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Test t3105: Machine instructions SUB SUBB SUBW SUBD SUBQ in 16bit mode

Tested procedures
IigSUB   IigSUBB   IigSUBW   IigSUBD   IigSUBQ  
Source & expected listing t3105.htm.lst
| | EUROASM LIST=ON,DUMP=ON,DUMPWIDTH=36,CPU=386 | |t3105 PROGRAM FORMAT=BIN,IMAGEBASE=0,LISTMAP=OFF,LISTGLOBALS=OFF |[Mode16] |[Mode16] SEGMENT WIDTH=16,PURPOSE=CODE |0000:2C02 | SUB AL,2 |0002:80E802 | SUB AL,2,CODE=LONG |0005:2D0200 | SUB AX,2 |0008:83E802 | SUB AX,2,CODE=LONG |000B:6683E802 | SUB EAX,2 |000F:662D02000000 | SUB EAX,2,CODE=SHORT |0015:80E902 | SUB CL,2 |0018:802E[8600]02 | SUB [MemByte],2 |001D:83E902 | SUB CX,2 |0020:81E90200 | SUB CX,2,IMM=WORD |0024:832E[8400]02 | SUB [MemWord],2 |0029:812E[8400]0200 | SUB [MemWord],2,IMM=WORD |002F:6683E902 | SUB ECX,2 |0033:6681E902000000 | SUB ECX,2,IMM=DWORD |003A:66832E[8000]02 | SUB [MemDword],2 |0040:66812E[8000]02000000 | SUB [MemDword],2,IMM=DWORD |0049:802D02 | SUBB [DI],2 |004C:832D02 | SUBW [DI],2 |004F:66832D02 | SUBD [DI],2 |0053:28D1 | SUB CL,DL |0055:2ACA | SUB CL,DL,CODE=LONG |0057:28F5 | SUB CH,DH |0059:2AEE | SUB CH,DH,CODE=LONG |005B:29D1 | SUB CX,DX |005D:2BCA | SUB CX,DX,CODE=LONG |005F:6629D1 | SUB ECX,EDX |0062:662BCA | SUB ECX,EDX,CODE=LONG |0065:2A0E[8600] | SUB CL,[MemByte] |0069:2B0E[8400] | SUB CX,[MemWord] |006D:662B0E[8000] | SUB ECX,[MemDword] |0072:2816[8600] | SUB [MemByte],DL |0076:2916[8400] | SUB [MemWord],DX |007A:662916[8000] | SUB [MemDword],EDX |007F:90 | ALIGN QWORD |0080:00000000 |MemDword D D |0084:0000 |MemWord D W |0086:00 |MemByte D B | |ENDPROGRAM t3105
Expected messages t3105.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t3105.htm". I0270 Assembling source "t3105". I0310 Assembling source pass 1. I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final. I0470 Assembling program "t3105". "t3105.htm"{61} I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t3105.htm"{61} I0510 Assembling program pass 2. "t3105.htm"{61} I0510 Assembling program pass 3. "t3105.htm"{61} I0530 Assembling program pass 4 - final. "t3105.htm"{61} I0660 16bit TINY BIN file "t3105.bin" created, size=135. "t3105.htm"{100} I0650 Program "t3105" assembled in 4 passes with errorlevel 0. "t3105.htm"{100} I0750 Source "t3105" (120 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. I0860 Listing file "t3105.htm.lst" created, size=2289. I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.

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