|0000:010080FF | DD -#SNAN
|0004:0000C0FF | DD -#QNAN
|0008:000080FF | DD -#INF
|000C:FFFF7FFF | DD -3.402_823_56_E+38 ; Maximum negative value.
|## W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD.
|0010:00008080 | DD -1.175_494_40_E-38 ; Minimum negative normal value.
|0014:00000080 | DD -#ZERO
|0018:00000000 | DD 0.0
|001C:00000000 | DD +#ZERO
|0020:00000000 | DD +1E-49 ; Underflowed positive value.
|## W2216 Underflow in conversion to float type DD.
|0024:00008000 | DD +1.175_494_40_E-38 ; Minimum positive normal value.
|0028:FFFF7F7F | DD +3.402_823_56_E+38 ; Maximum positive value.
|## W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD.
|002C:0000807F | DD +7E+38 ; Overflowed positive value.
|## W2215 Overflow in conversion to float type DD.
|0030:0000807F | DD +#INF
|0034:0100807F | DD +#SNAN
|0038:0000C07F | DD +#QNAN
Expected messages t1451.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t1451.htm".
I0270 Assembling source "t1451".
I0310 Assembling source pass 1.
I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final.
I0470 Assembling program "t1451". "t1451.htm"{49}
I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t1451.htm"{49}
W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{54}
W2216 Underflow in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{60}
W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{63}
W2215 Overflow in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{65}
I0530 Assembling program pass 2 - final. "t1451.htm"{49}
W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{54}
W2216 Underflow in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{60}
W2211 Precision lost in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{63}
W2215 Overflow in conversion to float type DD. "t1451.htm"{65}
I0660 16bit TINY BIN file "t1451.bin" created, size=60. "t1451.htm"{70}
I0650 Program "t1451" assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 2. "t1451.htm"{70}
I0750 Source "t1451" (96 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 2.
I0860 Listing file "t1451.htm.lst" created, size=1087.
I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 2.