"Latin Small Letter u with diaeresis" alias umlauted ü is encodable as Unicode 0x00FC, which is in UTF-8 encoded as two bytes 0xC3,0xBC treated by €ASM as two letters.
Source text of the test is in UTF-8 encoding.
|[BIN] |[BIN]
| | EUROASM CODEPAGE=UTF-8 ; Treat umlauted ü as one character encoded in UTF-8 as two bytes.
|0000:4DC3BC6C6C6572 | DB "Müller" ; 7 bytes of UTF-8 text were emitted to data segment.
|0007:90 ....AutoAlignment stuff.
|0008:4D00FC006C006C0065007200 | DU "Müller" ; 6 wide (16bit) characters were emitted to data segment.
| |;;
| | EUROASM CODEPAGE=Windows-1252 ; Incorrectly declare that the source is written in Western European code page.
|0014: | ; Umlauted ü (0xC3BC in UTF-8) will be treated in Windows-1252 as two characters:
|0014: | ; 0xC3 as "Latin Capital letter A with tilde" Ã (Unicode 0x00C3), and
|0014: | ; 0xBC as "Vulgar fraction one quarter" ¼ /Unicode 0x00BC).
|0014: | ; So the string would be displayed in Windows as Müller, if used as output text.
|0014:4DC3BC6C6C6572 | DB "Müller" ; 7 bytes of Windows-1252 text were emitted to data segment.
|001B:90 ....AutoAlignment stuff.
|001C:4D00C300BC006C006C0065007200 | DU "Müller" ; 7 wide (16bit) characters were emitted to data segment.
| |;;
| | EUROASM CODEPAGE=Windows-1253 ; Incorrectly declare that the source is written in Greek code page.
|002A: | ; Umlauted ü (0xC3BC in UTF-8) will be treated in Windows-1253 as two characters:
|002A: | ; 0xC3 as "Greek Capital Letter Gamma" Γ (Unicode 0x0393), and
|002A: | ; 0xBC as "Greek Capital Letter Omicron with acute accent" Ό /Unicode 0x038C).
|002A: | ; So the string would be displayed in Windows as MΓΌller, if used as output text.
|002A:4DC3BC6C6C6572 | DB "Müller" ; 7 bytes of UTF-8 text were emitted to data segment.
|0031:90 ....AutoAlignment stuff.
|0032:4D0093038C036C006C0065007200 | DU "Müller" ; 7 wide (16bit) characters were emitted to data segment.
Expected messages t1360.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t1360.htm".
I0270 Assembling source "t1360".
I0310 Assembling source pass 1.
I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final.
I0470 Assembling program "t1360". "t1360.htm"{56}
I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t1360.htm"{56}
I0530 Assembling program pass 2 - final. "t1360.htm"{56}
I0660 16bit TINY BIN file "t1360.bin" created, size=64. "t1360.htm"{80}
I0650 Program "t1360" assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. "t1360.htm"{80}
I0750 Source "t1360" (98 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0.
I0860 Listing file "t1360.htm.lst" created, size=2767.
I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.