Version 20190319

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Version 20190319

Unread postby vitsoft » 19 Mar 2019 22:11

Release date: 2019 Mar 19
TimeStamp: 1552953600
File size: 4282019
File hash MD5: 9DFFFCD7783F522B484F2882839B00D9
What's new:
  • Pseudoinstruction %SETB with no operand is now evaluated as 0 (false).
  • €ASM no longer creates record in COFF symbol table for pseudosegment [.scalars]. COFF based files are now 18 bytes shorter.
  • Member Machine in COFF file header is hardwired to 0x8664 in 64bit programs, and to 0x014C in 16/32bit programs. It's no longer necessary to explicitly specify EUROASM AMD=Enabled when COFF-based files for 64bit Windows are created.
  • Linker's ListMap now displays 64bit VA when ImageBase is above 4 GB. Section alignment is now displayed in hexa.
  • When a standalone COFF or OMF object file is linked, it doesn't need to have any of its symbols referenced in order to be selected for linking.
  • Listing of macro-expanded lines (dump separator +) didn't replace pipe character | with exclamation ! in line comments. Fixed.
  • Addressing frame in 64bit mode sometimes preferred ADDR=ABS. Fixed.
  • Fixed some bugs in RIP-relative relocations in 64bit mode.
  • Names of some codepage encodings were put in line with names used by EuroConvertor.
  • Macros DecodeUTF8 in libraries stringXX.htm were enhanced by detection of the last incomplete UTF-8 character.
  • Reorganization of macrolibraries. stdcall.htm was renamed to stdcal32.htm. New macrolibraries stdcal16.htm and stdcal64.htm for standard-calling convention.
  • New macrolibraries for interaction with OS and for calling conventions, enhanced with option Fastmode=.
  • Error in EuroConvertor 20190113 (exception when input UTF-8 was invalid) was fixed.
I apologize for inconvience if somebody included macrolibrary sort.htm, doscall.htm or stdcall.htm from previous release. They were replaced with their 16, 32 and 64bit variants.
I also added new macros and examples for 32bit and 64bit Linux. Nonetheless, EuroAssembler doesn't create format ELF yet, so the examples must be compiled to COFF and linked by Linux native linker ld.

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