxtSize] .Err: ; EBX=MsgId, EDX=!2O, AL=!3. MOV ESI,[%TxtPtr] MOV EDI,[%Exp] MOV [EDI+EXP.Seg],EBX ; MsgId. MOV [EDI+EXP.Sym],EDX ; !2O. SHL EAX,8 MOV AL,'#' MOV [EDI+EXP.Status],EAX ; !3R. MOV [EDI+EXP.Low],ESI ; !1S ptr. MOV [EDI+EXP.High],ECX ; !1S size. SetSt [ESP],flagC .End: Invoke EaBufferRelease::, [%ExpBuffer] POPFD EndProcedure ExpEval ; Miscellaneous auxiliary subprocedures follow. ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: PROC ; The element at EBX - SIZE#EXP should be a number or address. ; String operand will be reclassified as character constant. i.e. number, if possible. ; Input: EBX=^EXP with binary operation. ; Output: CF=0 if operand is number or address. EAX=undefined. ; On error: CF=1 if not a valid number or address. ; EAX='6131' Character constant !1S is too big for 64 bits ; EAX='6161' Syntax error in the char.constant !1S. ; EAX='6206' In expression "!1S" !2O can be applied to plain numbers only. PUSH EDX,ESI LEA ESI,[%LeftOperand] .CheckOperandNumber: ; Common continuation with .CheckRightOpNumber. ESI=^EXP with operand. MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Status] Dispatch AL,'N','A','G' MOV EAX,'6206' ; !2O can be applied to plain numbers only in expression "!1S". STC JMP .N: .G: MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.High] ; Pointer to the left quote of the string. ADD EAX,[ESI+EXP.Low] ; Add brutto string size. Invoke ExpEvalCharConst,[ESI+EXP.Low],EAX ; On error returns EAX='6131' or '6161'. JC .N: MOV [ESI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [ESI+EXP.High],EDX MOVB [ESI+EXP.Status],'N' .A: .N: POP ESI,EDX RET ENDP ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: PROC ; The element at EBX + SIZE#EXP should be a number or address. ; String operand will be reclassified as character constant. i.e. number, if possible. ; Input: EBX=^EXP with binary operation. ; Output: CF=0 if operand is number or address. EAX=undefined. ; On error: CF=1 if not a valid number or address. ; EAX='6131' Character constant !1S is too big for 64 bits. ; EAX='6161' Syntax error in the char.constant !1S. ; EAX='6206' In expression "!1S" !2O can be applied to plain numbers only. PUSH EDX,ESI LEA ESI,[%RightOperand] JMP ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber.CheckOperandNumber: ENDP ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: PROC ; Negate numeric element at [EBX-SIZE#EXP]. Destroys EAX,EDX,ESI. LEA ESI,[%LeftOperand] .NegOperand: ; at ESI. MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[ESI+EXP.High] NOT EAX NOT EDX ADD EAX,1 ADC EDX,0 MOV [ESI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [ESI+EXP.High],EDX RET ENDP ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: ExpEval.NegRightOperand: PROC ; Negate numeric element at [EBX+SIZE#EXP]. Destroys EAX,EDX,ESI. LEA ESI,[%RightOperand] JMPS ExpEval.NegLeftOperand.NegOperand: ENDP ExpEval.NegRightOperand: ExpEval.SwapOperands: PROC ; Callable subprocedure to exchange both operands of binary operation. ; Output: EDX:EAX=.High:.Low value of the operand which is on the left after swap. ; ESI,EDI=pointers to the left,right operand. LEA ESI,[%LeftOperand] ; The left operand. LEA EDI,[%RightOperand] ; The right operand. MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Sym] XCHG EAX,[EDI+EXP.Sym] MOV [ESI+EXP.Sym],EAX MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Status] MOV EDX,[ESI+EXP.Seg] XCHG EAX,[EDI+EXP.Status] XCHG EDX,[EDI+EXP.Seg] MOV [ESI+EXP.Status],EAX MOV [ESI+EXP.Seg],EDX MOV EAX,[ESI+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[ESI+EXP.High] XCHG EAX,[EDI+EXP.Low] XCHG EDX,[EDI+EXP.High] MOV [ESI+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [ESI+EXP.High],EDX RET ENDP ExpEval.SwapOperands: ExpEval.CheckAwidth:PROC ; Check consistency of addressing mode. Detect error in[EBX+SI]
etc. ; Address width expAwidth in [%TempStatus] must be 0 or it must match the width of GP register in ECX. ; Vector-index register will always pass, it does not involve the address-size. ; Input: ECX=DictRegisters.Data ; Output:CF=0 All OK, register width matches [%TempStatus]. EAX changed, ECX preserved. ; Error: CF=1 EBX='6277', AL=reg, ECX preserved. Unexpected !2R, invalid register combination in address expression "!1S". PUSH ECX JSt ECX,iiReg_Fam32,.90: ; XMM,YMM,ZMM is used as vector indexregister. SHR ECX,25 ; Register byte size, see DictRegisters.Data. AND ECX,0x00000007 ; Reg size 001b,010b,100b for 2,4,8 bytes CMP CL,4 JB .20: DEC ECX ; Reg size 01b,10b,11b for 2,4,8 bytes .20:MOV EAX,expAwidth ; 0xC000_0000 SHL ECX,30 ; Match expAwidth mask. AND EAX,[%TempStatus] JZ .30: ; Status.expAwidth was not set yet, so any width will fit. CMP EAX,ECX JE .30: MOV EBX,'6277' ; Unexpected !2R, invalid register combination in address expression "!1S". MOV EAX,ECX STC JMP .90: ; Return with error. .30:OR [%TempStatus],ECX ; Otherwise set expAwidth mask. .90:POP ECX RET ENDP ExpEval.CheckAwidth: ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: PROC ; Callable proc to check if types of both [%LeftOperand] and [%RightOperand] are 'N'. ; Input: EBX=^EXP with binary operation on [%ExpBuffer]. ; Output: CF=0, both operands are numeric, EDX:EAX=Left operand .High:.Low. ; Error: CF=1, EAX=MsgId. EDX=unspecified. ; EAX='6131' Character constant !1S is too big for 64 bits. ; EAX='6161' Syntax error in the char.constant !1S. ; EAX='6206' In expression "!1S" !2O can be applied to plain numbers only. CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, check if number or address. JC .90: ; If the left operand was not numeric or address. CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: JC .90: ; If the right operand was not numeric or address. MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg] OR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] ; Both operand should be sectionless. MOV EAX,'6206' STC JNZ .90: MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] CLC .