Listing is a plain text file with two columns where EuroAssembler logs its activity. See also manual.
This module yields only auxilliary methods ad formating the listing line. Most of work is done by StmListing.
EUROASM NOWARN=2101 lst PROGRAM FORMAT=COFF,MODEL=FLAT,WIDTH=32 INCLUDEHEAD "euroasm.htm" ; Interface (structures, symbols and macros) of other modules. INCLUDEHEAD \ ; Include headers of another modules used in this module. ea.htm, \ eaopt.htm, \ exp.htm, \ msg.htm, \ pgm.htm, \ pgmopt.htm, \ syswin.htm, \ ;;
lst HEAD ; Start of module interface.
Dump lines may be accompanied with expanded lines, diagnostic and error messages.
The object Lst is allocated statically as a part of object
The listing line is compiled by procedure StmListing.
LST STRUC .Stream D D ; ^STREAM of the listing file contents. .SetBuffer D D ; ^BUFFER for %variable contents presented in dump column. .Section D D ; ^SSS with current section used in listing. .Status D D ; Flags in LstEncoding which control the listing. LSB contains character used as separator. ENDSTRUC LST
lstSeparator EQU 0x000000FF ; Mask of separating character in end-dump column: | ! + - *
lstNoList EQU 0x00010000 ; Do not list current statement.
lstNoData EQU 0x00020000 ; Dump column contains no data.
lstTRUE EQU 0x00040000 ; Dump the token TRUE to listing Data column instead of emitted data.
lstFALSE EQU 0x00080000 ; Dump the token FALSE to listing Data column instead of emitted data.
lstNothingExp EQU 0x00100000 ; Nothing to expand, Stm.ExpBuffer doesn't differ from Stm.SrcBuffer, or LISTVAR=OFF.
lstSet EQU 0x00200000 ; Dump .SetBuffer as hexa instead of emitted data. Set by LstSet.
lstAsRepeated EQU 0x00400000 ; Use '+' as lstSeparator for this statement.
lstExpSrc EQU 0x00800000 ; Expanded source is listed. Supress offset if no more dump bytes.
lstSectInline EQU 0x01000000 ; [sect] in dump column is on the same line as SEGMENT,STRUC,[Sect] statement.
lstSectKeep EQU 0x02000000 ; Do not display [sect] change in dump column.
lstLiteral EQU 0x04000000 ; Dump as literal, use '=' as lstSeparator.
lstEQU EQU 0x08000000 ; Dump Stm.Offset as numeric symbol value instead of address.
lstEnvelope EQU 0x10000000 ; Use space as lstSeparator for this statement, which is envelope PROGRAM/ENDPROGRAM.
lstListOn EQU 0x20000000 ; List this statement even when EUROASM LIST=OFF
lstTilde EQU 0x80000000 ; ~ as the last char in dump column indicates that not all dump bytes were listed.
lstVolMask EQU 0xFFFF0000 ; Volatile flags. Set in PseudoHandlers, reset in StmListing.
ENDHEAD lst ; End of module interface.
object and create its buffers.
LstCreate Procedure LEA EBX,[Src.Lst::] MOV EDX,[Src.Pool::] StreamCreate EDX,BufSize=32K MOV [EBX+LST.Stream],EAX BufferCreate EDX,Size=2K MOV [EBX+LST.SetBuffer],EAX SUB EAX,EAX MOV [EBX+LST.Status],EAX MOV [EBX+LST.Section],EAX EndProcedure LstCreate
and flags lstSet. This indicates that
Data should be presented as hexa in dump column during StmListing.
. Flag Src.Lst.Status:lstSet
will be set.LstSet Procedure DataPtr, DataSize MOV EDI,Src.Lst:: MOV EBX,[EDI+LST.SetBuffer] BufferClear EBX BufferStore EBX,[%DataPtr],[%DataSize] SetSt [EDI+LST.Status],lstSet EndProcedure LstSet
Listing of this statement will display boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) in the dump column.LstBoolean Procedure PUSHFD JC .90: MOV EAX,lstFALSE JZ .50: MOV EAX,lstTRUE .50: SetSt [Src.Lst.Status::],EAX .90:POPFD EndProcedure LstBoolean
or it is constructed from source file name appended with extension .lst.
LstGetFileName Procedure MOV ECX,[Ea.Eaopt.ListFileSize::] MOV ESI,[Ea.Eaopt.ListFilePtr::] TEST ECX JNZ .80: ; If explicitly specified with LISTFILE= option. ; Otherwise use the default "%^SourceName%^SourceExt.lst". LEA EBX,[Ea.SrcFile.Name::] ; Pointer to the zero-terminated filename. GetLength$ EBX ; EBX,ECX now specifies source file name. Invoke EaBufferReserve::,LstGetFileName BufferStore EAX,EBX,ECX BufferStore EAX,=B".lst",5 BufferRetrieve EAX Invoke EaBufferRelease::,EAX DEC ECX CMP ECX,MAX_PATH_SIZE JNA .80: Msg '8020',ESI ; Filename "!1$" is too long. MOV ECX,MAX_PATH_SIZE .80:MOV [%ReturnESI],ESI MOV [%ReturnECX],ECX EndProcedure LstGetFileName