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Test t3315: Machine instructions CMOVcc

Conditional MOV
Tested procedures
Source & expected listing t3315.htm.lst
| | EUROASM LIST=ON, DUMP=ON, DUMPWIDTH=24, CPU=X64 | |t3315 PROGRAM FORMAT=BIN,SECTIONALIGN=0,LISTMAP=OFF,LISTGLOBALS=OFF |[Mode16] |[Mode16] SEGMENT WIDTH=16,PURPOSE=CODE |0000:0F40CA | CMOVO CX,DX |0003:660F40CA | CMOVO ECX,EDX |0007:0F400C | CMOVO CX,[SI] |000A:660F400C | CMOVO ECX,[SI] |000E:0F40C3 | CMOVO AX,BX |0011:0F41C3 | CMOVNO AX,BX |0014:0F42C3 | CMOVB AX,BX |0017:0F42C3 | CMOVC AX,BX |001A:0F42C3 | CMOVNAE AX,BX |001D:0F43C3 | CMOVAE AX,BX |0020:0F43C3 | CMOVNB AX,BX |0023:0F43C3 | CMOVNC AX,BX |0026:0F44C3 | CMOVE AX,BX |0029:0F44C3 | CMOVZ AX,BX |002C:0F45C3 | CMOVNE AX,BX |002F:0F45C3 | CMOVNZ AX,BX |0032:0F46C3 | CMOVBE AX,BX |0035:0F46C3 | CMOVNA AX,BX |0038:0F47C3 | CMOVA AX,BX |003B:0F47C3 | CMOVNBE AX,BX |003E:0F48C3 | CMOVS AX,BX |0041:0F49C3 | CMOVNS AX,BX |0044:0F4AC3 | CMOVP AX,BX |0047:0F4AC3 | CMOVPE AX,BX |004A:0F4BC3 | CMOVNP AX,BX |004D:0F4BC3 | CMOVPO AX,BX |0050:0F4CC3 | CMOVL AX,BX |0053:0F4CC3 | CMOVNGE AX,BX |0056:0F4DC3 | CMOVGE AX,BX |0059:0F4DC3 | CMOVNL AX,BX |005C:0F4EC3 | CMOVLE AX,BX |005F:0F4EC3 | CMOVNG AX,BX |0062:0F4FC3 | CMOVG AX,BX |0065:0F4FC3 | CMOVNLE AX,BX |[Mode32] |[Mode32] SEGMENT WIDTH=32,PURPOSE=CODE |00000000:660F40CA | CMOVO CX,DX |00000004:0F40CA | CMOVO ECX,EDX |00000007:660F400E | CMOVO CX,[ESI] |0000000B:0F400E | CMOVO ECX,[ESI] |[Mode64] |[Mode64] SEGMENT WIDTH=64,PURPOSE=CODE |00000000:660F40CA | CMOVO CX,DX |00000004:0F40CA | CMOVO ECX,EDX |00000007:480F40CA | CMOVO RCX,RDX |0000000B:66450F40CA | CMOVO R9W,R10W |00000010:450F40CA | CMOVO R9D,R10D |00000014:4D0F40CA | CMOVO R9,R10 |00000018:660F400E | CMOVO CX,[RSI] |0000001C:0F400E | CMOVO ECX,[RSI] |0000001F:480F400E | CMOVO RCX,[RSI] |00000023:4C0F400E | CMOVO R9,[RSI] | | ENDPROGRAM t3315
Expected messages t3315.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t3315.htm". I0270 Assembling source "t3315". I0310 Assembling source pass 1. I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final. I0470 Assembling program "t3315". "t3315.htm"{52} I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t3315.htm"{52} I0530 Assembling program pass 2 - final. "t3315.htm"{52} I0660 16bit TINY BIN file "t3315.bin" created, size=167. "t3315.htm"{104} I0650 Program "t3315" assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. "t3315.htm"{104} I0750 Source "t3315" (122 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. I0860 Listing file "t3315.htm.lst" created, size=2363. I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.

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