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: PROC ; Callable proc to check if types of both [%LeftOperand] and [%RightOperand] ; are both 'N' or they are both 'A' with the same segment. Used in numeric compare operations. ; Input: EBX=^EXP with binary operation on [%ExpBuffer]. ; Output: CF=0, both operands are numeric, EDX:EAX=Left operand .High:.Low. ; Error: CF=1, EAX=MsgId. EDX=unspecified. ; EAX='6131' Character constant !1S is too big for 64 bits. ; EAX='6161' Syntax error in the char.constant !1S. ; EAX='6207' In expression "!1S" !2O requires both addresses from the same segment. CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, check if it's number or address. JC .90: ; If the left operand was not numeric or address. CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: JC .90: ; If the right operand was not numeric or address. MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Status] MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] MOV AH,DL Dispatch AX,'NN','AA' .E6207: MOV EAX,'6207' STC JMP .90: .AA:MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg] MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] MOV EAX,[EAX+SSS.SegmPtr] CMP EAX,[EDX+SSS.SegmPtr] JNE .E6207: .NN:MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] CLC .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: ExpEval.AdoptIndexing: PROC ; Callable subprocedure for adopting an register in address expression. ; Input: ECX=DictRegisters.Data [%TempStatus]=Address expression status. ; Output: CF=0, [%TempStatus] modified, EAX destroyed, ECX preserved. ; On error: CF=1, EBX=MsgId,'6274''6278' ,AL=reg, ECX preserved. Invoke IiGetRegFamily::,ECX Dispatch AL,iiReg_R16,iiReg_R32,iiReg_R64,iiReg_SEG,iiReg_ZMM,iiReg_YMM,iiReg_XMM .E6278:MOV EBX,'6278' ; Illegal register !2R used in address expression "!1S". .Er:MOV EAX,ECX STC RET .iiReg_SEG: MOV EAX,iiReg_Ord8 ; Mask for segment-register ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX JNSt [%TempStatus],expSegmPres,.10: MOV EBX,'6272' ; Unexpected !3R, only one segm.reg. is allowed in expression "!1S". JMP .Er: .E6271:MOV EBX,'6271' ; Illegal register !3R used in 16bit addressing in expression "!1S". JMP .Er: .E6273:MOV EBX,'6273' ; Unexpected !3R, only one base register is allowed in expression "!1S". JMP .Er: .E6274:MOV EBX,'6274' ; Unexpected !3R, only one indexreg. is allowed in expression "!1S". JMP .Er: .10:; Adopt as a segment register. SHL EAX,24 ; Convert iiReg_Ord8 to expSegm. OR EAX,expSegmPres OR [%TempStatus],EAX JMP .90: .iiReg_R16: .iiReg_R32: .iiReg_R64: MOV EAX,iiReg_Ord16 ; Mask for the GPR ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX JSt [%TempStatus],expBasePres,.30: ; If one basereg is already adopted, adopt as index. JNSt ECX,iiRegBase,.30: ; Adopt as a base register. SHL EAX,16 ; Convert iiReg_Ord16 to expBase. OR EAX,expBasePres OR [%TempStatus],EAX CALL ExpEval.CheckAwidth: JMP .90: .iiReg_XMM: .iiReg_YMM: .iiReg_ZMM: MOV EAX,0110_0000b AND EAX,ECX ; AL is now 0000_0000b,0010_0000b,0100_0000b for XMM,YMM,ZMM. ADD AL,0010_0000b ; AL is now 0010_0000b,0100_0000b,0110_0000b for XMM,YMM,ZMM. SHL EAX,6 ; Convert vector family to expVSIBfam. OR [%TempStatus],EAX MOV EAX,iiReg_Ord32 ; Mask for SIMD vector-index register ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX BTR EAX,4 JNC .30: ORD [%TempStatus],expVbit4 .30:JSt [%TempStatus],expIndexPres, .E6274: JNSt ECX,iiRegIndex, .50: ; Adopt as an index register. SHL EAX,20 ; Convert iiReg_Ord16 to expIndex. OR EAX,expIndexPres OR [%TempStatus],EAX CALL ExpEval.CheckAwidth: JMP .90: .50:Invoke IiGetRegFamily::, ECX CMP AL,iiReg_R32 JE .60: CMP AL,iiReg_R64 JE .60: JNSt ECX,iiRegBase|iiRegIndex,.E6271: ; Illegal register !2R used in 16bit addressing in expression "!1S". JMP .E6273: ; Unexpected !2R, only one base register is allowed in expression "!1S". .60:; Special case in 32bit addressing: expBasePres is already occupied but curently adopting register ; cannot be adopted as an index. E.g. ESP in[EBX+ESP]
. ; Solve this by readopting EBX as an index and adopting the current reg ESP as a base. MOV EAX,expBase AND EAX,[%TempStatus] SHL EAX,4 OR [%TempStatus],EAX MOV EAX,~expBase AND [%TempStatus],EAX JNSt ECX,iiRegBase, .E6278: ; Illegal register !2R used in address expression "!1S". MOV EAX,0x0F ; Mask for the register ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX SHL EAX,16 OR EAX,expBasePres+expIndexPres OR [%TempStatus],EAX MOV EAX,expBase+expIndex+expBasePres+expIndexPres AND EAX,[%TempStatus] CMP EAX,0x00440000 + expBasePres+expIndexPres ; [ESP+ESP] or [RSP+RSP]. JE .E6273: ; Unexpected !2R, only one base register is allowed in expression "!1S". CALL ExpEval.CheckAwidth: .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.AdoptIndexing: ExpEval.AdoptScaling: PROC ; Callable subprocedure for scaled address expression. ; Input: ECX=DictRegisters.Data [%TempStatus]=Address expression status. ; EDX=scaling factor (-1,0,1,2,3 for 0*,1*,2*,4*,8*) ; Output: CF=0, [%TempStatus] modified, EAX,EDX destroyed, EBX,ECX preserved. ; On error: CF=1, EBX='6272','6275','6276' or '6277', AL=!2R, ECX preserved. MOV EAX,ECX JSt [%TempStatus],expScalePres|expIndexPres,.E6276: ; Unexpected !2R - more than one register not allowed in expression "!1S". JNSt ECX,iiRegIndex, .E6275: ; Scaled reg !2R cannot be used as indexreg in expresion "!1S". CALL ExpEval.CheckAwidth: ; Returns EBX='6277', AL=!2R on error. JC .Err: TEST EDX JNS .30: INC EDX ; EDX=0. JMP .50: ; If 0*IndexReg, expIndex will be set but expIndexPres+expScalePres not. .30:SetSt [%TempStatus],expIndexPres+expScalePres SHL EDX,28 ; Convert