This file can be included to program for Windows written in EuroAssembler.
It declares the most often used constant symbols and structures used for
networking and communication
functions of MS Windows Application Programming Interface (WinAPI),
as they were derived from header files in
winsnet HEAD
COMMPROP STRUC .wPacketLength D WORD ; Packet size, in bytes. .wPacketVersion D WORD ; Packet version. .dwServiceMask D DWORD ; Services implemented. .dwReserved1 D DWORD ; Reserved. .dwMaxTxQueue D DWORD ; Max Tx bufsize, in bytes. .dwMaxRxQueue D DWORD ; Max Rx bufsize, in bytes. .dwMaxBaud D DWORD ; Max baud rate, in bps. .dwProvSubType D DWORD ; Specific provider type. .dwProvCapabilities D DWORD ; Capabilities supported. .dwSettableParams D DWORD ; Changable parameters. .dwSettableBaud D DWORD ; Allowable baud rates. .wSettableData D WORD ; Allowable byte sizes. .wSettableStopParity D WORD ; Stop bits/parity allowed. .dwCurrentTxQueue D DWORD ; Tx buffer size, in bytes. .dwCurrentRxQueue D DWORD ; Rx buffer size, in bytes. .dwProvSpec1 D DWORD ; Provider-specific data. .dwProvSpec2 D DWORD ; Provider-specific data. .wcProvChar D UNICHAR ; Provider-specific data. ENDTRUC COMMPROP
DCB STRUC .DCBlength DWORD SIZE#DCB .BaudRate DWORD BAUD_38400 .fBinary DWORD 1 ; Binary mode, no EOF check. .fParity DWORD 0 ; Enable parity checking. .fOutxCtsFlow DWORD 0 ; CTS output flow control. .fOutxDsrFlow DWORD 0 ; DSR output flow control. .fDtrControl DWORD 0 ; DTR flow control type. .fDsrSensitivity DWORD 0 ; DSR sensitivity. .fTXContinueOnXoff DWORD 1 ; XOFF continues Tx. .fOutX DWORD 1 ; XON/XOFF out flow control. .fInX DWORD 1 ; XON/XOFF in flow control. .fErrorChar DWORD 0 ; Enable error replacement. .fNull DWORD 0 ; Enable null stripping. .fRtsControl DWORD 0 ; RTS flow control. .fAbortOnError DWORD 0 ; Abort reads/writes on error. .fDummy2 DWORD 0 ; Reserved. .wReserved WORD 0 ; Not currently used. .XonLim WORD 4 ; Transmit XON threshold. .XoffLim WORD 16 ; Transmit XOFF threshold. .ByteSize BYTE 8 ; Number of bits/byte, 4..8. .Parity BYTE 0 ; 0,1,2,3,4 = none,odd,even,mark,space. .StopBits BYTE 0 ; 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2. .XonChar BYTE 0x11 ; Tx and Rx XON character. .XoffChar BYTE 0x13 ; Tx and Rx XOFF character. .ErrorChar BYTE 0x7F ; Error replacement character. .EofChar BYTE 0x17 ; End of input character. .EvtChar BYTE 0x05 ; Received event character. .wReserved1 WORD 0 ; Reserved, do not use. ENDSTRUC DCB
; Settable baud rates in the provider. BAUD_075 = 0x00000001 BAUD_110 = 0x00000002 BAUD_134_5 = 0x00000004 BAUD_150 = 0x00000008 BAUD_300 = 0x00000010 BAUD_600 = 0x00000020 BAUD_1200 = 0x00000040 BAUD_1800 = 0x00000080 BAUD_2400 = 0x00000100 BAUD_4800 = 0x00000200 BAUD_7200 = 0x00000400 BAUD_9600 = 0x00000800 BAUD_14400 = 0x00001000 BAUD_19200 = 0x00002000 BAUD_38400 = 0x00004000 BAUD_56K = 0x00008000 BAUD_128K = 0x00010000 BAUD_115200 = 0x00020000 BAUD_57600 = 0x00040000 BAUD_USER = 0x10000000 ; Settable Data Bits DATABITS_5 = 0x0001 DATABITS_6 = 0x0002 DATABITS_7 = 0x0004 DATABITS_8 = 0x0008 DATABITS_16 = 0x0010 DATABITS_16X = 0x0020 ; Settable Stop and Parity bits. STOPBITS_10 = 0x0001 STOPBITS_15 = 0x0002 STOPBITS_20 = 0x0004 PARITY_NONE = 0x0100 PARITY_ODD = 0x0200 PARITY_EVEN = 0x0400 PARITY_MARK = 0x0800 PARITY_SPACE = 0x1000
ENDHEAD winsnet