|0000: |; Direct call to immediate address:
|0000:E80E00 | CALL $+0x11
|0003:E8(1100) | CALL 0x11
|0006:E8(2211) | CALL 0x1122
|0009:66E8(33221100) | CALL 0x112233
|000F:66E8(22110000) | CALL 0x1122,DATA=DWORD
|0015:66E8(22110000) | CALL 0x1122,IMM=DWORD
|001B:E8(0000) | CALL ExternProc
|001E:E8(0000) | CALLN ExternProc
|0021:66E8(00000000) | CALL ExternProc,DATA=DWORD
|0027:9A[0000]{0000} | CALLF ExternProc
|002C:669A[00000000]{0000} | CALLF ExternProc,DATA=DWORD
|0034:E88900 | CALL NearProc
|0037:E88600 | CALLN NearProc
|003A:66E880000000 | CALL NearProc,DATA=DWORD
|0040:66E87A000000 | CALL NearProc,IMM=DWORD
|0046:9A[1500]{0000} | CALL FarProc
|004B:9A[1500]{0000} | CALLF FarProc
|0050:669A[15000000]{0000} | CALL FarProc,DATA=DWORD
|0058: |; Indirect near call:
|0058:FFD2 | CALL DX
|005A:66FFD2 | CALL EDX
|005D:FF16[BA00] | CALL [MemWordNear]
|0061:66FF16[B000] | CALL [MemDwordNear]
|0066:66FF16[B000] | CALLN [MemDwordNear]
|006B:FF16[B000] | CALL [MemDwordNear],DATA=WORD
|006F:FF14 | CALL [SI]
|0071:FF14 | CALL [SI],DATA=WORD
|0073:66FF14 | CALL [SI],DATA=DWORD
|0076: |; Direct far call:
|0076:9A[1500]{0000} | CALL FarProc
|007B:669A[15000000]{0000} | CALL FarProc,DATA=DWORD
|0083:9A[1500]{0000} | CALLF FarProc
|0088:9A44332211 | CALL 0x1122:0x3344
|008D:669A443300002211 | CALL 0x1122:0x3344,DATA=DWORD
|0095: |; Indirect far call:
|0095:FF1C | CALLF [SI]
|009E:FF1E[BC00] | CALLF [MemWordFar]
|00A2:66FF1E[B400] | CALLF [MemDwordFar]
|00A7:66FF1E[B400] | CALL [MemDwordFar],DIST=FAR
|00AC:FF1E[B400] | CALLF [MemDwordFar],DATA=WORD
|00B0:00000000 |MemDwordNear DD D
|00B4:000000000000 |MemDwordFar DD D,W
|00BA:0000 |MemWordNear DW W
|00BC:00000000 |MemWordFar DW W,W
|00C0: |NearProc PROC
|00C0:C3 | RETN
|00C1: | ENDP NearProc
|0000: |; Direct far call from the same segment:
|0000:9A[1500]{0000} | CALL FarProc
|0005:9A[1500]{0000} | CALLF FarProc
|000A:669A[15000000]{0000} | CALLF FarProc,DATA=DWORD
|0012:E80000 | CALLN FarProc
|0015: |FarProc PROC DIST=FAR
|0015:CB | RETF
|0016: | ENDP FarProc
| |ExternProc EXTERN
|## W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000004h is not linkable.
|## W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000007h is not linkable.
|## W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:0000000Bh is not linkable.
|## W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000011h is not linkable.
|## W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000017h is not linkable.
Expected messages t3161.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t3161.htm".
I0270 Assembling source "t3161".
I0310 Assembling source pass 1.
I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final.
I0470 Assembling program "t3161". "t3161.htm"{55}
I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t3161.htm"{55}
I0510 Assembling program pass 2. "t3161.htm"{55}
I0510 Assembling program pass 3. "t3161.htm"{55}
I0530 Assembling program pass 4 - final. "t3161.htm"{55}
W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000004h is not linkable. "t3161.htm"{119}
W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000007h is not linkable. "t3161.htm"{119}
W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:0000000Bh is not linkable. "t3161.htm"{119}
W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000011h is not linkable. "t3161.htm"{119}
W3831 Self-relative relocation to an absolute VA at [Mode16]:00000017h is not linkable. "t3161.htm"{119}
I0660 16bit SMALL OMF file "t3161.obj" created, size=484. "t3161.htm"{119}
I0650 Program "t3161" assembled in 4 passes with errorlevel 3. "t3161.htm"{119}
I0750 Source "t3161" (149 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 3.
I0860 Listing file "t3161.htm.lst" created, size=3851.
I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 3.