scaling factor to expScale. TEST CL,iiReg_Fam32 JZ .50: MOV EAX,0110_0000b AND EAX,ECX ; AL is now 0000_0000b,0010_0000b,0100_0000b for XMM,YMM,ZMM. ADD AL,0010_0000b ; AL is now 0010_0000b,0100_0000b,0110_0000b for XMM,YMM,ZMM. SHL EAX,6 ; Convert vector family to expVSIBfam. OR EDX,EAX MOV EAX,iiReg_Ord32 ; Vector indexregister ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX BTR EAX,4 JNC .50: OR EDX,expVbit4 .50:MOV EAX,iiReg_Ord16 ; General-purpose indexregister ordinal number. AND EAX,ECX RstSt [%TempStatus],expIndex ; Clear eventual expIndex remaining from prevous 0* scaling. SHL EAX,20 ; Convert iiReg_Ord16 to expIndex. OR EDX,EAX OR [%TempStatus],EDX JMPS .90: .E6275:MOV EBX,'6275' ; Scaled reg !3R cannot be used as indexreg in expresion "!1S". JMPS .Err: .E6276:MOV EBX,'6276' ; Unexpected !3R - more than one register not allowed in expression "!1S". .Err:STC .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.AdoptScaling: ExpEval.ReturnBool: PROC; Input: EAX=EXP.Value (0 or -1); ECX=EXP.Status MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX MOVD [%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg],0 MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],ECX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.ReturnBool: ExpEval.ReturnFalse:PROC ; Uncallable. Set left operand to boolean False. Output:EAX=0 XOR EAX,EAX MOV ECX,'N'+(3<<8) ; >> JMP ExpEval.ReturnBool: ENDP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ExpEval.ReturnTrue:PROC ; Uncallable. Set left operand to boolean True. Output:EAX=-1 XOR EAX,EAX MOV ECX,'N'+(4<<8) ; >> DEC EAX JMP ExpEval.ReturnBool: ENDP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ; Operation handlers for all operations defined in ExpOperationList. ; Elements have been parsed into the EXP format and stored in [%ExpBuffer]. ; Handler is provided with EBX=pointer to EXP with the operation, neighbouring its operands. ; Handler must not change EBX and EBP. It ends with .DoneUnary or .DoneBinary. ExpEval.Membership: ; Dummy handler, membership is not processed here. ExpEval.SegmentSeparation: PROC ; Something like1234:5678
or[ES : BX]
. CMPB [%TempStatus],'M' JNE .50: CMPB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],'R' ; Left operand must be a segment register. JNE ExpEval.E6240: ; Immediate far pointer "!1S" must not be in braces []. MOV ECX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] ; DictRegisters.Data. JNSt ECX,iiRegSeg,ExpEval.E6240: CALL ExpEval.AdoptIndexing MOV EDX,EAX MOV EAX,EBX JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CALL ExpEval.SwapOperands: JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .50:; Segment-separated expression is not in braces [], therefore it only may be immediate segment:offset in JMPF/CALLF. ; %LeftOperand and %RightOperand will be evaluated here and %LeftOperand reclassified as 'F'. CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number. JC ExpEval.E6241: ; Segment part of imm.far pointer "!1S" must be a plain 16bit number. MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] TEST EDX JNZ ExpEval.E6241: MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg],EAX CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, if possible. MOVB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],'F' CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'N' JE .70: CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'A' JNE ExpEval.E6242: ; Invalid offset part of immediate far pointer "!1S". .70:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.SegmentSeparation: ExpEval.Minus: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'A' JE ExpEval.E6208: ; Unary minus is not applicable to an address in expression "!1S". CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: JMP ExpEval.DoneUnary: ENDP ExpEval.Minus: ExpEval.Plus: PROC ; CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ; JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: JMP ExpEval.DoneUnary: ENDP ExpEval.Plus: ExpEval.BitwiseNot: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: NOTD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] NOTD [%RightOperand+EXP.High] JMP ExpEval.DoneUnary: ENDP ExpEval.BitwiseNot: ExpEval.LogicalNot: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV EAX,-1 JZ .5: SUB EAX,EAX .5:MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.High],EAX JMP ExpEval.DoneUnary: ENDP ExpEval.LogicalNot: ExpEval.Addition: PROC ; Also .Indexing with Register. CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ; ignore if not possible. MOV AL,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] ; Right operand type. MOV AH,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Status] ; Left operand type. Dispatch AX,'NN','NA','AN','RN','NR','RA','AR','RR' JMP ExpEval.E6301: ; !2O applied to illegal operand in "!1S". .NN:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; [Scalar+scalar]. MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX ; The actual Addition. ADC [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .AN:CALL ExpEval.SwapOperands: ; [Scalar+address]. .NA:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; [Address+scalar]. MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX ; Add scalar to address symbol. ADC [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX ; Ignore overflow in displ.calculations. JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ; Operation with regs is possible only in address expr.(type 'M'). .AR: ; [Reg+address]. .NR: ; [Reg+scalar]. .RR: ; [Reg+reg]. CALL ExpEval.SwapOperands: ; Left operand will be adopted sooner, therefore it will be the base. .RA: ; [Address+reg]. .RN: ; [Scalar+reg]. