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Test t2481: Pseudoinstruction D, initialized and uninitialized data, AutoSegment

Tested procedures
Source & expected listing t2481.htm.lst
| | EUROASM LIST=ON,DUMP=ON,DUMPWIDTH=16 | |t2481 PROGRAM FORMAT=BIN,MODEL=SMALL,WIDTH=16,LISTMAP=ON,LISTGLOBALS=OFF |[DATA] |[DATA] SEGMENT PURPOSE=DATA,ALIGN=OWORD |[BSS] |[BSS] SEGMENT PURPOSE=BSS,ALIGN=OWORD | | EUROASM AUTOSEGMENT=OFF |[DATA] |[DATA] |0000:1111 | DW W 0x1111 ; Initialized WORD data. |0002:2222 | D W 0x2222 ; Initialized WORD data. |0004: | ; Reservation in DATA segment will emit zeroes. |0004:0000 | DW W ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |0006:0000 | D W ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |0008: | DW ; No data defined/reserved if no operand is used. |0008:0000 | D WORD ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |000A:3333 | DW WORD 0x3333 ; Initialized WORD data. | | EUROASM AUTOSEGMENT=ON |000C:4444 | DW W 0x4444 ; Initialized WORD data. |000E:5555 | D W 0x5555 ; Initialized WORD data. |0010: | ; Reservation in DATA segment will switch to BSS segment when AUTOSEGMENT=ON. |[BSS] ::::Section changed. |0000:.... | DW W ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |0002:.... | D W ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |0004: | DW ; No data defined/reserved if no operand is used. |0004:.... | D WORD ; Reserved uninitialized WORD. |[DATA] ::::Section changed. |0010:6666 | DW WORD 0x6666 ; Initialized data will switch to DATA segment. | |ENDPROGRAM t2481 | **** ListMap "t2481.bin",groups=1,segments=2,entry=,stack= | [DATA],VA=00000000h,size=00000026h=38,group [DATA] [BSS] | [DATA],VA=00000000h,size=00000012h=18,width=16,align=0010h,purpose=DATA | [BSS],VA=00000020h,size=00000006h=6,width=16,align=0010h,purpose=BSS
Expected messages t2481.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t2481.htm". I0270 Assembling source "t2481". I0310 Assembling source pass 1. I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final. I0470 Assembling program "t2481". "t2481.htm"{49} I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t2481.htm"{49} I0530 Assembling program pass 2 - final. "t2481.htm"{49} I0660 16bit SMALL BIN file "t2481.bin" created, size=18. "t2481.htm"{73} I0650 Program "t2481" assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. "t2481.htm"{73} I0750 Source "t2481" (101 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. I0860 Listing file "t2481.htm.lst" created, size=1962. I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.
Expected output file t2481. bin
0000: 11 11 22 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 44 44 55 55  ··""°°°°°°33DDUU
0010: 66 66                                            ff

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