|[.data] |[.data]
|00000000:0500000005000000 | DZ 16 * D 5 ; Vector of sixteen 32bit integers with values 5.
|00000008:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000010:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000018:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000020:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000028:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000030:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000038:0500000005000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000040:FBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | DY 4 * Q -5 ; Vector of four 64bit integers with value -5.
|00000048:FBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ----Dumping all.
|00000050:FBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ----Dumping all.
|00000058:FBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ----Dumping all.
|00000060:0100000002000000 | DO D(1),D(2),D(3),D(4) ; Vector of four 32bit integers with values 1,2,3,4.
|00000068:0300000004000000 ----Dumping all.
|00000070:FCFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | DQ -4 ; 64bit integer with value -4.
|00000078:FDFFFFFF | DD -3 ; 32bit integer with value -3.
|0000007C:FEFF | DW -2 ; 16bit integer with value -2.
|0000007E:FF | DB -1 ; 8bit integer with value -1.
|0000007F:61 | DB 'a'; BYTE character.
|00000080:61626300 | DD 'abc';DWORD character constant.
|00000084:4142434445464748 | DQ 'ABCDEFGH' ; QWORD character constant.
|0000008C:412076657279206C | DB 'A very long string of bytes.'
|00000094:6F6E672073747269 ----Dumping all.
|0000009C:6E67206F66206279 ----Dumping all.
|000000A4:7465732E ----Dumping all.
|000000A8:6100 | DU 'a' ; UNICHAR character.
|000000AA:4100200076006500 | DU 'A very long string of unichars.'
|000000B2:7200790020006C00 ----Dumping all.
|000000BA:6F006E0067002000 ----Dumping all.
|000000C2:7300740072006900 ----Dumping all.
|000000CA:6E00670020006F00 ----Dumping all.
|000000D2:6600200075006E00 ----Dumping all.
|000000DA:6900630068006100 ----Dumping all.
|000000E2:720073002E00 ----Dumping all.
| | EUROASM UNICODE=OFF ; String autodetection:
|000000E8:627974657300 | D 'bytes',0 ; ANSI characters.
|000000EE:75006E0069006300 | D 'unichars',0 ; WIDE characters.
|000000F6:6800610072007300 ----Dumping all.
|000000FE:0000 ----Dumping all.
Expected messages t2482.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t2482.htm".
I0270 Assembling source "t2482".
I0310 Assembling source pass 1.
I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final.
I0470 Assembling program "t2482". "t2482.htm"{49}
I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t2482.htm"{49}
I0530 Assembling program pass 2 - final. "t2482.htm"{49}
I0660 32bit TINY BIN file "t2482.bin" created, size=256. "t2482.htm"{91}
I0650 Program "t2482" assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. "t2482.htm"{91}
I0750 Source "t2482" (109 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0.
I0860 Listing file "t2482.htm.lst" created, size=2501.
I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.