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; DictRegisters.Data CALL ExpEval.AdoptIndexing: JC ExpEval.Error: ; Report error in adopting a register in ECX. JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Addition: ExpEval.Subtraction: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ; ignore if not possible. MOV AL,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] ; Right operand type. MOV AH,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Status] ; Left operand type. Dispatch AX,'NN','NA','NR','AA' JMP ExpEval.E6301: ; !2O applied to illegal operand in "!1S".',0 .AA: ; [Address-address]. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] ; Right operand section. MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg] ; Left operand section. SUB EAX,EDX JNE ExpEval.E6331: ; Subtraction of addresses from different segments in expression "!1S". MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Seg],EAX ; Convert address to a plain number (no section). MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Sym],EAX ; Convert address to a plain number (no symbol). MOVB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],'N' .NN:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; [Scalar-scalar]. MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] SUB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX ; The actual Subtraction. SBB [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .NA:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; [Address-scalar]. MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] SUB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX ; Subtract scalar from address. SBB [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX ; Ignore overflow in displacement calculations. JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .NR:MOV ECX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] ; [Reg-scalar]. CALL ExpEval.AdoptIndexing: JC ExpEval.Error: ; Report error in adopting a register in ECX. CALL ExpEval.SwapOperands: MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] NOT EAX ; Negate the number. NOT EDX ADD EAX,1 ADC EDX,0 MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Subtraction: ExpEval.Scaling: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckLeftOpNumber: ; Convert String to Number, CALL ExpEval.CheckRightOpNumber: ; ignore if not possible. MOV AL,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] ; Right operand type. MOV AH,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Status] ; Left operand type. Dispatch AX,'NR','RN' JMP ExpEval.E6301: ; !2O applied to illegal operand in "!1S".',0 .NR: ; [Reg*scalar]. CALL ExpEval.SwapOperands: .RN: ; [Scalar*reg]. MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] TEST EDX ; Scaling factor.High JNZ ExpEval.E6279: ; Invalid scaling factor in expression "!1S". DEC EDX ; Prepare EDX=-1 for the case when scale=0. BSR ECX,EAX JNZ .20: MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; Indexregister data. CALL ExpEval.AdoptScaling: ; EDX=scaling (-1,0,1,2,3 for 0*,1*,2*,4*,8*) JC ExpEval.Error: ; Error in adopting a register. EBX=MsgId, AL=!2R. JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary .20:CMP CL,3 JA ExpEval.E6279: ; Invalid scaling factor in expression "!1S". BSF EDX,EAX CMP ECX,EDX JNE ExpEval.E6279: ; Invalid scaling factor in expression "!1S". ; Scaling factor EAX is 1,2,4 or 8. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; Indexregister data. CALL ExpEval.AdoptScaling: ; EDX=scaling (-1,0,1,2,3 for 0*,1*,2*,4*,8*) JC ExpEval.Error: ; Error in adopting a register in ECX (E6272 or E6277). SUB EAX,EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Scaling: ExpEval.Multiplication: PROC ; If any operand is a register, the operation will be reclassified to Scaling. CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'R' JE .10: CMPB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],'R' JNE .20: .10: ; Convert multiplication to scaling. MOV EAX,[DictOperationScaling:: + DICT.Data] DECD [EBX+EXP.High] ; Change priority from Multiplication (11) to Scaling (10). MOV [EBX+EXP.Low],EAX MOV EAX,ExpEval.Scaling: MOV [EBX+EXP.Seg],EAX JMP ExpEval.PhaseTwo: ; Entire expression in %ExpBuffer must be reevaluated due to the priority change. .20: ; Ordinary multiplication. CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; Convert String/Char constant to Number. JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ESI,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDI,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MUL ESI ; Right.Low * Left.Low. MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MUL EDI ; Right.Low * Left.High JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MUL ESI ; Right.High * Left.Low JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MUL EDI ; Left.High * Right.High JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow TEST EAX JNZ ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Multiplication: ExpEval.SignedMultiplication: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; Convert String/Char constant to Number. JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV CX,0x8000 ; CH=Signum mask, CL=result signum. TEST [%LeftOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .30: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: XOR CL,1 .30:TEST [%RightOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .40: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: XOR CL,1 .40: ; Both operands are now positive. CL is signum of the result (0 or 1). MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ESI,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDI,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MUL ESI MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MUL EDI JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MUL ESI JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow ADD [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EAX JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MUL EDI JO ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow TEST EAX JNZ ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] TEST EAX JS ExpEval.E6311: ; Multiplication 64bit overflow TEST CL JZ .90: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.SignedMultiplication: ExpEval.Divide64: PROC ; Callable subprocedure to divide unsigned [%LeftOperand] by [%RightOperand]. ; Returns Quotient in EDX:EAX. Changes ESI,EDI. Called from .Division and .Modulo operations. XOR EAX,EAX STC MOV [%Walking1Low],EAX MOV [%QuotientLow],EAX MOV [%QuotientHigh],EAX RCR EAX,1 MOV [%Walking1High],EAX ; Walking1 and Quotient initialized. MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MOV EDX,[%QuotientHigh] .40:OR EAX,[%Walking1Low] OR EDX,[%Walking1High] MOV [%QuotientLow],EAX MOV [%QuotientHigh],EDX ; Try if quotient(EDX:EAX) multiplied with divisor (%RightOperand) is not bigger than divident (%LeftOperand) MOV EAX,[%QuotientHigh] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.High] JC .60: TEST EAX STC JNZ .60: MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EAX,[%QuotientHigh] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JC .60: ADD EDI,EAX JC .60: MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.High] JC .60: ADD EDI,EAX JC .60: MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ADD ESI,EAX ADC EDI,EDX JC .60: CMP [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDI JNE .60: CMP [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],ESI .60:MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MOV EDX,[%QuotientHigh] JC .70: ; CF=1 product is above (reset the Walking1 in Quotient). JNE .80: ; CF=0 ZF=0 product is below (keep the Walking1 in Quotient). JE .90: ; CF=0 ZF=1 product is equal (division is done). .70:XOR EAX,[%Walking1Low] ; Product is too big, reset the current walking bit. XOR EDX,[%Walking1High] MOV [%QuotientLow],EAX MOV [%QuotientHigh],EDX .80:SHRD [%Walking1High] RCRD [%Walking1Low] JNC .40: ; Repeat for all 64 bits. .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.Divide64: ExpEval.Division: PROC ; In the expression a / b = c, a is called the dividend, ; b is the divisor and c is called the quotient. CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; EDX:EAX=Dividient JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ECX,EDI OR ECX,ESI JZ ExpEval.E6310: ; !2O by zero in "!1S". TEST EDI JNZ .Division64: ; 32bit division can be calculated with one DIV. CMP EDX,ESI JAE .Division64: DIV ESI SUB EDX,EDX JMP .70: .Division64: CALL ExpEval.Divide64: .70:; EDX:EAX is quotient. MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Division: ExpEval.SignedModulo: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; Convert String/Char constant to Number. JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV CX,0x8000 ; CH=Signum mask, CL=result signum. TEST [%LeftOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .10: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: OR CL,1 .10:TEST [%RightOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .20: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: .20: ; Both operands are now positive. CL is signum of the divident=signum of the remainder. MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EDI,ESI MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JZ ExpEval.E6310: ; !2O by zero in "!1S". TEST EDI JNZ .Division64: ; 32bit modulo can be calculated with one DIV. MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] CMP EDX,ESI JAE .Division64: DIV ESI ; 32bit modulo. MOV EAX,EDX ; 32bit unsigned remainder. SUB EDX,EDX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP .70: .Division64: CALL ExpEval.Divide64: ; EDX:EAX is unsigned quotient. CL is signum of quotient. MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.High] ADD EDI,EAX MOV EAX,[%QuotientHigh] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ADD EDI,EAX SUB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],ESI SBB [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDI .70:TEST CL JZ .80: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: .80:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.SignedModulo: ExpEval.Modulo: PROC ; Unsigned modulo. CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; EDX:EAX=Dividient JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ECX,EDI OR ECX,ESI JZ ExpEval.E6310: ; !2O by zero in "!1S". TEST EDI JNZ .Division64: ; 32bit modulo can be calculated with one DIV. CMP EDX,ESI JAE .Division64: DIV ESI MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EDX MOVD [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],0 JMP .90: .Division64: CALL ExpEval.Divide64: ; EDX:EAX = [%Quotient]. MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EAX,[%QuotientLow] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.High] ADD EDI,EAX MOV EAX,[%QuotientHigh] MULD [%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ADD EDI,EAX SUB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],ESI SBB [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDI .