Thank you. Already done. Now onto the next problem:
;===================================================================================== HEADER
Test PROGRAM Format=PE, Subsystem=GUI, WIDTH=64, Entry=START
INCLUDE winabi.htm, wins.htm, winsgui.htm, fastcall.htm, cpuext.htm, cpuext64.htm
Gives the following errors:
I0010 EuroAssembler version 20180804 started.
I0020 Current directory is "E:\Archives\0~~\Experimental".
I0070 Assembling global option file "E:\Archives\0~~l\euroasm.ini".
I0170 Assembling local option file "euroasm.ini".
I0180 Assembling source file "Test.asm".
I0270 Assembling source "Test".
I0310 Assembling source pass 1.
W3740 Unknown instruction modifier "Subsystem=". Ignored. "Test.asm"{3}
W3740 Unknown instruction modifier "WIDTH=". Ignored. "Test.asm"{3}
W3740 Unknown instruction modifier "Entry=". Ignored. "Test.asm"{3}
E6101 Expression "PROGRAM " is followed by unexpected character "F". "Test.asm"{3}
Also, skelet64.htm has two copies of INVOKE winsgui.htm in the header.