Version 20180804

Anouncement of new versions.
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Version 20180804

Unread postby vitsoft » 04 Aug 2018 20:38

EuroAssembler version 20180804 released today.
TimeStamp: 1533340800
File size: 3824335
File hash MD5: 11F8DE79D40A997E8131B2B64BB562A9
What's new:
Macrolibraries were restructured to smaller files. A few new tests and sample projects were added. Manual was completed with more examples.
Bugs fixed:
  • Factory-default configuration euroasm.ini was incorrectly included from \maclib\ instead of \objlib\ in ea.htm.
  • EaoptAssemble.TIMESTAMP incorrectly modified Ea.TimeStart.
  • Referring structured variable member didn't mark the structured variable itself as dirty, too. False W2101 was issued.
  • Addressing data from a different segment in 64bit mode incorrectly used RIP-relative addressing frame instead of relocatable offset.
  • Incorrect relocation of object linked from resource file.
  • Illegal chain of attribute operators is now detected and treated.
  • Message size overflowed when macro recursively expanded itself.
  • The expanded copy of statement containing %variables in listing had swapped LF+CR instead od CR+LF.

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