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.Modulo: ExpEval.SignedDivision: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: ; Convert String/Char constant to Number. JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV CX,0x8000 ; CH=Signum mask, CL=result signum. TEST [%LeftOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .10: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: XOR CL,1 .10:TEST [%RightOperand+EXP.High+3],CH JZ .20: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: XOR CL,1 .20: ; Both operands are now positive. CL is signum of the result. MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EDI,ESI MOV EDI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JZ ExpEval.E6310: ; !2O by zero in "!1S". TEST EDI JNZ .Division64: ; 32bit division can be calculated with one DIV. MOV EDX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.High] MOV EAX,[%LeftOperand+EXP.Low] CMP EDX,ESI JAE .Division64: DIV ESI ; 32bit integer division. SUB EDX,EDX JMP .70: .Division64: CALL ExpEval.Divide64: .70:; EDX:EAX is quotient. CL is signum. MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX TEST CL JZ .80: CALL ExpEval.NegLeftOperand: .80:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.SignedDivision: ExpEval.NumericEqual: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JNE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JNE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.NumericEqual: ExpEval.NumericNonEqual2: ExpEval.NumericNonEqual: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JNE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JNE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.NumericNonEqual: ExpEval.Above: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JA ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JB ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JA ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.Above: ExpEval.Below: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JB ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JA ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JB ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.Below: ExpEval.AboveOrEqual: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JA ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JB ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JAE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.AboveOrEqual: ExpEval.BelowOrEqual: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumericAddr: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JA ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JB ExpEval.ReturnTrue: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JBE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.BelowOrEqual: ExpEval.Greater: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JG ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JL ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JG ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.Greater: ExpEval.Lower: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JL ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JG ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JL ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.Lower: ExpEval.LowerOrEqual:PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JL ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JG ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JLE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.LowerOrEqual: ExpEval.GreaterOrEqual: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: CMP EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JG ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JL ExpEval.ReturnFalse: CMP EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] JGE ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.GreaterOrEqual: ExpEval.LogicalAnd: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: OR EAX,EDX JZ ExpEval.ReturnFalse: MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JZ ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.LogicalAnd: ExpEval.LogicalOr: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: OR EAX,EDX JNZ ExpEval.ReturnTrue: MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JNZ ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.LogicalOr: ExpEval.LogicalXor: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: OR EAX,EDX MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] JZ .20: TEST EAX JZ ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: .20:TEST EAX JNZ ExpEval.ReturnTrue: JMP ExpEval.ReturnFalse: ENDP ExpEval.LogicalXor: ExpEval.BitwiseAnd: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: AND EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] AND EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.BitwiseAnd: ExpEval.BitwiseOr: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: OR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] OR EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.BitwiseOr: ExpEval.BitwiseXor: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: XOR EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] XOR EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: ENDP ExpEval.BitwiseXor: ExpEval.ShiftLogicalLeft: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; Number of shifts. TEST ESI JS .Reverse: JZ .10: MOV ECX,64 .10:TEST ECX JZ .90: .20:SHL EAX,1 RCL EDX,1 LOOP .20: MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .Reverse: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: JMP ExpEval.ShiftLogicalRight: ENDP ExpEval.ShiftLogicalLeft: ExpEval.ShiftLogicalRight: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; Number of shifts. TEST ESI JS .Reverse: JZ .10: MOV ECX,64 .10:JECXZ .90: .20:SHR EDX,1 RCR EAX,1 LOOP .20: MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .Reverse: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: JMP ExpEval.ShiftLogicalLeft: ENDP ExpEval.ShiftLogicalRight: ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticLeft: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; ESI:ECX=Number of shifts. TEST ESI JS .Reverse: JZ .10: MOV ECX,64 .10:JECXZ .90: .20:SAL EAX,1 ; SAL of positive number. CF=overflow. RCL EDX,1 JO ExpEval.E6311: LOOP .20: .80:MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .Reverse: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: JMP ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticRight: ENDP ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticLeft: ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticRight: PROC CALL ExpEval.CheckBinaryNumeric: JC ExpEval.ErrorEAX: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; Number of shifts. TEST ESI JS .Reverse: JZ .10: MOV ECX,64 .10:JECXZ .90: .20:SAR EDX,1 RCR EAX,1 LOOP .20: .80:MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],EAX MOV [%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX .90:JMP ExpEval.DoneBinary: .Reverse: CALL ExpEval.NegRightOperand: JMP ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticLeft: ENDP ExpEval.ShiftArithmeticRight: ExpEval.StringCmp: PROC ; Common code for strings compare operations. ; Input: ECX=0 for case insensitive, -1 otherwise. EBX=^EXP with StringCmp operation. ; Output:CF=0, ZF=strings are equal. EAX,ECX,EDX,ESI,EDI destroyed. ; Error: CF=1, EBX='6321' or '6160'. ECX,EDX,ESI,EDI destroyed. CMPB [%LeftOperand+EXP.Status],'G' JE .10: .E6321: ; String compare !2O with non-string operand in expression "!1S". MOV EDX,[EBX+EXP.Sym] ; Operation ordinal. MOV EBX,'6321' ; String compare !2O with non-string operand in expression "!1S". STC JMP .90: .10:CMPB [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],'G' JNE .E6321: ; String compare !2O with non-string operand in expression "!1S". Invoke EaBufferReserve::, ExpEval.StringCmp MOV EDX,EAX ; Left string buffer handle. Invoke ExpStoreString, [%LeftOperand+EXP.Low],[%LeftOperand+EXP.High],EDX,ECX JNC .20: .E6160:MOV EBX,'6160' ; Syntax error in the string !1S. STC JMP .90: .20:Invoke EaBufferReserve::, ExpEval.StringCmp MOV EDI,EAX ; Right string buffer handle. Invoke ExpStoreString, [%RightOperand+EXP.Low],[%RightOperand+EXP.High],EDI,ECX JC .E6160: ; Syntax error in the string !1S. PUSH EDX,EDI ; Buffer handles. BufferRetrieve EDI MOV EDI,ESI ; Right string pointer. MOV EAX,ECX ; Netto size. BufferRetrieve EDX CMP EAX,ECX JNE .50: ; Different sizes. REPE CMPSB .50:POP EDI,EDX PUSHFD ; Save Zero flag. Invoke EaBufferRelease::, EDI Invoke EaBufferRelease::, EDX POPFD CLC .90:RET ENDP ExpEval.StringCmp: ExpEval.SensEqual: PROC SUB ECX,ECX CALL ExpEval.StringCmp: JC ExpEval.Error: JNE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.SensEqual: ExpEval.SensNonEqual: PROC SUB ECX,ECX CALL ExpEval.StringCmp: JC ExpEval.Error: JE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.SensNonEqual: ExpEval.InsensEqual: PROC SUB ECX,ECX DEC ECX CALL ExpEval.StringCmp: JC ExpEval.Error: JNE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.InsensEqual: ExpEval.InsensNonEqual: PROC SUB ECX,ECX DEC ECX CALL ExpEval.StringCmp: JC ExpEval.Error: JE ExpEval.ReturnFalse: JMP ExpEval.ReturnTrue: ENDP ExpEval.InsensNonEqual: ; Attribute unary operations handlers. ; %RightOperand represents an EXP object addressed as EBX+SIZE#EXP ; and it will be replaced with its evaluated attribute by the handler. ExpEval.Size:: PROC ; Handler of attribute SIZE#. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND CL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. Dispatch CL,'A','N','M','S','R' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeScalar0: ; Other expression types return scalar 0. .R:MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; SIZE# was applied on register. EAX=DictRegisters.Data SHR EAX,24 ; DictRegisters.Data contains register size in bytes. JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: .S:MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] ; SIZE# was applied on SSS object (group, segment, section or structure). SetSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssUsed MOV EAX,[ESI+SSS.TopLow] MOV EDX,[ESI+SSS.TopHigh] SUB EAX,[ESI+SSS.BottomLow] SBB EDX,[ESI+SSS.BottomHigh] JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN64: .A: ; SIZE# was applied on [memory] or [memory+symbol]. .N: ; SIZE# was applied on scalar number. .M:MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Sym] ; SIZE# was applied on relocatable address. JECXZ .0: ; SIZE# was applied on scalar or untyped memory variable. MOV EAX,[ECX+SYM.Size] ; SIZE# was applied on symbol or typed memory variable. JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ENDP ExpEval.Size: ExpEval.Type:: PROC ; Handler of attribute TYPE#. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND ECX,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV EAX,ECX Dispatch CL,'A','P','M' JMPS .N: .A: .P: .M: MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Sym] JECXZ .N: MOVZXB EAX,[ECX+SYM.Status] .N:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ENDP ExpEval.Type: [.data] ExpRegTypeTable: DB '?SFMETCCBBWWDDQQXXXXYYYYZZZZK?N?' ; Conversion of shifted register family to REGTYPE# attribute (32 values). [.text] ExpEval.RegType:: PROC ; Handler of attribute REGTYPE#. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] MOV EAX,'?' CMP CL,'R' ; Is REGTYPE# applied to a register? JNE ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ; Return '?' if argument of REGTYPE# is not a register. