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Test t7472: Compile MZ 16bit Dos

Test creates executable 16bit MZ file t7472.exe.
See also
Tested procedures
Source & expected listing t7472.htm.lst
| | EUROASM DEBUG=OFF,PROFILE=OFF,AUTOSEGMENT=ON,LIST=ON, \ | | DUMP=ON,DUMPWIDTH=25,DUMPALL=OFF,CPU=086 | |;; | |t7472 PROGRAM FORMAT=MZ,MODEL=SMALL,WIDTH=16,ENTRY=Start:, \ | | LISTMAP=ON ,LISTGLOBALS=ON |[CODE] ::::Section changed. |0000: |Write.D16: PROC ; Write ASCIIZ string DS:SI in 16bit DOS. |0000:B402 | MOV AH,02h ; Dos function WRITE CHARACTER FROM DL TO STANDARD OUTPUT. |0002:8A14 |.1:MOV DL,[SI] ; Get one character. |0004:84D2 | TEST DL ; Test if it is the terminating zero. |0006:7405 | JZ .9: ; Go to the end if so. |0008:CD21 | INT 21h ; Call DOS service to write a character. |000A:46 | INC SI ; Let SI point to the next character. |000B:EBF5 | JMP .1: ; Repeat until DL=0. |000D:C3 |.9:RET |000E: | ENDPROC Write.D16: |000E: |Beep.D16: PROC ; Echo beep sound in 16bit DOS. |000E:B207 | MOV DL,7 ; BEL character, interpreted as beep sound. |0010:B402 | MOV AH,2 ; DOS function WRITE CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT. |0012:CD21 | INT 0x21 ; Call DOS service to send a BEL. |0014:C3 | RET ; Return to caller. |0015: | ENDPROC Beep.D16: |0015: |Exit.D16: PROC ; Terminate program in 16bit DOS. |0015:B8004C | MOV AX,4C00h ; DOS function TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE IN AL. |0018:CD21 | INT 21h ; Call DOS service to terminate the program. |001A: | ENDPROC Exit.D16: |001A:90 | NOP ; Unsignificant code marker. |001B: |Start: ; Entry point of the program. |001B:B8{0000} | MOV AX,PARA# Message: ; Paragraph address of segment [DATA]. |001E:8ED8 | MOV DS,AX ; Let DS address the segment [DATA]. |0020:BE[0000] | MOV SI,Message: ; Offset of the message. |0023:E8DAFF | CALL Write.D16: ; Write the ASCIIZ string DS:SI. |0026:E8E5FF | CALL Beep.D16: ; Play a beep sound. |0029:E8E9FF | CALL Exit.D16: ; Terminate the program with errorlevel 0. |[DATA] ::::Section changed. |0000:3136626974207072~~|Message: DB "16bit program MZ t7472.exe created by EuroAssembler.",13,10,0 | |ENDPROGRAM t7472 | **** ListMap "t7472.exe",groups=2,segments=3,entry=[CODE]:0000001Bh,stack=[STACK]:00001000h | [CODE],RVA=00000000h,size=0000002Ch=44,group [CODE] | [CODE],RVA=00000000h,size=0000002Ch=44,width=16,align=0010h,purpose=CODE | [DATA],RVA=00000030h,size=00000037h=55,group [DATA] | [DATA],RVA=00000030h,size=00000037h=55,width=16,align=0010h,purpose=DATA | [STACK],RVA=00000070h,size=00001000h=4096,width=16,align=0010h,purpose=STACK | **** ListGlobals "t7472.exe",Global=0,Public=1,Extern=0,eXport=0,Import=0 | Start,[CODE]:0000001Bh,RVA=0000001Bh,scope='P'
Expected messages t7472.out
I0180 Assembling source file "t7472.htm". I0270 Assembling source "t7472". I0310 Assembling source pass 1. I0330 Assembling source pass 2 - final. I0470 Assembling program "t7472". "t7472.htm"{59} I0510 Assembling program pass 1. "t7472.htm"{59} I0510 Assembling program pass 2. "t7472.htm"{59} I0530 Assembling program pass 3 - final. "t7472.htm"{59} I0660 16bit SMALL MZ file "t7472.exe" created, size=199. "t7472.htm"{92} I0650 Program "t7472" assembled in 3 passes with errorlevel 0. "t7472.htm"{92} I0750 Source "t7472" (136 lines) assembled in 2 passes with errorlevel 0. I0860 Listing file "t7472.htm.lst" created, size=3298. I0990 EuroAssembler terminated with errorlevel 0.
Expected output file t7472. exe
0000: 4D 5A C7 00 01 00 01 00 06 00 01 01 FF FF 07 00  MZ¤°·°·°·°··¤¤·°
0010: 00 10 E1 3A 1B 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  °·¤:·°°°@°°°°°°°
0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
0030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
0040: 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ·°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
0050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
0060: B4 02 8A 14 84 D2 74 05 CD 21 46 EB F5 C3 B2 07  ¤·¤·¤¤t·¤!F¤¤¤¤·
0070: B4 02 CD 21 C3 B8 00 4C CD 21 90 B8 03 00 8E D8  ¤·¤!¤¤°L¤!¤¤·°¤¤
0080: BE 00 00 E8 DA FF E8 E5 FF E8 E9 FF 00 00 00 00  ¤°°¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°°°°
0090: 31 36 62 69 74 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 20 4D 5A  16bit¯program¯MZ
00A0: 20 74 37 34 37 32 2E 65 78 65 20 63 72 65 61 74  ¯t7472.exe¯creat
00B0: 65 64 20 62 79 20 45 75 72 6F 41 73 73 65 6D 62  ed¯by¯EuroAssemb
00C0: 6C 65 72 2E 0D 0A 00                             ler.·¬°

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