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] ; EAX is now register encoding. AND EAX,iiRegIdMask SHR EAX,3 MOV AL,[ExpRegTypeTable+EAX] ; Translate shifted register family to one-letter attribute REGTYPE#. JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ENDP ExpEval.RegType: ExpEval.Scope:: PROC ; Handler of attribute SCOPE#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] CMP AL,'O' JE .S: CMP AL,'#' JE ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Sym] JECXZ .S: MOV ECX,[ECX+SYM.Status] MOV AL,'I' JSt ECX,symImport,.G: MOV AL,'X' JSt ECX,symExport,.G: MOV AL,'E' JSt ECX,symExtern,.G: MOV AL,'P' JSt ECX,symPublic|symWeak,.G: MOV AL,'G' JSt ECX,symGlobal|symGlobalRef,.G: .S:MOV AL,'S' ; Standard private scope 'S' is the default. .G:AND EAX,0x7F JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ENDP ExpEval.Scope: ExpEval.Offset:: PROC ; Handler of attribute OFFSET#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] DebugOffset:: AND AL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Sym] Dispatch AL,'N','A','F','M','S' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: ; Other expression types return offset# scalar zero. .A: .N: .F: .M: .S: MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV EDX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] XOR ESI,ESI JECXZ .9: JSt [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],expSym$,.9: JNSt [ECX+SYM.Status],symExtern|symImport|symSe,.9: ORD [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],dictAttrOFFSET<<16 ; >> Postpone attribute evaluation of external symbol to RelocResolve. MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] .9:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute: ENDP ExpEval.Offset: ExpEval.Section:: PROC ; Handler of attribute SECTION#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND AL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] Dispatch AL,'A','S','M' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: ; Other expression types return section# scalar zero. .A: .M: .S: TEST ESI JZ .0: JSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.0: MOV ECX,[ESI+SSS.SymPtr] MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],ECX ORD [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],dictAttrSECTION<<16 ; >> Postpone attribute evaluation to RelocResolve. XOR EAX,EAX XOR EDX,EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute: ENDP ExpEval.Section: ExpEval.Segment:: PROC ; Handler of attribute SEGMENT#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND AL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] Dispatch AL,'A','S','M' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: ; Other expression types return segment# scalar zero. .A: .M: .S: TEST ESI JZ .0: JSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.0: JNSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssSection,.3: MOV ESI,[ESI+SSS.SegmPtr] .3:MOV ECX,[ESI+SSS.SymPtr] MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],ECX ORD [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],dictAttrSEGMENT<<16 ; >> Postpone attribute evaluation to RelocResolve. XOR EAX,EAX XOR EDX,EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute: ENDP ExpEval.Segment: ExpEval.Group:: PROC ; Handler of attribute GROUP#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND AL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] Dispatch AL,'A','S','M' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: ; Other expression types return segment# scalar zero. .A: .M: .S: TEST ESI JZ .0: JSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.0: JNSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssSection,.3: MOV ESI,[ESI+SSS.SegmPtr] .3:JNSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssSegment,.5: CMPD [ESI+SSS.GroupPtr],0 JZ .5: MOV ESI,[ESI+SSS.GroupPtr] .5:MOV ECX,[ESI+SSS.SymPtr] MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],ECX ORD [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],dictAttrGROUP<<16 ; >> Postpone attribute evaluation to RelocResolve. XOR EAX,EAX XOR EDX,EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute: ENDP ExpEval.Group:: ExpEval.Para:: PROC ; Handler of attribute PARA#. Similar to .Group:: but it sets expPara. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] AND AL,0x7F ; Remove EXP.Status bit 7 used as expVbit4 in vector-index expressions. MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Seg] Dispatch AL,'A','S','M','F' .0:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute0: ; Other expression types return para# scalar zero. .A: .M: .S: TEST ESI JZ .0: JSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssStructure,.0: JNSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssSection,.3: MOV ESI,[ESI+SSS.SegmPtr] .3:JNSt [ESI+SSS.Status],sssSegment,.5: CMPD [ESI+SSS.GroupPtr],0 JZ .5: MOV ESI,[ESI+SSS.GroupPtr] .5:MOV ECX,[ESI+SSS.SymPtr] MOV [%RightOperand+EXP.Sym],ECX .F:ORD [%RightOperand+EXP.Status],dictAttrPARA<<16+expPara ; >> Postpone attribute evaluation to RelocResolve. XOR EAX,EAX XOR EDX,EDX JMP ExpEval.DoneAttribute: ENDP ExpEval.Para:: ExpEval.FileSize:: PROC ; Handler of attribute FILESIZE#. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] Dispatch AL,'G' .Abort:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeScalar0: ; Other types of expression than filename string return 0. .G: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] ; ESI,ECX is quoted filename, not zero terminated. LODSB CMP AL,'"' JNE .Abort: CMP [ESI+ECX-2],AL JNE .Abort: SUB EAX,EAX MOV [ESI+ECX-2],AL ; Temporarily make the filename zero-terminated. SysGetFileSize ESI MOVB [ESI+ECX-2],'"' JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN64: ; Return 64bit filesize. ENDP ExpEval.FileSize:: ExpEval.FileTime:: PROC ; Handler of attribute FILETIME. MOV EAX,[%RightOperand+EXP.Status] Dispatch AL,'G' .Abort:JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeScalar0: ; Other types of expression than filename string return 0. .G: MOV ESI,[%RightOperand+EXP.Low] MOV ECX,[%RightOperand+EXP.High] ; ESI,ECX is quoted filename, not zero terminated. LODSB CMP AL,'"' JNE .Abort: CMP [ESI+ECX-2],AL JNE .Abort: SUB EAX,EAX MOV [ESI+ECX-2],AL ; Temporarily make the filename zero-terminated. SysGetFileTime ESI MOVB [ESI+ECX-2],'"' JMP ExpEval.DoneAttributeN: ; Return 32bit timestamp of the file. ENDP ExpEval.FileTime::